Monday, October 22, 2007

Wilson Was Used

I was rather shocked and surprised with the blatant parading on four local web sites of Wilson's return to work. What should have been a quiet readjusting re-entry back into the work place was orchestrated into a shoddy political event in the early morning hours yesterday. A small group of supporters was pictured on the sites holding their morning coffee and quickly made posters welcoming Lt. Wilson in the presumption of being a Wellsville cop.

ORL blogger Matt Stewart has indicated all along that he is an ardent supporter of Dave Lloyd in Lloyd's bid for mayor. For quite some time now Mr. Stewart has been very biased in his postings in attempting to discredit and unseat the incumbent Mayor Joe Surace. Looking back to when the primaries were held he was pushing for anyone to run and oppose Surace, whether it was Lloyd or Don Brown. Since Lloyd doesn't bother to vote he got the nod to be an independent candidate for mayor without having to exert any effort in the primaries. Stewart jumped on his bandwagon from the get go.

In recent postings Stewart has shown he was willing to stoop to any depth of anti-social, inciting, mudslinging efforts in his support of Lloyd. This past Saturday in the wee hours of the day he chastised everyone that was involved when The Review published Surace's recent press release on his candidacy. He accused Surace of hiding even though press releases are a common and accepted practice in all levels of government, the business world and other entities. He blasted the newspaper as being unprofessional in publishing the release and indicated the reporter that presented it to the paper as being too new to realize his "errors".

In addition to trying to discredit the newspaper for that he took another swing at his former employer's professionalism for publishing Surace's late night statement that Wilson was invited to return to work. Although he is not the publisher, editor or even an employee of the paper Stewart even got on them for putting that notice on page 5A of that day's edition. Then in the same posting Stewart indicated that supposedly Surace supporters are stealing Lloyd-for-Mayor signs and sublimely encouraged that it was a contest to see who could collect the most signs.

So it is not surprising that Stewart would disregard the dignity of Wilson, the WPD or the Village of Wellsville. Nor is it surprising that Lloyd would stoop to the same level allowing his web site to be used in the same manner. Lloyd is obviously being coached in the same camp.

What is surprising is that Wilson himself would allow others to use him in a political arena. After refusing all along to do interviews or make any public comments he allows a group of misguiding supporters to malign his public esteem in a secretly staged political photo opportunity hiding in the parking lot behind Village Hall.

Also surprising is that the owners of would compromise their integrity as being an unbiased source of information for our village. Up until Sunday that site has been a business in support of Wellsville commerce without showing any favoritism. Although the owner has publicly stated her support for Lloyd elsewhere I'm surprised she got suckered into cheap political tricks to smear a previously unblemished and professional site.

Yea Ed, welcome back. Maybe when you wake up you'll realize just how much you were used. I'm not exactly sure what is on your agenda but you are certainly not helping yourself or the dignity of your profession or your career when you allow yourself to be paraded around like that. In this country any police officer is entitled to pursue their right to back any political candidate of their choosing. However that should be done as a citizen, not as a cop in uniform. Some of those people were there yesterday as friends and loved ones. Others were there to use you to make a point.

ole nib


Anonymous said...

You know nothing of what you are talking about Ole Nib and it will certainly come back to bite you in the backside!

Anonymous said...

Wow ! I like your take on this aspect. If only others could see the forest through the trees, Wellsville will be a better place. I feel very sorry for those who have allowed this to become such an orchestrated polital event and even have their picture taken.

Anonymous said...

I might not always agree with you or your postings, but thats what makes people differant. I have to say WOW.. I am glad that I am not the only one feeling this way. If I wore a hat, I would have to take it off to you Ole Nib, I dont know Officer Wilson, and dont care to know what all has happened.I wish to saty out of that arena. But I do beleive that this man shouldve been given a warm welcome back to work without being used as he was by those involved. I wont go anymore into this. but I do have to say again, good job on shining the lights on this one. For those of you that used this man for whatever reason, I want to say that it really shows levels that you are willing to go..

Anonymous said...

It was really nice to read that post Ole Nib. I mean REALLY NICE.

Anonymous said...

ole nib: It seems ironic that you would slam Matt for his writings on ORL but it does not seem to bother you or your pack to expound what you believe (without cause I might add) that which might hinder Lloyd’s campaign supporters from expressing their views. Now with a clear understanding of whom you support for mayor, let me respond to some statements in your blog. Where is your reference that persons voting or supporting a candidate cannot be in uniform? Your assumption in this matter gives one the impression that any uniformed person would not be allowed or permitted to exercise their constitutional right. You could not be more wrong! When you say his entry back should have been a quiet readjusting, only those who would restrict ones rights would use such a bias position. I guess if you had your way, Wilson could not be able to be seen or speak to anyone while on duty! If you think that was a political event….wait till Lloyd wins, then you will really see a political event! Now that we understand the position from which you write, your use of the word “presumption” is understandable.

In your referral to Surace’s press release, you state this is common practice. Again you show your colors, you have elected to spout non-truths lest you have forgotten that the paper stated they were trying for an interview. When Surace did not show for the first interview there was another scheduled. I can only assume he chicken-out once more. We now know his campaign strategy….don’t do or say anything just let other do your bidding!

Your statement regarding Matt’s disregard for Wilson’s dignity is absolutely absurd and not even worth acknowledging. I am sure no one would tell Wilson what he can or cannot do, at least to his face. And we now have you analyzing Lloyd on what is allowed to be done or not have just goes to show you have no credibilty. Give me a break! Again, just another smear!

Not to leave anyone one out, you have tried to give your best shot. Well here is another one for you try. On your way around the ville…I would suggest when you see a Lloyd sign in a yard, go up and knock on the door, get their name and then you can smear them as you have the others with this blog.

Anonymous said...

Finally, another point of view. Thanks for the article Nib.

Anonymous said...

seems you hate the other side of the view?

Anonymous said...

wilson was not used the people in those pictures are wilson supporters nothing more nothing less. it was not political in any manner.and if it was it was all from the current admin.lets see the mayor claims he inherited this problem from the pd.i think not look back and see when these issuse started to accure? all done under the current administration.

Anonymous said...

TBrown: I don't hate anything or anybody. I do find the use of that word easy for the pack to use so I have to surmise they are familar with it's meaning. And this I find sad. I just wish your pack could see issues from an objective viewpoint. If you did and were honest with yourselves you would see no one is trying to change strong felt opinions. Just trying to present a true picture. But I guess for those with blinders it must be diffcult to see the whole picture.

Anonymous said...

Nib , good write !

Anonymous said...

A "press release" is generally given out to all the newspapers that cover an issue. I don't believe the "late night statement" was provided to the Morning Journal, at least it wasn't in their paper.
Would that be because the MJ would have asked some tough questions about why Lt. Wilson was recalled to duty, rather than just write whatever was said?

Anonymous said...

In re-reading your comments, I realize you were talking about a press release regarding the mayor's re-election and not the "late night statement" printed in the Review regarding Lt. Wilson.
I apologize for my error.

Anonymous said...

Here is some groundbreaking news!The picture of Dave Lloyd's supporters is for sale. Thats right kids, you can own a copy of that famous photo and for a few dollars more you can get Cruella DeVille to autograph it. Wow, can you imagine what a huge money maker that will be?

Anonymous said...

Hey there Nib, glad to see you've come out of your neutral-on-everything stance. Welcome to blogging!

A few responses, if I may:

Ed Wilson has a lot of loyal friends, and I'm one of them. If he has been used, it is as target of those who are looking for a scapegoat to mask their own incompetence and corruption. Apparently you have thrown in with them.

As for my "attacks" on your man Surace, they have all been responses to his actions (or lack of action) as mayor. What the resistance sees in Surace is a man who wants the office for what appear to be personal reasons, a man who apparently has no idea how to do his job, a man who seems to have been controlled by others since he took office--even before. If this picture is innaccurate, then perhaps he should do something to contradict rather than confirm these suspicions.

When I was working for the papers prior to the last election, I asked Surace why he wanted to be mayor. After a painful silence, the only answer he could come up with was, "I always wanted to be mayor." When I asked him what he felt about RITA (Regional Income Tax Authority), he said he didn't know her. Maybe that's why his handlers do everything they can to keep him away from press.

Surace refuses to participate in a public debate of issues; he even refuses to answer questions from the media about his record. Instead, he has other people craft canned statements for him. The real Joe Surace is the one who scrawled a couple of idiotic responses on the questionaire for all to see. Remember that? Ever since then, his public appearances have involved acting as master of ceremonies at controlled events attended only by cronies.

My support of Dave Lloyd is born out of tremendous respect for a man who decided to run for mayor to help the town, not for personal gain and attention. Those of us who know both Joe Surace and Dave Lloyd understand the difference between these two men all too well. Because Wellsville is poised to become an important place in the county, everyone has an interest in seeing that it has a mayor capable of managing the interests of the village (and the entire area) with dignity and professionalism. As a general rule, I feel pretty good about supporting candidates who fit that description.

Anonymous said...

Re: The Trashman Cometh or Matt's post... I think that is a great new user name for matt. Ok..henceforth and forever more he shall be known as "Trashman."

Anonymous said...

I couldn't care less what you call me. I've been called much worse anyhow. Surely you can do better than that!

I'm still waiting for the Suracers to give voters reasons to support their candidate. So far, all we've heard is brainless remarks about other people. Anyone out there who wishes to talk about the issues at hand or the candidates themselves?

Anonymous said...

When you vote for the Mayor, you vote for his whole party. People that have been there and bring a vast array of know-how to the plate. Kinda like the President,with his House, Senate, Cabinet, Press Secretary, Speaker of the House, etc. Not any one man can handle the job. Can you fill us in on the Lloyd group. If Matt really knew the inner workings of this Village, he'd be a more suitable person to critisize it. He should just leave his bullshit garbage over at the ORL. And consider changing the name to WRL.

Also, thanks a bunch for putting some of the good people of the Ville onto your "cronie list". I guess your colors are really out there huh.

Anonymous said...

To Trashman Cometh
RE: Matt
Please go away. You have stooped to the lowest levels and now many won't go on your site, and we don't even want to hear from you at all. I guess you have to come over here, because no one is going to ORL. Take the hint. You went to far and your credibility is shot. Your true colors are not red,white and blue they are deceit. Your blasting of everything and everybody is old not to mention unprofessional. You do spew garbage. Do it for someone who wants to hear it. Goodbye Trashman Cometh

Anonymous said...

To Trashman Cometh
RE: Matt
Please go away. You have stooped to the lowest levels and now many won't go on your site, and we don't even want to hear from you at all. I guess you have to come over here, because no one is going to ORL. Take the hint. You went to far and your credibility is shot. Your true colors are not red,white and blue they are deceit. Your blasting of everything and everybody is old not to mention unprofessional. You do spew garbage. Do it for someone who wants to hear it. Goodbye Trashman Cometh

Anonymous said...

I hope the Trashman keeps taking all of the trash out. You know, that really is a good name for him....Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I think the wiz lives with the trashman

Anonymous said...

Wait on ORL. We'll be over later. Just sit there and wait for us.

Anonymous said...

welcome to blogging trashman

Anonymous said...

what happened, did the cat get the trasman's tongue?

Anonymous said...

No Matt:
We dont want to talk about the issues at hand, we want to trash you like you do Wellsville and all of us. Who are you to insult us. Dont even get me started on things I know about you. You have made ORL a rag and you are trash. Just do everyone a favor, and stick to ORL. You can wax philosophical on there, and put the screws to whoever you want, but some of us arent interested. It has nothing to do with elections. It is just that you arent a decent human being, and neither are your friends. We dont need you to tell us how rotten Wellsville is, and how we are a laughing stock. Take a look in the mirror if you want to see a laughing stock. It would be funny, but for the fact that you hurt people, and the good people of Wellsville arent about that.

Anonymous said...

I can hear it now, "it's called freedom of speech". How do you sleep at night, knowing how bad you make people feel?

Anonymous said...

found from the archives.

M. said...
I always get a kick out of people who insist that anything outside the narrow confines of conventional thinking must be the result of a drug induced state. It is quite common.

I don't remember a time when I was concerned with the criticisms of conventional thinkers. Likewise, it has never occurred to me to pay attention to those who are proud of living inside the box.

I urge you not to succumb to the tactics of those you condemn. There are many creative, interesting people in our area with progressive, open minds. In a very real sense, ORL is about helping those people find one another. Being "sheepish" won't get it done.

11:08 AM

Anonymous said...

To bad Matt didnt stick to that. He should have practiced what he preached. That does not describe ORL. ORL is all about taking people to slaughter, and Matt is the executioner. Dave Lloyd has cast his lot with the dark side. Maybe if he had voted, he would have some credibility. Maybe if he would answer who his adm. would be, people would take a look at him. Tell us, what has Dave Lloyd done to contribute to Wellsville in time, money or resources since he has run for Mayor, or for that matter, all the years he was sitting around not voting for things that helped the village. I think there is more to come on Mr. Lloyd.

Anonymous said...

Wha-sa-matta Ole Nib? Can’t find anything note worthy to attack Dave Lloyd for so you turn your attack on some of those who support him? Your credibility has gone down the tubes all in the name of getting posters. If you are so proud of your candidate, why didn’t you erect your Surace sign?
You say that the ‘welcome back’ was political? You need to keep digging. You haven’t hit your pay load yet and have simply appeared to be as childish and pathetic as some of the others! Here’s a novel idea: FACE THE ISSUES! STOP ATTACKING THE SUPPORTERS! Good Lord, imagine the damage that could be caused if the Lloyd supporters started attacking some of the ‘out of town’ Surace supporters. The names alone would make a person sick!
These people in the pictures have been friends with Ed from the beginning and have supported him all along. Yes most, if not all, of these same people support Dave Lloyd but Ed’s welcome back was nothing political no matter how much you believe that it was. If they wanted to make it political, Dave would have been there, everyone would have been wearing Vote for Dave Lloyd t-shirts, holding Dave Lloyd signs and the papers would have been notified!
The deputy you spoke of worked with Lt. Wilson years ago and has been good friends with him since and you have the audacity to try to tarnish that friendship by calling it political??? You have failed miserably once again! As for you questioning his behavior: If this had been political, which it was not, he had not signed on duty as of yet. He knows the law and respects it. If you want to talk about an officer’s actions being political and questionable, let’s talk about your chief. You know…the one who has been going door to door trying to intimidate (and begging) people into voting for Surace while IN UNIFORM, ON DUTY AND IN A MARKED CRUISER!!! Your chief’s actions are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to unethical politics and it’s about time the right people found out about it and everything else that has been going on!

Anonymous said...

Re: Trashman.. "Welcome to blogging" How egotistical and juvenile is that statement? It is just about as ludicrous as trying to sell that picture of The Motley Crew.

Anonymous said...

I dont see anywhere in this post, Ole Nib saying he supports either candidate. He simply wrote an honest piece. You people just cant stand anything that isnt twisted to make the Mayor look bad. It would be a great post then wouldnt it. People are allowed to support a candidate without being insulted by the other side. Not on ORL though. Ole Nib is fair and certainly not malicious like ORL posters and Matt. The people who supported Ed yesterday morning if the feel so justified, why are they explaining themselves. If I felt I was right, I wouldnt be trying to convince people, I'd ignore it. Guess that isnt the case here. To much convincing going on.

Anonymous said...

I agree with tbrown: Ed should have been welcomed back to work. I also am not in the know, and dont care to know. But Ole Nib, you are right. They did use him, and it was a political rally. Glad you exposed it for what it really was. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Boy, you folks are classic, dish it out but can't take it. You have bloodied the Mayor and his supporters for a long time, but it seems like you cry and pee yourself when someone gives it back to you. My advice is that maybe you all better go stock up on some underwear. Also, just curious, but isn't wiz an embarrassment to you? Maybe you could get him to stop posting and making you look so crazy. Take a vote on it. Oh, thats right, D.L. doesn't vote if he gets upset or mad does he?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dave Lloyd not voting is an issue for me. Voting is important, and if you don't bother to vote, then you shouldnt complain. Lloyd supporters never want to address this issue, but it still exists. Why should we use the system to elect someone to office, who doesnt even use it himself. I'll bet he votes for himself this election. I bet he votes for the levys he has neglected to vote for also. What a hypocrite. Lets hear from some Lloyd supporters on this issue.

Anonymous said...

Voting is a right, not an obligation.

Anonymous said...

That is your answer. No it isnt an obligation, but please tell us why we should vote for someone , who doesnt bother to vote. It is a right, and if you dont vote, do you have a right to complain about the state of affairs. That is why we vote, to change things we dont like. Lloyd supporters are gonna have to do better than that. People dont respect him for not voting. It looks bad, there is no way around it.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I've heard about me, Lloyd, Nib, and everybody else, but still nothing from the Suracers about why anyone should vote for Surace. It's amazing, isn't it? Even his supporters can't find anything good to say about him.

Anonymous said...

Can you please elaborate on Dave Lloyd not voting? That is a valid issue. Our Mayor and his adm. dont look like unmade beds, and they are cleaning up Wellsville. Lots of things are happening in the ville. The Mayor is working to help bring in Baard, the murals and boadwalk, Broadway Park, Congressional office now located in Village Hall, new street signs, Crime Watch, St. Francis Animal Shelter. All done with Mayor Surace in charge. And there are more things, but you will just dispute anything not negative about him. The fact that the ville is moving forward and being cleaned up is something we havent seen in years. We can have pride in what we look like now. He is actively seeking buyers for the old pottery, seeking funding to make Wellsville handicap accessible, RX discount cards for people who need them in the village. And the best reason of all, he told you to go F yourself.
By the way, why arent you posting on your site? Isnt to busy over there is it?

Anonymous said...

Really..Just because other Americans have died so you could have the right to vote, please don't feel obligated.

Anonymous said...

Did Ole Nib ever say he was for the current mayor? No, he didn't. You nimwits are assuming and reading between the lines. Remember when you assume you make an a** out of u & me.

Keep her up Nibby, the opposing view sparks some very good banter from everyone. Keep stirring the crap it's good for everyone.

Anonymous said...

The Mayor is running a positive campaign, and Lloyd has people like Trashman running a negative campaign. Suracers focus on the positive things happening in the ville under the Mayors watch.

Anonymous said...

Where is Trashman when you answer him. Come on Trashman, you dont have anything to do on ORL. Welcome to blogging.

Anonymous said...

To Trashman, excellent post. I particularly enjoyed your best reason of all to vote for Mayor Surace. Because he told trashman to go f... himself. I love it!

Anonymous said...

Opps, forgot these Alleycat Brigade, working with Ministerial Assoc. on the house painting project, Breakfast with Seniors and actively helping students take courses to attain the new jobs coming to the ville. Has spent countless dollars of his own on the projects he oversees. Has actual plans for the future of Wellsville. Has open door policy for the Mayors office. Has a voting record. I could go on and on, but people know everything the Mayor has accomplished and so do you. Did I forget, told Matt Steward to go F himself.

Anonymous said...

To all the anonymous cowards--

We're still waiting to hear what Mayor Surace has done. You're still telling us what other people have done while he has been mayor.

As for Lloyd's not voting, he's already addressed that issue in interviews with the newspapers and will undoubtedly address it again Wednesday night at the Morning Journal's meet-the-candidates event in Lisbon.

Surace refused two requests by the Review and one attempt by the Morning Journal for interviews. His people also are keeping him from addressing questions at the candidate's night. He did not accept the invitation.

In all seriousness, why will Joe not take questions from the press and the public? What is he hiding? Why?

Anonymous said...

Nice new tactic, insulting people. Your site allows anonymous posts. Is the Wiz a coward. You are such a hypocrite. No matter what is said, you have the same worn out refrain. Your questions have been answered. Go back to ORL where people like to hear the same shit day in and day out. Nice mannequin picture. Lots of hits on that.

Anonymous said...

In all seriousness, people are so tired of you, take a vacation and give us one.

Anonymous said...

By the way, 8,746 hits on ORL since I posted the mannequin pic. You were one of them.

It's been fun--gotta go to work. See ya later this evening.

Anonymous said...

Good ridance

Anonymous said...

TRASHMAN,I don't see your cohorts posting with a name, why aren't you insulting them? You allow people to use user names and so does old nib. If you don't like it on your own site then fix it. If you don't like it here then please do what the Mayor suggested.

Anonymous said...

When trashman says he has to go to work, does that mean as a teacher. Wouldnt want him teaching my kids. He is to biased.

Anonymous said...

For all you Non-Thinkers -

If you can read….answer me this, how can your support of the mayor go to such extremes when he is publicly shown to not be truthful. See today’s Review - article on the Terminal. By the way, his action happened at a Council Meeting. Is it any wonder why people do not show for the meetings?

Anonymous said...

the trashman seems to think the Mayor has to do these things all by himself. It is the sign of a good organizer and the benefits of an open door policy that have allowed these things to happen. If his opponent is elected I guess he will single handedly: Go to saint Francis and take care of the dogs, paint the murals, build a boardwalk, plant the trees, paint the houses, trap all the cats, etc. He won't have to organize any committees to do these things, I guess he will be able to just do it all. So then we will have trashman and superman.

Anonymous said...

Well said Mary M. However, I dont think Mr. Lloyd is up to the task of doing all that.

Anonymous said...

Lucy, Dave Lloyds gonna have some spainin to do.

Anonymous said...

Wow this is really gone farther than i thought it would go. I have to say I dont know any of you. well maybe i do and jsut dont know it. But Matt, you really never cease to suprise me. Thats all I have to say. And as far as a coward, I post my name to every post I make, and my email address is widely known by everyone. I would say face to face anythnig taht I say here.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Ol Nib on your post.
I don't live in the village, so I cannot vote for either candidate. I do call Wellsville home as it is on my zipcode.
After reading the paper it appears it was Mayor Joe's idea to paint the floodwall murals. If that is the case congradulations to him, and the committee that did the work. I know that it is not easy to get people to buy into any idea especially a painting.
It seems odd that for 60+ years that floodwall has stood in town that no-one ever thought to paint it.
It does seem alittle odd that there are weekly dedications that are photo-oppurtunities for those involved.
It is pretty simple really:
The people in Wellsville have to make a choice, if they like what has happened in the last four years vote accordingly. If not choose the other candidate.
Hey at the end of the election, you still have to live with one another, so don't burn too many bridges.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has been waiting to hear and see the results from the investigation. Surace said as soon as get the findings he will let everyone know. So far that has not been the case. What did the investigation show, or tell? The citizens of wellsville have the right to know what was done with their money. What is he holding back? Is there something to hide?

As far as I am concerned the people standing with Ed Wilson have the right to be there to support him. And on the Wellsviile website, you mean to tell me that Mr. and Mrs. Youngblood and sister Francis are there for polictical gain? Let me break it to all but they are very religous people and have been for years, memebers of the NAACP and yes they do support Eddie. if you don't know who or what people are about and what they stand for don't talk about them or create more problems when there should not need be. If that was Chief Joe in that position don't you think some of you would be there to support him too? My point exactly.
And that is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Prince Planet about if you dont know someone and what they are about, not talking about them. I think that is great advise for Trashman. I hope he takes it to heart.

Anonymous said...

An observation about the ORL photo of Mr. Wilsons return to work. It seems some people are always in the wrong boat. Dave Simms comes to mind. Mr. Lloyd isnt picky about who supports him.

Anonymous said...

I would like to think that the problems with Eddie aren't because of his race. What makes this a race issue? Please enlighten me.

Anonymous said...

I think the mayor Surace has done a lot of nice things and the village is really starting to look a lot nicer. It seems like people have more pride in the town now. I have to say that Wellsville was dead for many years and now there are some very nice changes. Thats all.

Anonymous said...

I love Wellsville. And it was just another dying little river town. But since the Mayor came into office, he has affected many changes for the better. Just think what our little village can be in another four years. Lets keep Mayor Surace.

Anonymous said...

Poor Wiz: People smearing people, Ole Nib stepping out of line. Cry me river. You are so condescending and insulting, but you do have nerve. Why dont you go around knocking on doors and taking names. Get Real

Anonymous said...

I like the trashman he performs an essential service. He takes all the old junk and smelly garbage and gets rid of it for you. Everyone always makes fun of him but without him we'd all be buried in garbage.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we could stop the personal attacks. Everyone is very passionate about the election but in the end we all have to live here together. Remember, orl got to a point where it was /is very disturbing because of all the attacks on people.

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is all so funny. How does it feel, Matt? How does it feel to be trashed online? Not so good, does it?

And look back through your own site, Matt. You claimed to not be for either candidate until Surace told you to F**K yourself. After that things sure changed.

I like your new word "Suracer." Does that mean people who vote for him are "suracing?"

Probably everyone will be so sick of this that they won't vote anyway.

Anonymous said...

I agree, ORL is very disturbing and we dont want Ole Nibs site to be the same. I guess everyone is so mad at Matt. Lets get it out of our systems. We dont want to be like him, we're better than that.

Anonymous said...

I don't consider myself to be a political person. And since I live outside of Wellsville, I can't vote for either candidate anyway. But I feel like I need to say something about Mayor Surace. And I'm only speaking about my own personal dealings with him. 2 years ago I went to see him about an idea I had for starting an annual community party I called the Riverside Reunion. At the time I had never had any dealings with city hall for any reason. So I was a bit nervous about asking for anything. I really didn't know the Mayor personally. But he knew who I was because he knew my parents and probably my Grandma Bertha. That's the beauty of growing up in Wellsville. Anyway when I explained what it was I was trying to do, he was very enthusiastic about the idea. The first thing he said was, "If it's good for the village, I'm all for it!" He also said, " If you need anything, you come see me and we'll make it happen". I don't know how many of you have tried to create a festival before, but I can tell you first hand, it's a load of work. And you don't have very many people offering you help and support. Joe Surace gave me both. I don't know if the Riverside Reunion will survive or not. But I think we made a pretty good statement this year to show what this party is all about. Wellsville. And the memories we all have from growing up here. And celebrating those memories and the people who created them together. If it does survive, I would have Mayor Surace to thank for making it happen.

Anonymous said...

Nice post Hootch2. The Mayor is always willing to jump in if you have a good idea and help. Why would we want to go back to nothing ever happening when we have taken big steps to go forward.

Anonymous said...

I don't live in Wailersville, I just read the ORL and this blog to follow the the rantings. And guess what, I know when Matt Stewart writes something. He has the fortitude to include his name. Now Lucy, if you need me to splain, not spainin, you can't even get that right, let me know. As a courtesy I will prevent the disclosure or recognition of myself by signing this as "The Cynyc"..

Anonymous said...

Wasn't it councilwoman Dinch who cast the only dissenting vote when the police tried to get a pay raise. It just crossed my mind when I saw the picture on ORL of her standing next to Mr. Wilson. If I am wrong I apologize, that was a good while ago.

Anonymous said...

Plese feel free to go to ORL and be where Matt has so much fortitude. We wont even miss ya.

Anonymous said...

Nib, thank you for illustrating the view from "the other side of the coin". I read ORL a lot but it is almost like listening to Rush Limbaugh in that his side is always right and the opponent is always wrong. It just isn't realistic. This forum is a refreshing change of perspective on the same geographical part of the world and I hope it continues. There's room enough in cyberspace for both blogs and I'm really glad this one is here. I'm sure Mayor Joe is, too.

Anonymous said...

Everyone bring your little ones to the Pete Amato Boardwalk this Saturday from 5:pm-7:pm for the Halloween Walk. The Revitalization Committee will be giving out candy and treats to the kiddies.

Anonymous said...

[Quote: Just because other Americans have died so you could have the right to vote, please don't feel obligated.]

They fought and died to allow me the CHOICE whether I vote or not and the freedom not to be ostracized if I choose not t.
I don't vote in every election, either. It depends on who is running, what the issues are, whether I feel strongly one way or the other and, yes I admit it, whether I find time to get to the polls.
That does not make me a horned devil or someone not worthy of running for office.
I don't live in Wellsville and cannot vote for your mayor but having a candidate who doesn't vote would not sway me one way or the other.
A candidate who can offer me sound reasons why he should be elected WOULD convince me.
Which of YOUR candidates has offered such reasons to date? I think the answer to that is pretty obvious.

Anonymous said...

I dont know which candidate you are refering to, but since you dont live here and cant vote here, what matters.

Anonymous said...

To My choice:
The fact that you cant vote here makes me think your choice has no bearing whatsoever on anything. Is there some other point you are making. If you arent voting in this election, maybe you should be worrying about where you do vote. No one here cares if you vote or not if it doesnt effect our elections.

Anonymous said...

Spooky said...

Thanks for the info...Im sure that the wellsville kids will love this

Anonymous said...

I really didn't believe it when someone told me that a site actually existed that accused long time friends and co-workers of Lt. Wilson's of using him for political purposes. It's very sad to say the least.

To keepontrucking:

I voted against the raise that was given to the part-timers this past year. After conversing with our fiscal officer and with concerns of levy monies we will be losing in the police department fund, I chose not to support the raise for financial reasons. Our full time officers have not received a raise since they were given a 3% increase a couple of years ago.

Councilwoman Dinch

Anonymous said...

What is sad, is that it did happen. Politics is not for the faint at heart, or for those who cant see thru the political ploys of both sides. It was said that some people were there as loyal and loving friends and others were there to use him. I believe that sums it up pretty well.

Anonymous said...

On ORL right now, the last post is talking about our leadership throwing taxpayer money away. If they only knew about past administrations leadership and how much money was thrown away. By the way, maybe Dave Lloyd could update his question and answer section to actually answer the questions on there. I looked, but couldnt find the answers. He says ask him in a few months after he is in office and he can give better answers. They would have to be better than none at all, which is what is on there now. Check it out. It is reallly Lame

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's been about a month since any response was made on Dave's site. I hate getting on it and checking to find nothing.

Anonymous said...

Still waiting for Lloyders to give us a reason to vote for their man.

Anonymous said...

Go to the debate and listen, you will hear Lloyd. You will not get to hear Surrace, cause he won't show up!!!!!!!!! Which just goes to show you straight up, atleast Dave is willing to face or fess up to what has happened over the years.And answer questions thrown to him. Showing he is a true man.
To me, it says a lot when you what something, you go after it, when you don't, you hide. Must be ashamed of what you have done for the Village in the past?

Anonymous said...

Why would the Mayor or his supporters go to something totally set up by the Lloyd crew.

Anonymous said...

Diane Dinch..yeah, that's sad. Of course you didn't even vote to give people who put their life on the line everyday a lousy little raise. What a bullshit answer!

Anonymous said...

The Lloyd supporters probably are going to be the only ones there. They set it up, used a high school girl to do it, because no organization wanted to, and they are stacking it. It is real see thru. Tomorrow Matt will go on and blast the Mayor, whether he is there or not. If I was Mayor, I would play it this way. I am the one who has to be beat, and I woudldnt give my opponent an inch. I would let him get his message out, all on his own. That is good strategy. I dont think people really believe the Mayor is afraid or ashamed. That is Lloyd talking points. Yeah, I feel real bad for Diane too. Also, everyone knows they tried to disquise it as a candidate night and it isnt.

Anonymous said...

I hope Lloyd answeres his questions much better than his web site. Maybe if they hold a debate 3 or 4 months after he gets elected he can give better answers. All this will be is a slam fest of the current adm. with no real answeres of what he will do. Just, that is the current adm. job, blah blah. It will be a Lloyd political rally. He may even show his face for once. He never shows at anything going on in the ville, but then again, this is all about him, and all his Lloydettes will be there for support.

Anonymous said...

If the Surace is so convinced that tonights forum is rigged, this is what the Surace team should have done: go directly to that Future Voters group and asked them directly what kind of forum will it be, what sre some of the questions that will be asked, who will be the moderator( someone who has no stake in this election, in otherword, neutrel ), and so on and so on. From there you would have been able to determine if it was a set up, which I don't it is. It seems to me that these are kids who no doubt have a vested interest in their future as young adults who want to know how to vote and who to vote for, what are the issues to vote on or not..............
Like I said before I am from Wellsville but live in East Liverpool. I have alot of family and friends who live in the Ville and from what I got from them was they have only heard one voice, and that is what the Future Voters group is hearing, one voice. How can they be able to vote in the future if they do not get to see what it is really like to vote for a canidate who doesn't speak? How are they going to know what he stands for? You just can't read about it, you have to hear it. They want to hear it. And so far they have only heard one voice. And by the look of things for tonights forum, they will continue to that one voice.
I really do hope Surace changes his mind and goes to the forum. Not to try and embarass himself but to try go out and make this a campaign to remain mayor. He is the imcumbent, but it is also his race to lose, because no one has heard him.
That is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

The Morning Journal and TV-27 ran that debate last night.
Sounds like the Chief of Police wants to keep his job, according to the letter to the editor.

Anonymous said...

Prince Planet:
All info about the forum tonight has already been gleaned. But please tell me where these kids are seeing Dave Lloyd to hear his voice. I go to almost everything in town, and I have seen him once, at the floodwall exercise. The Mayor is everywhere, he is in the paper constantly and I think it is quite clear to everyone what he is about. The only place these kids can be hearing Dave Lloyd is on his website. As big as he is, he sure has been invisible.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lloydettes:
Which is it. The Mayor is hiding from the public, or he is at everything getting his picture taken. You seem to want to have it both ways.

Anonymous said...

My Opinion:

I pretty sure they read the papers and i bet some of them went to the forum last night. See, these are young adults who want to experience what it is like to participate in an election and want to hear not just one canidate but all canidates. And just like you and I, want to hear everything that is out there, not some of them.
What i was getting at was if the Surace team was that concerned about a set up they should have went to the Future Voters before hand not wait until a couple days before the forum. And by not speaking out may just backfire. He did have the election locked up until the survey, and Lloyds not voting record isn't winning and one over either.

Anonymous said...

Ole Nib,
I have a question for you that should be a depature from the rest of the comments posted here. In your posting you mention four local web sites. What are they? I can think of, ORL,and yours. Are there others out there?

Anonymous said...

I think this is one he was mentioning...

in case anyone wanting to start a NEW blog.. and OLE NIB.. you can come too... go here

Anonymous said...

Mayor Surace was at the East Liverpool Chamber of Commerce dinner Thursday night. And before you people get started, he was representing the village, along with several other people, because the speaker was the VP of Baard Energy, the largest corporation to make plans for this area in years. He was representing the village and spoke publicly in favor of Baard, just as he should be, not spending his time at some campaign function.

Anonymous said...

[Quote:He was representing the village and spoke publicly in favor of Baard, just as he should be, not spending his time at some campaign function.]

How stupid are you? You think his attendance at the chamber dinner wasn't political campaigning? Now, which of the two events do you think was going to get more REAL media coverage: a candidates' forum sponsored by some kids or a chamber of commerce annual dinner that both newspapers cover?
And as for those of you who said my opinion on the Wellsville election doesn't count because I don't live there, kiss my a**.
If you think I'm the only non-resident with an opinion about your "mayor" then have at it...there are those of us who read not only these blogs but REAL newspapers and know what's going on in "YOUR" town.
Just because we don't live there doesn't mean we aren't interested or have the right to voice an opinion.
But, then, I guess I should expect that type of reaction from some of you clannish, narrow-minded hilljacks.

Anonymous said...

So.. as I see it , no matter what this man does. it's wrong.. You people amaze me. It will never end..

oh and I also wanted to be the 100th poster on this post.. hope i made it..

Anonymous said...

Ok. now that I made my sarcastic post. I do think it was more important for the mayor to be at that dinner representing Wellsville to BAARD...This will mean alot for every resident in the village as well as surrounding towns, cities, ect..He IS and should be doing these type of things to make sure that this plant comes to the village.. Seems no one can have a positive outlook on anything.. This isnt about Joe or Dave.. This is about where we live, where our kids will live, and all of you are turning it into a fight of who likes who more. How disappointing.

Anonymous said...

Attention: My Choice!

Back in the sixties when I was in Wellsville High School we had what was called Government Day.
Of course… (Under supervision), the complete Village was turned over to the Senior Class.
Your post degraded these students and should not have been done.

However your writing skills are very good and, if I might make a suggestion, it would be that you should start your own Blog
You could call it something like The “Port A John” Blog

Your header could start something like:
Buzzing around my seat today was a real article written by a real professional reporter who stated…

Of course that’s just my opinion

Sparky Miller

Anonymous said...

My comments were not a slam at the kids, who I commend for doing something none of the "adults" in your community had the guts to do.
I was merely observing that the mayor obviously knows a good media opportunity when he sees one: the chamber dinner.
I wonder, though, whether he would have been at the kids' forum had the chamber not had its event that night. Guess we'll never know.
Oh, and FYI: I've known you for years and do not include you among the clannish, narrow-minded or hilljacks to whom I referred.

Anonymous said...

mychoice..get your own material. You know, have an original thought.

Anonymous said...

My Choice

If your post wasn’t meant to include the students, then I offer this post as an apology.

Sparky Miller

Anonymous said...

gf - Terry Brown got the one right with the Proboard75 site. I call it the Wellsville Forum. See Mr. Brown's comment of 10/25 @ 6:06 P.M. for the forum's address.
You were right on with ORL & The 4th site I was alluding to was Dave Lloyd's

Hey Terry - congrats on being picked for the Business of the Month. Good luck with your dealings with the FCC.

Anonymous said...

Some of you people are ridiculous. The Mayor was doing what he should have been doing last night to progress the village. tbrown is right, you will critisize no matter what he does. I for one, think he should have been there. That is really his job. If Dave Lloyd was a serious candidate he would have been there to finding out what is going on, but then he couldnt since his people set up the pidly debate. Thats right, he will let us know 3-4 months into Mayorship what he is going to do. I know he says on his website that it is the current adm. job to go after business for the ville. So he is probably glad the Mayor was there right, doing as he suggested.

Anonymous said...

what the hell does that mean: "get an original thought"?
Everything I wrote was completely original unlike some of the drivel I see on this and other blogs.
Grow up.