The Wellsville Area Ministerial Association (WAMA) held their regular monthly breakfast meeting on Tuesday, April 12 at Tonda's Place. Rev. Jay Nightengale, President, presided.
Guess speaker was Mrs. Brenda Foor pictured here. Foor is the Coordinator of the new drug & alcohol coalition in Columbiana County called ADAPT (Alcohol Drug Abuse Prevention Team) Coalition. The Coalition is administered by the CC Family Recovery Center (FRC). Mrs. Foor said they have been around for about two years and are in their first year of grant funding. She has been with FRC for 14 years with 13 working with youth. Grants were awarded from three different sources, the Office of National Drug Control Policy, Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration and the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
ADAPT's goal is to create an environment that is healthy and free of harmful substance use and abuse. Their purpose is to motivate the community to promote and support healthy lifestyles for all residents and to eliminate underage use and harmful use of drugs and alcohol. In a recent survey conducted in the county 800 responses were received. From that survey it was deteremined that the number one abuse problem in Columbiana County is underage drinking of alcohol. They are working with all area churches, police departments, schools and other community organizations to build Coalition Teams. There are 11 school districts throughout the county. Wellsville and Southern Local's team has been combined to make one team. Adult advisers for that team are Marsha Eisenhart, Doris Buzzard and Kara Pierceson. There will be a free kick-off event held at the Dutch Village Inn in Columbiana on May 17. Anybody interested is invited to attend. Speakers will be South Range teacher Sam Landry and Karen Vadino who has over 25 years experience in preventing underage drinking. Reservations must be in by May 10 by calling 330-424-0531. Breakfast is on them.
For more information on ADAPT you can visit their web site at www.adaptcoalition.org or by contacting Mrs. Foor at the above phone number or by e-mail at bfoor@familyrecovery.org.
Plans were made for the May 5 National Day of Prayer. Once again it will be observed in Wellsville starting at noon at the Gazebo in the 4th Street Square. Wellsville High School's choral group Ebony & Ivory will provide musical selections. Plans were also made for the Baccalaureate Service to be held May 22 at 3 PM at the United Central Methodist Church.
Mt. Sinai FBH Church will be holding a revival May 11,12 & 13 at their church located at 1617 Main St. There will be a missionary mission sponsored by the Whipping Post Ministries going to Haiti that will include members from area churches and health care facilities. They are leaving April 30 and scheduled to return May 7. WAMA donated $200 for the mission trip.
Donations of $200 each will be made to the Tobin Center Chaplaincy Board, the Youth With A Purpose home and City Hospital's Tri-State Chaplaincy group. WAMA is also buying a half page ad in the WHS yearbook.
Next meeting is Tuesday, May 10 at 9 AM at Tonda's Place, 400 Main St.
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