The MJ/Channel 27 Candidates' Forum went off last night in Lisbon. There was really no surprises as far as Wellsville is concerned. Independent Mayoral Candidate Dave Lloyd was there all by his lonesome resplendent in coat and tie. Mayor Joe Surace did not get over there. From the couple of pictures in the MJ today Dave looks about as comfortable as I do wearing a tie.
To keep Dave company they seated him between New Waterford candidates Dennis Lappert and Mayor Sherry Felger. As a side note New Waterford's Mayor Felger was quoted in the MJ saying her "village infrastructure would not be able to handle a large number of new businesses and proposed making do with the businesses the village currently has". Loser. If I was a resident of that village she would have lost my vote right there and then. At least our candidates in the ville both offer some progressive thinking in attracting businesses to the community.
According to Casey Barto in his write-up, Dave Lloyd addressed the issue of attracting new business in his opening statement. Then he went on to give his thoughts on Ed Wilson going back to work and what he thought of the WPD investigation. Nothing new there if you have been following his comments in the past. I'm sure he knew he would be questioned on his not voting record. He "confirmed that he had not voted since 2001..." Then he went on that he would set up guide lines for all village employees and try to get those guidelines passed into a village ordinance. Again nothing new.
What did get my attention was his stated concern of "providing adequate housing for future residents who may relocate" here. He said he had several ideas on this but then gave an old political cliche that he "was not at liberty to elaborate". Is Mr. Lloyd going to propose that Wellsville get into the real estate & housing rental business? I really wish he would elaborate and explain just what he has in mind. Off the top of my head I can only see a financial nightmare for our village if that be the case. I think it best to leave that line of business with the private entrepreneurs who are quite adept to handle the responsibilities and risks involved with such ventures. The village government would better off concentrating on enforcing the building codes and ordinances and revamping them where necessary. We've been weak in that area. Tax incentives would be an enticement for those business people. There's lots of room for improvement and lots to do to get it accomplished. So Dave do us a favor. Tell us what you have in mind. You can't leave that carrot dangling there.
ole nib
Thursday, October 25, 2007
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Ole nib: As a recommendation, you should stick to taking your pictures and writing blogs accordingly . Speaking on major issues of importance is surely not your strong point! First, it is apparent that you did not attend the debate. Why not, probably because if your candidate had balls to show you probably didn‘t want to be embarrassed with his lack of knowledge? Well if you had attended you would right off the bat know that Dave did not sit between anyone. Did Dave look uncomfortable? You bet, however, if you were there you would have seen everyone of the candidates were in the same boat. I wonder how you would have done speaking to that panel and to a group. As the first speaker, he sat to the right of the podium with the New Waterford male candidate, the third speaker on his right. The New Waterford mayor, the second speaker, sat in the first chair to the left of the podium. Ms Felger, the current mayor did make the comment regarding new business as you stated, however, her explanation could be very easily understood due to their water and sewer system. New Waterford is on the verge of losing their village status and going to a township status because of multiple issues not to their benefit. You continued to spew trash with no confirmation, for example, when Dave gave his explanation about not voting his comments were very thoughtful, complete and understandable that anyone at that time and under those circumstances would have probably done the same. Again, if you had attended you would have known this. You said, “Dave went on that he would set up guide lines for all village employees and try to get those guidelines passed into a village ordinance. Again nothing new“. So are you saying these ordinances are currently in place? They are - really, then why aren’t they being enforced. Oh, I get it you do not want to talk about what the mayor has not done! OK. Your most blatant outrageous comment was when you commented on his concern regarding adequate housing for future residents and stated, “he was not at liberty to elaborate”. This observation of your revealed your ignorance of your blog’s subject! If you had attended, you would know that the majority of candidates made the same statement on numerous occasions. Now if you were smart enough, why would any candidate make this statement? Do not give an assumption. Try understanding the question. It was refreshing to see you say the following, “The village government would better off concentrating on enforcing the building codes and ordinances and revamping them where necessary. We have been weak in that area“. I fully agree with you! In the event you have forgotten, the current mayor is the one responsible for ensuring these are accomplished. Why is it he hasn’t taken any action on these issues? Oh, I forgot, you wanted to forget. OK. In closing, yes I did attend the debate. What did I think? I think all participants did extremely well and answered all questions that were posed to them. What do I think was the greatest disappointment? The absence of the Ville’s mayor. From my perspective, it was an embarrassing, definitely uncomfortable moment for residents of the ville as well as all attendees at the debate. Like it or not, your candidate is an embarrassment to all residents, not only to us, but countywide. Sad, very sad.
With the Mayor's absence at the candidates forum, it does reflect on Wellsville.
The mayor could have spoke on numerous subjects. He needs to defend what has happened on his watch, the only thing that has changed in Wellsville is a boardwalk and paint on an old floodwall. Don't forget the beautification of Broadway. Yeah many people would like to have the old Broadway back. Explain what happened to unbid playground shelters, Eddie Wilson, unsolved murders. Any new industry? How about restaurants? Housing? Population increase? Come on Nib. Lead, Follow, or get out of the way.
Ole Nib:
No one is going to Matts site, so they want to attack you. Hang IN.
I have been to many forums where all the candidates are seasoned speakers and are not uncomfortable. There is no explaining being Fire Chief and not voting for levys, etc. anything at all. It is his cross to bear, and they are trying to put the best face on it. It really doesnt matter on bit who sat next to who. As far as the guidelines, you are right. What are these guidelines and how would he enforce them. You are under fire because they dont like what you are saying unless it kisses the ass of the candidate. Housing for future residents, why couldnt he elaborate. Because he wants us to ask him 3-4 months into the Mayorship and he will give us better answers. Joe has answered that in the Review. It is always assumed when they answer that way, they dont have the answer. You do not have to take the advise of a pompous ass like Wiz. It is totally biased, and wouldnt be on here if IT didnt think you were making some points It wants to put in dispute. Keep up the good work. We are all with you. But go ahead and show your pictures to. They are the best. The Mayor not attending does nothing to hurt his election. When I worked on a Congressional election, the incumbent never showed up at a debate, never ever. It made everyone mad because they thought it was not a level playing field. But he was smart, and he won. Rock On Ole Nib. Tell Wiz to go to you know where. Wiz: you get a gold star for attending the debate. Most people dont attend these things. I know, I have worked on many campaign, county and Federal, and people like Wiz dont understand political strategy. It may work or not, but Wiz cant think outside the box and is obviously emotionally tied to this little village election in some way or IT wouldnt rant like this. Trust me.
I have to say that it seems that the "followers" are trying to lead the campaigns either way.. I guess this might be common with any election. As far as the current mayor not going, Im sure he has his reasons. But I know he wouldnt have been attacked by ALL of you. because most of you wont even state your name on here or ORL. let alone say something to his face. Im not saying that everything that he does is perfect. but I have seen alot of good things that he has done for the village, and your bias attacks wont allow you to see this. As far as D. Lloyd. I still dont know him so I cannot comment on the man. But If I had put statements on my website as he did that he was going to do this and that. and then come back with answers that it is up to the CURRENT administration to get these things started or the contacts made, then you all wouldnt think very highly of me. But it isnt about what Joe Surace has or has not done. It is a biased attack and you all would back anyone that opposed him at this point. So you that are backing Lloyd have to look deep and agree that although he did show up. his comments both there and his website hold no true answer. So I guess that is where OLE NIB was coming from. the usual answer is the only thing that he gave. So we are to take that? Think again
You people expect alot from Mayor Surace in one term, when you had much worse under previous administrations. Things are better whether you admit it or not. Dave Lloyd is not Wellsvilles Savior. Go to ORL where this shit flys. Don't insuld Ole Nib, he is fair and is allowed to say what he wants without your Trashman like insults.
I also see alot of good things going on in the village since Joe came to office. The Wiz should realize with that tone, no one pays attention to him or her or whatever the Wiz is. I am sure Ms. Haugh spent alot of time making Mr. Lloyds website nice, but he still doesnt answer the questions like you said. I would love to leave a comment, but you cant. I guess that is for a reason.
And the pack of sheep has raised their heads!!! Let’s see who can make most stupid comment tonight. OK, go!
This comment is not directed at you, Congrove. For you have at least commented as to what you think with some facts. However, I can enlighten you on the process to leave a message for Dave. I'm sure your rational request would be answered. Thanks. Maybe we can have a discussion at a later time, after all this madness passes.
Nib... This is turning into ORL part two. Everyone is coming here because they get immediately online.
To bullshit..Believe me WE ARE still going to Matt's site..and as for Mr Lloyd "looking" uncomfortable, well Surace would have been sweating bullits..Hmmm, He just could not face the questions and had no answers.. Clearly Surace DID NOT write the statement that was in the paper.
Hey, MASTER deBATER...quit taking up so much space with those asinine posts.
It sounds like the Future Voters was a success. One of the parents discussed it on ORL. Said it was well attended, the Mayor had a committment, but sent his daughter Kerry to read a statement, and everyone enjoyed the evening. I am glad it all went off well. Maybe the adults could learn something from the kids.
I didnt say I couldnt ask a question. I did and never got an answer, by the way. I wanted to leave a COMMENT. You know, where all the hot shots in town, left lofty comments about him. I wanted to leave a comment about how he didnt answer my question and a couple other things, but there is no way to leave a comment . Only read the ones there. I guess you are to stupid to understand what was being said.
I have to say that I do not see dave lloyd at anything that doesn't benefit dave lloyd. Where was he all these years? what was he doing for Wellsville? Pretty ironic for him to speak at something set up by a group called Future Voters.
tbrown..hey, Congratulations!! We need more folks like you in Wellsville.
To resident;
I think he was running the fire dept. in the ground, until he retired. You are right, he doesnt attend anything and cant name anything he has supplied in time, money or resources to the village in all these years.
Normally I don't respond to comments unless a specific, civilized and reasonalble question is asked of me. I do try to keep up with the comments. Like in life I try not to let insults and calling me names bother me. I'd never get anything done if I spent all my time trying to defend myself. However I'm going to make an exception to this self-imposed rule today because of the "Wiz" and his vehemence.
In my humble opinion it seems the Wiz likes to pontificate with prolific tirades showing little forethought and seething opinions. He did attend the debates over in Lisbon the other night and chastised me for not going. Why would I? It was publicized that Joe Surace wasn't going to be there. Who was Dave Lloyd debating? I had planned on going but I read the newspapers and learned as far as the ville was concerned there would be no debate. So the event turned out to be a photo op and free publicity for Dave. You said I "didn't want to be embarrassed with (Surace's) lack of knowledge". Obviously you don't know Joe Surace. He is no dummy. He has probably gained more knowledge in the past three years than you will ever have the intestinal fortitude to admit. Then you went on to rag me about my New Waterford comment. Would your enthusiastic support of Dave Lloyd be so great if Dave was campaigning to made do with what we have now? Neither Dave or Joe is playing the "woe is me" card. Maybe Felger should follow Joe's example and look for other sources of funding to upgrade their water and sewage systems. After that you accused me of spitting out trash. In your words "You continued to spew trash with no confirmation" when I mentioned Dave being asked about not voting in the past six years. If you can uncross you eyes long enough you will see my quote was with-in quotation marks. That was a direct quote of what Dave was reported to have said in the MJ article. Not voting because of some sob story may be excusable to you but I, and many others, cherish my right to exercise that privilege. The right to vote gives us a voice in our government. It was hard fought for and should be exercised frequently if you want to call yourself a caring citizen. Next you went on to blast me about my noting Dave's remark about village employee guidelines. I didn't say these guidelines are presently in place. I have no clue if they are. Again I was just commenting on what Dave was reported to have said Wednesday night and at other times. After that you called me ignorant for my comment of Dave deferring to reveal what he has in mind about his plans for adequate housing. Once again I was just paraphrasing what Dave was reported to have said. Would you care to elaborate on your observation of "the majority of the candidates made the same statement on numerous occasions"? That wasn't in the paper and I'm curious. Be that as it may, if the majority of the participants did make that statement if just justifies my observing it as being cliche. I imagine lack of personnel, budget restraints and no funding being available is the biggest reason that a lot of things don't get taken care of to the perfection that you seem to demand.
Wiz you remind me of the Hitler Youth with blind allegiance and no tolerance of opposing views or questions. This past week it seems that you are almost fanatical in your lengthy rages. You ponce on anyting negative written about the mayor. Of course you are entitled to your opinion but your abusing intolerance is sometimes hard to take. Did you ever stop to think that maybe it's people of you ilk that discourage the mayor from granting interviews and attending public forums?
Way to Go Ole Nib:
You said it just right. I guess that is why you are the server. I agree with everything you said. I love the way you are putting it out there.
All Right Nib!!! Wiz's bullshit is old, trite, boring and predictable. Half the time he really doesn't even know what he's talking about which is funny because he tries to come across as so intelligent.
News flash: Surace75%--Lloyd25%
Poor Ole'Nib.You gave it a shot but why not just give up. You don't have what it takes to be a blogger and comment on politics. Maybe take up stamp collecting or model railroading.
I tend to disagree. Ole Nib does a great job with this blog, and I enjoy reading it.
Hey, when you've got The Wiz after you, you've arrived! Keep up the good work, Nib!
Yeah, Ole Nib, If the Wiz graces your site I guess you are supposed to feel really grateful. As for Matt comment, what a full of himself asshole. The blog world would be a better place without either one of them. Great job blasting the Wiz. Keep it up, I love you.
I suspect Matt IS the Wiz.
Thanks everyone
To Keep it up nib - It's funny you should say that. Just last night my room mate & I were talking about my & Matt's blogging. She asked me if I thought that Matt could be the Wiz in disguise. Do you think it's an alter ego thing? Could it be a ratings thing looking for more hits? Being married to the other half for nearly four decades I have learned she has an acute ability to judge people and see through the bluster. Naaa... I don't think even Matt would stoop that low. It is surprising that the Wiz hasn't responded with one of his viperous blasts. Maybe he is still doing an internet search on all the three syllable words and just exactly who the Hitler Youth were. Maybe he's just mad at me and won't honor me with a reply even though Matt said I arrived. Go figure...
I just think it's all very funny. Who competes for blog site hits, anyway? At least it's keeping him from putting photos online of the back alleys of East Liverpool and pretending like it's England.
Whether you want Dave as your mayor or not, it's atrocious that any of you can ask what he has done for the village in the past.
He and his family have been ardent supporters of the village and its fire department for decades and he was one hell of a fire chief.
It's unfair for any of you to take that away from him, regardless what you think of him as a candidate.
(And no I am NOT a supporter; I don't even live in Wellsville, but I do know the Lloyds have been very good citizens and good people, as it seems is Joe Surace).
Tell us what he has done to support the village and fire dept.
Ole Nib:
You could be right. Maybe Matt is the hated Wiz. I agree your theory on the whole thing could be possible. And he would stoop that low. To the last poster, Mr. Lloyd was not one hell of a fire chief, he didnt even vote for his own levies. He was lazy and didnt even do the inspections on equipment required by the state. He is not a premo candidate like some want to dream he is.
what facts do you have to back up the b.s. your flining????? what inspections???? please let us all know???
As Dave Lloyd would say I'm not at liberty to comment. That should be enought for the Lloyedettes.
as usual like current admin. your also on a fishing trip.good luck on your expedition and keep up the good work.
Journal endorses Lloyd in Wellsville
The Morning Journal Editorial Board endorses challenger David Lloyd over the incumbent, Joseph Surace, for mayor of Wellsville.
Surace did not seek our endorsement. He did not respond to our request for an endorsement interview and failed to show for two personal pre-election interviews scheduled with a Journal reporter. He also did not respond to our invitation to attend a mayoral candidate forum Oct. 24 at Lisbon’s David Anderson High School.
Quite frankly, because of his unwillingness to communicate with us, we really don’t know what Surace plans to do if re-elected.
We do know that more of the same is not good enough for Wellsville.
David Lloyd has cited a lack of leadership in the community, and we agree. Lloyd, although lacking political experience, did serve 20 years as village fire chief. A tenure that was untainted by scandal or criticism.
He has plans to restore order to Village Hall, starting with the police department which has been the center of controversy.
Lloyd wants to institute a set of policies for hiring and disciplining police employees. Since the village lost its city status after the 1990 census, the civil service commission and its governing policies were dissolved. Citing this as the reason for the turmoil within the department, Lloyd has plans to develop new hiring and disciplinary policies.
He also has ideas to get the town ready for the influx of business and new residents expected if the Baard Energy plant planned for the village becomes a reality.
It’s time for Wellsville to move forward in a positive direction. A change at the top is needed to provide that new direction and David Lloyd will be that positive change for Wellsville.
To Anon. (10/28-7:48) - Interesting. It seems to me if your are a spokes person for the MJ you would not be hiding behind an unknown name. Are you fantasizing and pretending to be an MJ editor? Until we see your news come out in an MJ article I get the impression you are just a Lloyd backer with a finger resting on the panic button.
I stand corrected. The MJ did endorse Lloyd in today's edition. It appeared both on-line and in the printed paper.
I still wonder who posted it here. Guess the Lloyd people are strutting today.
Who else would the MJ endorse?
Joe hasn't responded to any interviews, attended any candidates' forums, or done anything that is REQUIRED of an ELECTED offical. THAT IS PART OF HIS JOB. If you are elected to an office, you are given that job with the expectation that you WILL be held ACCOUNTABLE.
If Joe really wants that job he should get off his butt and answer the reporter's questions. Does he not have an opinion on anything he has done?
Then the police chief sends a letter to the papers saying just how competent the Mayor is in office. The police chief has more answers than Mayor Joe.
Ole Nib:
You should remove the comment with the MJ endorsement. That's a violation of copyright law and I would hate to see you get into trouble. Leave that stuff to Matt and his weird vendettas against people.
It's not a violation of copyrigh laws as long as you give the MJ credit, which was done.
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