Monday, October 29, 2007

Another Staged Event

While decent people are attending church services, getting ready for the weekly family luncheon, tail gating and anticipating another Steeler victory Wellsville Councilwoman Diane Dinch calls a press conference in her own home. It happened yesterday on Sunday morning. She claims it was for altruistic reasons and that she did it as a public service for the residents of the ville.

Dinch is in the last few months "serving" as a council representative. She lost her bid for re-election in the primaries this past spring.

Read the articles. Draw you own conclusions. Both local newspapers had their write-ups on the front page. The stories are on-line at &

See if you think the real story is untold and hidden between the printed lines. Do you think Ms. Dinch had the best interest of Wellsville in mind? Do you really think she was doing this as a public service?

ole nib


Anonymous said...

It looks like she had the Balls to bring it all out and in the open, so did Goss and Brown. Now the people really knows what is going on. Do you honestly think Wilson should have been suspended? And if there was other officers in the dept. that had some violations and were not repremended, then why should Eddie be the only one single out?
I really do not think that Dinch did this out of spite, was to inform the residents what their tax dollars was spent on. The people needed to know and now they know. But there is more to this story that they are not telling and from what I got from the story it may be bad. I could be wrong.
Nib, you really have to see this for what it is. If the report states what Dinch released to the newspapers, then it has to be true unless there is more to it then what it is told. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

she's done in a few months. She lost, remember, it's her last chance to discredit the current powers-to be. Who does she think she is? she has no authority calling her own press release. Its a Lloyd campaign antic, plain and simple.q

Anonymous said...

ANYONE can all a "press conference," although asking a couple reporters to your home hardly qualifies as a press conference.
Who cares why or how she did it? It's information the public should have had as soon as it was released to the mayor.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Diane has taken up her position on the grassy knoll

Anonymous said...

Just in time for the rest of the story. The taxpayers have a right to know the truth.

Anonymous said...

Every taxpayer in this village has a right to know about those findings in the investigation. I wish the findings would have been released by Surace, but he didnt do it. For me, that would have restored more respect for him. He has claimed in the past that he supports Lt. Wilson....well now is the time he should have showed it. I would bet any amount of money that if the investigation would have showed wrong doing on Ed's would have been published ASAP!!! People want to jump on Dinch because she talked to the about the fact they found no wrong doing on Ed's part!!?? Dont want to talk about that...lets find someone else to beat down cause we gotta leave Wilson alone...atleast for now.
Welcome back Ed...and a big THANK YOU Councilwoman Dinch for doing what Surace should have done. Letting the people know what they paid for!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Another staged event? You have got to be kidding me! These "staged events" have been brewing for a long time. They are not staged for this ellection as you have implied. This dufuss we call mayor has set himself up for what is happening. The old straw house is crumbling down and it is not being taken down by anybody else than the homeowner.

You people are fools said...

Do you think Mr Surace is right? Right on hiding information from the public, right in not answering questions concerning the village, right in not handling personal matters in house. Do you think he's 100% right. If you do, YOU ARE A BIG FOOL. Well my friends it's not over, more to come stay tuned. Then tell me how great he is.

He's done to said...

Not is only is Dinch going on vacation in 2 months so is Surace. I can't believe how underhanded this man is. The truth will tell the tail. Stay tuned, same bat time same bat channel. Can't wate to Vote!

Anonymous said...

I think Joe Surace needs some other advisers. His campaign has made several mistakes, of which this is just the latest. He should have kept his promise to the people of Wellsville and made the report public as soon as possible, regardless of how bad it made the PD look. The utter silence from the Suracers on this issue is remarkable.

That Morning Journal poll held a steady 2-1 until it closed, which has to be sending the Surace campaign into meltdown. What will they do when still more bad news hits the fan? And it will.

Anonymous said...

She has an agenda, believe me, she is not about what is best for Wellsville, she is all about what is best for Diane. If Lloyd wins, she will be part of that administration. Why do you think he has not come out and said who will come in with him? She is not very popular and it could loose him votes. Anyway, that how I see it. Oh yeah, reading is fundamental.

Anonymous said...

I only thank God there were no more pictures of Cruella DeVille in the paper this morning. On another note, I was just wondering if Rosie Goss is a member of Mensa?

Anonymous said...

I thought the article was actually harmful to both sides. Seemed like it wasn't the best strategy for Lloyd, but that is only my opinion and I know very little about politics or that particular situation.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Diane could do the village a real public service and move to E.L. with Matt. Maybe they'll elect her to something there. She seems rather bitter about losing her council seat. She is on a vendetta, everyone has that figured out. She might want to concentrate on getting Dave Lloyd registered to vote.

Anonymous said...

mary m--
That's right, instead of addressing Surace's obvious bungling of the situation, blame it on everyone BUT the mayor. There is a common theme in the Surace campaign: Take responsibility for nothing, blame everything on someone else, take credit for other people's accomplisments. Two out of every three voters are seeing through this strategy.

Anonymous said...

Wonder what Lloyd promised Dinch that gets her to sell herself so cheap?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow, That's not surprising.

Anonymous said...

Two out of three voters where? On the MJ poll? You don't think that is a scientific poll, do you?

Anonymous said...

[Quote:Why do you think he has not come out and said who will come in with him?]

I believe on his website Dave states clearly he has no plans to change any positions in village hall "as long as they do their job."
Pretty clear to me.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and monkeys fly!

Anonymous said...

Wake up.
Wake up
where ever you are

and finally smell the roses. that's right the lloyd roses.

Anonymous said...

Everybody think. Do you want Diane Dinch a member of your next Administration. Because that is why Dave Lloyd doesnt announce his adm. He knows people will reject her, as we already have. She is mean, and vindictive, but is vying for a post at village hall, why else do you think she is calling press conf. and going at it so hard. Campaigning I mean.

Anonymous said...

There is still a lawsuit against the Mayor. He stated he would release info after speaking with Ed and attorneys. He just spoke to Ed over the weekend. Will speak to attorneys this week. He will be releasing info. It may not be happening in your time frame, but it will be happening. Your problem is how will you defend Dave Lloyd and his wonderful record.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Matt,
I think Diane should move in with you. You were, I mean would make a great team. You are certainly cut out of the same cloth. Good Luck

ThePitch said...

Oh my! It's amazing how personal and cut-throat some people get. Instead of reading the articles for what they were.....lets start throwing mud at DInch. I dont care who gives the info...just give it to us already. I cant beleive that there are those of you who truly didnt want to know the truth in that report. Its mind blowing to me how many people still sit back and watch our money get spent on such bogus things....and not demand the answers for it.

Anonymous said...

Just curious Lloydettes. Did you get Dave registered to vote. Hope he is in a good mood that day or he wont bother. If elected, I hope he dooesnt retire because of mismangement on his part like at the Fire Dept. TAke the money and run Dave. Thats his motto.

Anonymous said...

It's true Surace did not want to run a negative campaign. But I think the Mayor has had it. After all the negativity that has been put out about him from the Lloyd group, you can hardly blame the man. He has been kicked long enough. He now will be taking the steps to show the people of Wellsville just how Dave Lloyd ran the Ville in the red for nearly 5 years or better. Then Dave Lloyd took the money and ran. All of course AFTER Council transfered nearly $370,000 from the Genral Fund and the General Fund could not provide any more transfers without going into the red. And guess what Wellsville? Dave Lloyd retired with a health severence package and left the Fund in the red once again.

All the lies and negativity in the world can not cloud the truth. The truth is available and has been signed by the Auditor of State and is a documented public record. Be my guest. Be the first to find out what Dave Lloyd has done to the Village of Wellsville year after year after year. You will be shocked.