Thursday, January 10, 2008

And They're Off

From reading MJ's Erin Colella's and ER's Jeremy Lydic's accounts of the first council meeting of the new year I could almost get the feeling of the love in the air among our administration and legislators. They even made nice to Diane Dinch and gave her a plaque for her community service as a former council person. Neither Dinch or Surace was shown smiling in the picture in The Review but I 'spect this was due to fatigue. It was probably a long day for both.

According to both accounts this year's main priority for the village is street repair with 17th Street heading the list. Depending on how much money is available for the street fund Highland Ave. & Ridge are near the top of the list also. No doubt these streets are in poor condition but personally I would rather see that sink hole on lower Main taken care of first.

Joe Soldano was named President Pro-Tem and he named his choices for the various committees. Interesting to note is that Don Brown advised Soldano that for personal reasons he didn't want to chair any committees but he would serve on them. Can't you just feel the love? For some of us it is tough to let go and move forward.

Joe Surace advised that the Cleveland attorneys are diligently working on the employee manuals and we should see the police manual first. This is after all the i's are dotted, the t's crossed and as many billable hours as they can get is accomplished. Fiscal Officer Dale Davis said it is costing us $200 an hour. Can they expedite that before we have to use up the street fund?

It was also noted that the new owner of the old Sterling China building doesn't know what he's going to do with it but at least he's going to clean it up. Let's hope so. With the vandalism and weeds it's a definite eyesore and for the residents down that way I sure it is a real pain. The longer he lets it go the less attractive it's going to be for a potential user. Maybe it's time to start checking the zoning codes.

Another interesting note is that Sharon Buswell of the all volunteer Alley Cat Aide Brigade put the bite on council for funding. She was reported as saying they are going to hold some fund raisers but the first round-up is going to cost somewhere around two grand. The round-up is where they trap, neuter and turn 'em loose program. In checking their web site I couldn't find anything that is planned for a fund raiser. What's up with that? Now Dale Davis has to check and see if there is any extra cash laying around Village Hall.

Village Administrator Jim Saracco is getting bids for fixing the hillside that is slipping away on 10th St. If the state wouldn't fess up to dumping contaminated dirt at 9th St why does he think they'll take care of the hillside? True the making of Route 7 into a four lane caused a lot of problems but all I can foresee is finger pointing when it comes to taking the blame. That hillside should be another priority for the Street Committee.

It was refreshing reading reports of the year's first council meeting without any brouhaha taking place. It must've been boring for the reporters present. For now stay tuned and bask in the love.

As my friend says, it's the "Wellsville Zone".

ole nib


Anonymous said...

I think if you check the alley cat website you will see that there is a pancake breakfast for Feb. at the L&B Donut Shop. I guess you missed that. Also, everyone is very good at complaining about the cat situation but that is all most people do is complain. They even complain that we are not having fund-raisers when we actually are. This is an awesome and thankless task that people have taken on. It is after all being done for the betterment of the village and for the animals. There are many aspects to cleaning up a town and moving forward in a progressive manner. Controling the animal population is one of them.

Anonymous said...

Never read too much into things Ole Nib. Mr. Brown is having physical problems (ever noticed how he walks?) He will be having a couple surgeries this year and that is why he didn't want to chair committees.

************* said...

I did miss the pancake breakfast but that was held on the 6th which makes it history. My post was written on the 10th. Hopefully your event was a success. Was it advertised in the paper? The "Out & About" column seems to be in The Review daily & like the old "Here & There" column of days of old I imagine it is widely read. I don't recall seeing it and there are a lot of people that don't have computers much less check the ACAB web site. I'm sure you heard the adage "it pays to advertise". That being said, what else do you good people have planned?

ole nib

************* said...

My apologies to Don Brown. Normally I wouldn't let personal information like that on here but yes, I have seen him out and around. Believe it or not I have enormous respect for Don and wish him the best. Since I made that snide remark I hope this will clarify Don's request.

Good luck Don and remember you can't keep a good man down.

ole nib

Anonymous said...

I don't know what fund raiser your talking about on the 6th, but I went to the alley cat web site and there on the left side on top, was the ad for the fund raiser on Feb 24th, at the L & B Donut shop in East Liverpool. Check your glasses nib.......

Anonymous said...

Ole Nib:
The pancake breakfast fund raiser is in February 2008, which has not gotten here yet. It will be advertised. How many tickets can we put you down for?

************* said...

Ok, I cleaned my specs. Now I can read the fine print below what I guess is the dates that things were posted. February 24th it is. My stupid...

Nice looking web site too.

ole nib

Anonymous said...

This is for a good cause. It benefits even people who donate. Which is usually the case. People don't donate time, money or resources of any kind and benefit from the hard work of others. Then many complain. How many tickets can we put you down for?

Anonymous said...

I think that people should have to chain cats just like they do dogs. I am getting sick of smelling cat piss on my porch.

Anonymous said...

we should round up all the cats and send them to the pound. if they aren't claimed within a week- euthanize them.

Anonymous said...

Cheetah, that's a little harsh but in case you don't know, the Brigade plans to round up the cats, as you suggested, but instead of KILLING them, they will spay and neuter them to cut down on any NEW litters. Those that are deemed sick and possibly too wild (not sure about that) will be euthanized.
If everyone would spay or neuter their own animal, these kinds of groups would be unnecessary.
That said, the county humane society is holding a LOW COST spay-neuter clinic for dogs and cats at the Calcutta Fire Station Jan. 19-20.
PLEASE if you have a cat or dog that is not neutered call and arrange to have it done!

Anonymous said...

Re: Chester Cheetah..I like the round-up idea but lets substitute stupid people instead of cats. We are suppose to be smarter than cats, but sadly, many are not. Round -up the people who are to stupid to have their pets spayed or neutered, round-up the people who move and leave their pets behind to fend for themselves, round-up the people who own abandoned properties that have become havens for stray cats, round-up the people who dump off cats and dogs along the side of the road,round-up the people who let their dogs and cats roam the neighborhoods, round-up the people who think it is the fault of the cats and not the humans, round-up the people who mistreat the cats because the humans are to stupid to take proper care of them and round-up the people who know what horrid lives most of these cats have and choose to do nothing except complain or suggest mass euthanasia which won't work because the people will still be to stupid to spay and neuter their animals.

Anonymous said...

Soldano, please run for Mayoor next time, they are pulling stuff already.

Anonymous said...

Go Tigers.

Anonymous said...

Go Tigers.

Anonymous said...

They are pulling stuff already! That is a pretty damning statement with nothing to back it up. Anonymous, if that is all you have, you should shut up. Can you define what you are talking about, (they are pulling stuff already), or are you just a sore loser?

Anonymous said...

c.c., i hope you are gonna vaccinate those fleebags for rabies too. if these cats keep running wild, it's only a matter of time till there's an outbreak.

Anonymous said...

so, what are they "pulling already?" Do tell...these blogs have been boring as hell...more Wellsville gossip, please.

Anonymous said...

What, no comment on the sheriff stepping out of the election?

Anonymous said...

More to come, my friends. Sheriff, not for sure, but maybe has got a job at local racetrack. Hear he will step down, and Republicans will appoint someone. Probably one of the guys running for Sheriff on Republican ticket. Watch and see.

Anonymous said...

I personally like Dave, but he should step out. It isnt that nobody else does what he did, he just got caught. And since he did, it really hurts his re-election chances. We could vote in another person who does the same and we wont know it. But, with Dave, we know there is a problem now, and I think most people are turned off by it. If even in our dreams, we like to think our public officials are clean and sober.

Anonymous said...

I glad he did, he was awful.

Anonymous said...

Well, if he steps out and they appoint someone on the Republican ticket, that would be a smart move on the republicans part. Either party would do that. You make it sound like it is a dirty trick. It's what you do, because you want your party to win.

Anonymous said...

It's dirty when they have done it many times in the past. The sheriff in office always retires in the middle of his last year in office, then they appoint the chief deputy. The republicans have pulled this crap for years. I don't see that in other counties.

Anonymous said...

CC, well said.
Wellsville tiger, do you have your rabies shots?