Someone once said of me that all I have is a bunch of questions. That may be true. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. So here is another question.
In yesterday's Review in their Out & About feature there was a notice for the Wellsville Area Chamber of Commerce announcing they will be holding a Chinese Auction later in October to raise money for the upkeep and domain name for their web site. Not knowing they had a web site I checked it out. When you enter that they mentioned you come up with an advertising web page for Baker Rhea located in North Olmstead, Ohio. The logo above was copied from that page. Is Baker Rhea a member of the Wellsville C of C? If you enter dot net you get a search page.
Obviously the Chamber still doesn't have a web site, at least not with that name. Are they in the process of buying this? Why someone up near Cleveland would have a web site under our C of C name is beyond me unless they plan to make money selling it. I don't know how these things work. Maybe someone can explain it for me. In the meantime I will stick to Susie's
ole nib
You're right about that link. Wonder what's going on?
Why didn't they ask Susie Haugh to build their website? She would do a great job and since they are the chamber of commerce they should get a local person.
I absolutely agree. Susie would do an excellent job. Just look at her site. It is very professional and I think an asset to the ville. Personally I think the Chamber should buy advertising space on Only the powers that be at the Chamber can answer you question though.
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