Sunday, October 28, 2007

Not Amused With The Muse Brothers

At the last council meeting ville resident Tim Long brought up the coal dust problem. I guess this problem just won't go away. Mr. Long indicated he had some testing done and the results over whelmingly shows that the pollutant the folks in the lower part of the ville are seeing is coal.

We first wrote about the coal dust problem this past March in the Baffled With B.S. post and then there were two subsequent posts following up. Since the report on the council meeting James & Chip Muse have been going on the defensive in our local papers trying to misdirect the drag out problem as being our village's fault. There was an article in the Review on the 23rd and a Letter-To-The-Editor on the 24th in the MJ. They indicated that the pollution continues mainly due to the proposed road not being built. No where did they mention that the building of a new street is costly and involved. There are right of ways to be negotiated and a source of funding to be found for such a major expenditure for our limited finances. As Village Fiscal Officer Dale Davis said this ain't going to happen overnight.

With all the blustering of the Muse brothers going on there appears an article by Jeremy Lydic in yesterday's Review. In it Mr. Lydic reports that the Ohio EPA will be issuing another Notification of Violation to the Wellsville Terminals for the ongoing problem with coal dust drag out from the terminals. Evidently the folks operating the business there haven't been following up with their agreements. Now they have to deal with the EPA once again.

Instead of wasting all that ink the Muse brothers would be more productive in keeping their word with their proposed solutions. The problem originates at the terminal. It's nice to have them here and I hope they continue to enjoy a profitable business. Instead of pointing fingers they would be much better off taking care of doing business in compliance with their agreements and regulations they have to abide by. It may bite into the bottom line a bit but it would go a long way to proving to be good neighbors.

ole nib


Anonymous said...

Wouldnt a new road move the dust to another part of the village?

Anonymous said...

And the bottom line is all that matters with the Muse boys. They are not your neighbors.

steampunk said...

Cynic shows the same attitude that drove so many small businesses out of the small river towns like Wellsville. He thinks its a fault that a small business is concerned about making a profit - the same profit that will keep people employed and pay for health insurance.
I understand that the other road is to go along the RR tracks away from most residences.
It would be nice if the Village swept along the most traveled road in the Village. The article said the Village only swept there once.

Anonymous said...

Before you shoot off any more steampunk you should know what they do at their other businesses. It doesn't matter because soon you all will be buying at the company store.

steampunk said...

Cynyc, you seem to know something more than I do. What are their other businesses and what does it have to do with how the Village deals with the dust? you seem like an angry guy!
As far as Wellsville being a "company town" I don't know of many companies left in Wellsville to be able to control anything. The only one I can think of is Baard who is going to bring in a lot more coal than that little terminal...but everybody can't wait for construction to start.

Anonymous said...

Although from time to time I do read these blogs, I have never (prior to now) even really wanted to. That said I'll make myself a hypocrite for all to bash and ridicule. Just recently I got the pleasure of reading my own name in here for bringing up the coal dust of Wellsville. Right after my name the statement "I guess this problem just won't go away", not sure if that was a zing at me or not but oh well if it is. You just can’t please everyone. The thing is not only has it destroyed half of our homes but affects every kid at Garfield Elementary School. You see it was about a year ago we took the samples off the sliding board after a day of rain and it came back 65% coal dust. Makes you wonder what our children breathe in each day? So I guess your right this problem is not going to go away! Instead we will find it present in our day to day health of our family members.
I think (which that and a quarter might get me a gumball) we by far have gotten out of hand with the conspiracy theories of Wellsville. Come on give me a break if you believe two grown men would have other people tear down signs and spray paint others for a position such as Mayor of Wellsville.
Just take a second and read some of the stuff wrote in these blogs and ask yourself if all this would have been said if you are face to face. I highly doubt it would. (Go ahead and prove my point by starting to bash me now)
The fact is we live in a small town. We chose to live in this small town for a reason I think many of us have forgotten (me included). It's an area of hardship right now and without any kind of assistance from the whole community (not just one person) it is going struggle.
When I jog thru town (which if you have seen my gut lately you know I need to do more often) I can see the potential the village has.
I'm beginning to see maybe we want all the rumors to be true just so we have something to talk about.. I'm sorry blog about.

Anonymous said...

To Tim Long - Let me assure you when I said "I guess this problem just won't go away" it was absolutely not throwing a zing at you. On the contrary I would like to commend you for taking the time to bring it up at a Council meeting. I feel very strongly about this problem and if I were in your position with location and young children I would be extremely upset to the point of near rage. For the sake of an almighty dollar the Muse brothers tried to misdirect the biggest cause of the drag out problem when it would be mostly non-existant today if they had did what they promised us. I try to be realistic but this is one problem that can be mostly eliminated if the folks at Wellsville Terminals were responsible & honest. Thanks for joining us and don't be bashful. Your opininions are just as valid an any of the others.

steampunk said...

Ahhh....ol' Nib making another sweeping accusation. If you read the article it said that the EPA felt a big problem was that the village was not doing any sweeping of the streets. The Muses said that Surace promised that the Village would help the problem by doing sweeping. The article, maybe the second one, said the Village had only swept ONCE on those streets that are used by so many trucks. Doesn't sound like the Village administration spends much time thinking about how to make a situation better by putting in a little bit of effort. The Village doesn't put much effort into supporting local businesses, something in short supply. Instead of fixing the sweeper they have to spend $10,000 to study the Ed Wilson thing. From what I've seen of the street the situation is a lot better than last year and it sounds like its because the terminal has put a lot of money into trying to control the dust. It also seems like they will have to spend more money but I wonder if even that will make anybody happy.