The members of Wellville's Alley Cat Aid Brigade will be holding a yard sale this coming week-end. It's a fund raiser to help with their trap-neuter-release program for feral cats in the village.
Started a few years ago the Alley Cat Aid Brigade uses a humane method that will eventually control the feral cat population. Cats are lured into traps, taken to a veternarian to be spade and released back where they were captured. It's not an animal shelter that finds homes for stray cats. It's a long term, humane solution to control the growing population of wild cats. Although the group consists of all volunteer members there is still expenses incurred. Your help and donations are greatly appreciated.
Stop by the yard sale Saturday or Sunday. There will probably be something you would love to have. The sale will be open for business from 9 AM to 4 PM both days.
ole nib
What happens to the cats that are neutered? Do they still kill rats? I think the village could be in for a rodent problem if this group is permitted to keep on clipping animals. This practice has to be stopped!!
Are you serious? Do you have any idea how many feral cats are in this village? Do you have any notion how fast they reproduce? It's an unbelievable enormous amount. We don't think you have to worry.
It is natural instinct for a cat to hunt. Spaying and neutering does not take that instinct away!
I'm not an idiot, I just think doing this to cats is mean-spirited. I mean, really, what else is there to do for fun in Wellsville if you are a feral cat??
You may not be an idiot but we have to question your logic. Do you think it is better to have the cat population increase unimpeded and have them starve? There are only so many rodents to feed them. What happens when they are reproducing and increasing in numbers larger than what their food source can substain?
Anonymous, you must be the last of the great thinkers! Yeah, the cats should have sex for fun because Wellsville is boring. Maybe we should build them a cat amusement park so they don't get so bored. Remember everyone, don't let your cat get bored. If your at work, call him on the phone and chit chat with him for awhile. It will help break up the day. You also might consider taking him out to dinner once or twice a week. Cats like that and our restaurants can use the business.
You are obviously a very community and civic minded person, so why not put your creativity to work and do something yourself to improve the Village instead of critisizing what others are actually doing. I realize, it is easier to do what you are doing, but not near as rewarding. There is much to be done in Wellsville and everyone has talents other that running down others. Get in the spirit and dig in. At least think about it. If others don't agree with what you do, they will at least respect the fact that you are doing something. You may find yourself not being so mean spirited yourself.
You really don't think the 1st poster was being serious do you? I took it as a bad joke intended to work people up.
Nib, we had a great yard sale and can you believe it..not one rat showed up. Not even a little mouse.
Thank goodness. We were worried 'bout that. :-)
Thank heaven for people who truly care about animals and who are working toward getting cats spayed or neutered which will help stop the overpopulation of feral cats and cats in general.It is not the cats' fault that so many end up on the streets, it is because of irresponsible owners who do not get them spayed or neutered in the first place. There are programs available for low-cost spaying & neutering.
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