Friday, April 30, 2010

Old Gray Mayors Practice Hard

With both mayors declaring it's just a good time for a good cause you could see in their eyes it is just a tad more. There's a traveling trophy to consider. But that's not quite the whole story. What keeps these guys awake at night thinking about tomorrow's big game is the bragging rights.

You betcha... The rivalry between the East Liverpool Potters and the Wellsville Bengals are in their DNA. It goes back years and years when they called the WHS Tigers the Bengals. It goes back to the days when their fathers were playing high school sports when Wellsville actually played the EL Potters. It goes back in history before these guys were even thought of. When these guys were kids some of them can remember their dads talking about the Turkey Bowls in football or the basketball games won or lost over the years. Instead of visions of sugar plums dancing through their head they dreamt of being the old man's hero beating the Potters when they grew up.

Tonight they practiced and there was good natured joshing all around. Just watch tomorrow night, watch the eyes and you can see that dream is still alive. Doesn't matter what side you're rooting for. It'll be on both sides but win or lose you got to hand it to them all. Whether you're a die hard Tiger or Potter fan you got to give them a hand for helping with a worth while cause.

The 2nd Annual Old Gray Mayors Game is for the benefit of the Revitalization Committee and the Alley Cat Aid Brigade. Both groups are volunteers that got together for the benefit of the Village. Both devote their efforts to help with things the Village can't afford to fund.

Tip-off is set for 7 P.M. with basketball great Bevo Francis tossing up the ball. Doors open at 5:30. There will be food, raffles and a 50/50. Bevo will be on hand to sign autographs. Those raffle items are exceptionally nice. All in all it's going to be a very entertaining evening. You won't want to miss it.

Pictured above are scenes of tonights practice and some of the raffle items.

ole nib

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