Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Not Taking The Bait

Two of the angels of the Alley Cat Aid Brigade are shown here continuing the Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) program for feral cats in the village. The TNR program is a humane way to eventually gain control of the ever increasing cat population in the village.

Traps are baited and set out in areas known to be over populated with feral cats. Captured cats are then taken to a veterinarian, examined, neutered, given a rabies vaccination and released back where they were caught. Not being able to reproduce Mother Nature will eventually take over and the cat problem will dwindle. It's doubtful the feral cat presence will ever be completely eliminated but with this program their numbers will be greatly reduced. Though they are a nuisance even feral cats make for excellent rodent control.

Yesterday's attempt failed to get any candidates but the angels are not discouraged. You'll have that sometimes. They'll be back next week. You can visit their web site at http://www.alleycataidbrigade.com/ for more details.

Thanks ladies...

ole nib

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