Saturday, November 10, 2007

Some Thoughts On The Election

Well, folks it ain't over yet. The campaigning is over but the decision on the mayor is still hanging out there. Articles in both papers yesterday reported that there are 286 provisional ballots that have to be dealt with by the County Election Board. Most of the provisional ballots are for voters that didn't have identification with them or are living at a different address then what was on the board's records. The board has to go through them and determine if they are valid. This won't be done until the 19th or 20th of this month.

As we know Surace's unofficial victory was only by seven votes which automatically requires a recount by law. When the provisional ballots are added in he could very well lose this election. It's still possible Dave Lloyd could be our mayor. We just have to wait to find out.

I was beginning to think that Surace's practically silent campaigning was ingenious until I read the editorial in yesterday's MJ. In it - it stated that Surace made two appointments with a MJ reporter for an interview prior to the election. Surace didn't show for either of them and didn't call to let the reporter know he couldn't make it. The first time could have been an honest mistake but the second time was down right rude. I don't know if he did this on his own or on advice of one of his political advisers. Whichever it might be it sure didn't look well for him. Maybe the Silver Fox should get an appointment book and check it every day. Choosing not to take part in a forum was his decision but being discourteous to the press was just not right. Now he's got both papers slamming him.

His slim, unofficial victory speaks loud and clear that the voters of the ville are not happy. From what I'm reading accountability and job performance are what most are concerned about. If the victory stands after the recount hopefully we will see some improvement.

ole nib


Anonymous said...

I dont think there is anything he can do now except wait and if it holds, dig in with both hands and make some big improvements. I hope that is how it goes.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Waah, waah, waah. If a candidate "stands you up," it's your job to go chase that candidate down and ask your questions anyway, not whine about being stood up like a teenaged girl.

Anonymous said...

People are just finding out what some of us new 3 years ago. Also I should point out that Surace didn't win this election on his own merit. He did it due to a few good friend who knew how to sway and intimated peoples votes. If he wins, it was by deception.

Anonymous said...

And there will not be an automatic recount because of a seven vote difference. The total must be 1/2 of 1%, which would be 3 or 4 votes, not seven. I am very happy to see you stating this ole' nib. I have a little faith that you are coming around to reality. Thank you sir.

Anonymous said...

I think under the circumstance the chief of Police should resign, retire, go hunting or just go fishing. Go out an kill something to eat. But its apparent that he cannot run a Police Department. He has a department with no credibility, soon the court will questioned.

Anonymous said...

to 7:o1am 11/11/07 AMEN.

Anonymous said...

The PD does need overhauled. Hopefully, the Mayor will follow the recommendations of the attorneys and if that means someone has to go, then they should be shown the door.

Anonymous said...

[Quote:whiners said...
Waah, waah, waah. If a candidate "stands you up," it's your job to go chase that candidate down and ask your questions anyway, not whine about being stood up like a teenaged girl]

I believe the reporters gave him MANY chances to talk. You can't beat statements out of a person (well, you can, but newspapers usually don't do that).

Anonymous said...

People reschedule appointments all the time, and I hate to break this to you, but people don't love to talk to reporters.
This topic is getting boring. Why don't we talk about gas prices or something?

Anonymous said...

3.10 a gallon? Time to to fly.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 2..tell me how anyone was intimadated into voting for Surace? Were there people with guns at the voting booth making sure everyone voted for Joe? No one could intimidate me to vote for someone I didn't want. Exactly how were all these weak-minded people intimidated?

Anonymous said...

Nib, I agree that Surace should be courteous to both papers, that is only good politics and if he wants to get anything done in the future he needs to show them respect and not take things personally. I see that Matt is boycotting your site, that must really hurt!

Anonymous said...

"People reschedule appointments all the time, and I hate to break this to you, but people don't love to talk to reporters."

Rescheduling is one thing, canceling is something else again, especially when the candidate then tries to substitute a one-on-one interview with a canned press release.
And any politician who doesn't love to talk to reporters is in the wrong business.
You people just CANNOT admit that what this man did is wrong, can you? God help you all.

Anonymous said...

Matt, is that you? Matt? Is that you?

Anonymous said...

I think it's time for Scarbino to go too. Bring in someone new. The department is too far gone to expect that he can turn it around. I'd put everyone on a extremely tough performance improvement plan, you know, one of those plans that you get written up if you sneeze, and get him out the door. Whoever becomes mayor needs to do something ASAP. Otherwise, Wellsville will continue it's steep slide into another drug ridden, roach infested town. This is not the Wellsville I grew up in. Time for change, time to stop bitching, time for someone to bring solutions, not more problems to the table.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Please answer. How were people intimidated into voting for someone they didnt want to. You really need to explain that. Plus, I see Matt took his toys and went home. Good ridance.

Anonymous said...

No roaches or drugs in my house despite what some people say and in spite of some of the things the police and administration has done. I am still proud to live in the ville. I have lots of friends and plenty of help whenever I need it. Something I love about small towns. The drug problem here is no worse, (or better) than any other town in the area!

Do changes need to be made yes! does the Mayor need to change? not really he too can create the changes needed. Will he? We shall see.

Still proud to be a tiger!!

Anonymous said...

Never said I wasn't proud of my hometown. Just a little peeved in what has happened to it. Glad you don't have roaches or drugs in your house, but there are plenty in that little village that do. I've seen and heard of too many high school buddy's and acquaintances turn to drugs and screw up their life completely.

Other valley towns may have a similar problems, but those other towns aren't Wellsville. Change is needed and the first change is to stop saying "oh, we have the same type of problems as East Liverpool or Chester or Salinville...", BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Folks need to stop making execuses and accepting thing that they think can not change. Wellsville is a very proud town, I think it could be cleaned up and become one of those towns that the drug dealing scum and lowlife crackheads don't want to be. The one thing that a lot of people dislike about Wellsville, is everyone knows everybody else's business. This little thing is a benefit in the war against the scurge that's taking over the town. My theory is the first step to solving the problem is to get a new set of lawmen in the village. Scarbino is not the answer. He has problems in his village and as witnessed in the paper and on these two local blogs, he has problems in his own department. Get 'em outta there. Tigerpride is still alive! People just need to stop accepting the status quo. Tough times don't last, tough people do! Suck it up and get some pride.

Anonymous said...

Change is needed:
I agree with you. I think baby steps have been taken in that direction with the projects already going on. I think people are proud of Wellsville and little by little it is moving in the right direction. But to be sure, we need whoever is Mayor to show strong leadership. I hope they do it. Citizens being proud isnt enough, we need to hold some feet to the fire.

Anonymous said...

I read a great comment on one of the Wellsville blogs...."the thing about a small town is...if you don't know what you are doing...everybody else does."

Anonymous said...

That comment is not on one of Wellsville's blogs. That comment is on Wellsville's Website. There is a difference there.

Anonymous said...

Surace do Wellsville a favor and hit the road. You should take up hunting or fishing then you and the chief can spend happy time together. But forget about running the Village. You failed.

Anonymous said...

If you count the votes, and there are still 25 to be counted, it shows that neither candidate has much to crow about. It isnt like Lloyd got elected by a landslide if he should win. It is so razor thin, it looks like people voted for the least of two evils. So if Lloyd takes it, it isnt some big victory. However, a win is a win. We shall see.

Anonymous said...

still waiting to hear how people were intimidated into voting for Surace.

Anonymous said...

I'm still laughing because the mayors comments are drying up on both sites.

Anonymous said...

I have been watching both sites and there isnt much activity on either site. What is there to say about the outcome until we get the answer. ORL isnt booming, although they are talking about a recall of the Mayor.

Anonymous said...

eddie wilson should resign as soon as he gets out of counseling ha ha ha.

cant wait said...

anyone think joe surace has a family member that is ill and has been hospitalized many times in the last six months of course not anyone check that out. my opinion is the people of wellsville spent 10,000 dollars on a investigation that council wanted, to find out what we already knew. by the way we are a VILLAGE not a city.anyone know the difference. i do a city mayor has authority a village the city council has all authority. look it up people.

Anonymous said...

[QUOTE: anyone think joe surace has a family member that is ill and has been hospitalized many times in the last six months of course not anyone check that out.]

Please, do not insult my intelligence. If this is true, and perhaps it is, so what?
Many of us go to work every day and handle our private affairs without letting the two interfere with each other, even when our private lives are falling apart.
If he can't handle the job, he should step down.

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone was trying to use it as an excuse for anything but thanks for that compassionate statement Nurse Ratchet. Also, no one is trying to insult your intelligence..that would mean there actually has to be some intelligence there to insult.

Anonymous said...

Yall's some sorry Ma Fu's on here! So what if Lloyd is declared the winner in a recount...What are you assholes gonna do? All of a sudden volunteer to do something to help the village? Jump on the Beautification Commitee? Pick up a broom or shovel and start cleanin' the streets? Volunteer for the Paint the Town project. Stop down and lend a hand at the dog pound? HAIL NO! Ya'll stay sittin' on yer fat asses in front of the computer, finding things to bitch at Dave Lloyd about. Like your HERO Matt Stewart. A do nothing, produce nothing, big mouth! How bout pulling out some newspaper clippings of Matt getting handed a certificate or anything for community service of any kind. Like the rest of you, he'd rather take the easy route and sit and bitch. So it doesn't matter who wins the election. The people who do,will continue to do. And the people who don't will continue to sit here and do nothing! Have a pleasant evening!

Anonymous said...

Well Tyrese, those are some strong observations. But I take exception to the fact that of all the fine committees in Wellsville, you failed to mention the committee for which I am the Chairman of. The Committee for the Removal of Ed Wilson from the Cross. Our members, mostly volunteers, are committed to this noble cause. Sure we're not as visible as some of the others. We're not out painting the flood wall, or planting trees, or building boardwalks, or walking dogs. But we are none the less just as committed as any other organization to our goal of seeing this man removed from the village crucifix. I'll have to finish this entry some other time, I've already punched out for the day.

Anonymous said...

To Falcon: You really need to get over yourself with that whole cross crap you been spouting for days. Some who have nothing to do with the Wellsville issues take offense to what you might be insinuating. I would hope its not a crack at someone's religion or worse yet a racial remark towards Mr. Wilson.
To Tyrese: First, you are in serious need of an English class, (I would guess a 1st or 2nd grde level would suit you) Second, are you a member of any of the organizations you mentioned? Do you volunteer for any of them? Seems you do have the time on your hands!

Anonymous said...

I think Falcon and Tyrese are the same person.

Anonymous said...

Correction said...
Sorry about the incorrect attribution on the quote.

It's still a great line.

Anonymous said...

Very good comment...

Anonymous said...

re falcon eddie and tyrese..pretty damn funny, but I think your satire is lost on some of these folks. Tyrese, you are right, what will these people do if D.L. gets in office? NOTHING, just like they have done for years. They will sit and complain about the people who are doing something, because that is the easiest thing for them to do. Falcon Eddie..I would like to donate a pair of plyers to your committee.

Anonymous said...

FYI..the wiz has stated that he is giving up Ole Nib's site! I just want to say that I will be busy researching and debating the departure of wiz.....ok, I'm done. Wiz left because of "Big Daddy Copy Cat Syndrome". Very rare and not treatable. Some would call it cowardice but they just don't know how debilitating "Big Daddy Copy Cat Syndrome" really is. So long wiz. If you ever want to research your ass off and debate, we are here for you.

cant wait said...

before now has anybody tried talking to the council about the problems at the WPD or did they just wait till an election year to bring this very sad situation it is sad because noone until now tried to resolve this issue. they waited till it boiled over.
i still blame council. FACT is this problem has been going on alot longer than four years. and if memory serves me right a couple councilmen have been in council alot longer. why havent they done anything ask Don Brown he has been there a long time ask him why council has done nothing. to fix the problems instead of him blaming the current mayor. YOU PEOPLE ARE REALLY BLAMING THE WRONG PEOPLE HERE GO TO THE ROOT INSTEAD OF THE BOILING POINT

cant wait said...

as for eddie wilson on a cross give me a break it is about time he took responsiblity for some of his actions instead of crying, they are picking on me for one reason or another which. EDDIE get a clue be a man and accept responsibilities for what you have done. by the way noone picks on someone without good reason. why dont you come up with a better excuse than what you came up with

Anonymous said...

If Ed Wilson is so unhahppy about his job, and it appears he is, why doesnt he quit. That would not solve all the problems in the PD by any means, but I dont know why you go through all this if you are him, unless you love your job.

Anonymous said...

I have to think about what I feel about Wiz and Matt not coming on Ole Nibs site. Let me think. I love it.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand where you're getting that Eddie W. doesn't like his job.
I've known Eddie for many years as a cop and always thought he seemed to enjoy his job and did it well...until this administration.
It would be pretty hard to enjoy your job, though, if every other week you were getting suspended for something stupid.
Morale problems almost always start at the top and that's certainly the case with the Wellsville P.D.

Anonymous said...

I cannot state for sure Ed does not like his job, that is true. It is just the impression that I get. If I am under susupension, bringing lawsuits, etc., I think I would not be happy with my job. If, as the findings show, my co-workers arent showing me respect, and the Chief doesnt care and on and on, I just feel I wouldnt be happy there, and I think there is a good chance, that Ed isnt thrilled with his job. I agree, all the problems would make it difficult. That is my point. What makes it worth it to him to stay on? The possiblility of being Chief if Lloyd wins, the sheer love of his work? I am not being smart, I am curious as to what drives him to go thru all this. What makes it worth it for him or the ville?

Anonymous said...

Ed Wilson stays because they want him gone. Anyone who knows Ed.....knows that. He is a hometown boy with friends and family in town. He grew up on the streets and now he protects them. Consider yourself fortunate that there is an officer who not only risks his ass protecting you from the bad guys but also protecting you from the so-called good guys. I'm sure those who want him gone don't understand why he stays.

Anonymous said...

100% right 6:15 AM. The report certifies it. The report certified the lack of leadership and the department has no credibility.

The only way to fix it. A new chief from outside the department. A retired sheriff or a police chief from another area with no local ties. That's the only way.