Thursday, March 22, 2007

Rumored Drug Busts

If true the County Drug Task Force must have been busy in Wellsville this week. Heard a rumor that arrests were made Wednesday at a house on Center Street near the Wellsville Middle School. Then I heard a second rumor that another known drug dealer was recently arrested and hauled away in hand cuffs.

I can't verify the validity of these rumors. Can anyone elaborate on these? They may just be small town gossip but then again I wonder. There has been nothing in any of the local media other than the arrest of Kareem James. It's not unusual for our village officials to "play their cards close to the chest" and I think that is a big mistake on their part.

If our village officials think that sweeping the dirt under the rug is making Wellsville a more attractive place they are sadly mistaken. We can't deny that drug activity is getting bigger and bigger in Wellsville. This illicit activity has sadly permeated all sectors of our society. People know this and they want to know what is being done about it. If arrests are made and charges filed it needs to be reported. Otherwise we can only assume that the official attitude is lacking. On the other hand if every pusher, dealer or distributor that gets busted has their story and mug publicized it would show that an effort is being made to clean up our fair village. That would make Wellsville, in my humble opinion, more attractive. I doublt that it will ever be completely cleaned up but I would feel better if we were told they are trying.


Anonymous said...

The Review had a story on the Kareem James bust today. Apparently he was arrested at a 14th Street house.

Anonymous said...

nib: I couldn't agree with you more with every aspect of your comments. That bust that "M" speaks of, although I only read the Review on line, I thought it was strange that there was no word as to the arrest of the female who answered the door. Does that mean she wasn't arrested? The story said there was drugs "all around". Just curious!

Anonymous said...

You are correct. "brushing the drug arrests under the rug" makes the village more attractive to people who deal drugs. Names need to be named and pictures need to be published to let it be known that Wellsville will not stand for this activity.

Anonymous said...

Just a footnote - Friday's on-line edition of the Morning Journal has a story by Casey Barto about the recent arrest of Kareem James. There are details of what they found in the house on 14th St. but no mention of any additional arrests. Will there be more arrests for possession or is there lack of proof to warrant anymore? Guess we have to stay tuned...