Sunday, May 10, 2009

Fix-up/Clean-up On Broadway

Yesterday, Saturday, May 9, started the first project of this year's Fix-up/Clean-up Committee work for the season in Wellsville. The committee is under the leadership of former Mayor Nunzio Lombardozzi and consists of volunteers donating a few hours of time one Saturday a month for various cleaning and fixing projects around the village.

Yesterday's mission was the fountains on Broadway. They're trying to get the winter debris cleaned out in preparation to turn on the water. Last year all the fountains were fitted with recycling pumps and colored lights. The big fountain in the middle section has a leak that they're still trying to remedy but the other ones make Broadway Park quite attractive.

A big thanks goes out to ville resident Jan Wasko pictured above. She was a one woman committee yesterday. She's seen here between 7th & 8th Street mucking out the fountain. Don't give up Jan. Surely there will be more people show up for next month's project.

The committee meets the first Saturday of the month through September. It's all aimed to make this place we call home a little more attractive. The work is a burden of love for your town and is nothing that will cause extreme exhaustion.

Hope to see you at Village Hall around 10 A.M. June 6.

ole nib

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