Sunday, February 12, 2012

WHS Before

Before Beacom Memorial and way before Daw Middle School...

We're not sure where this photo came from. We had it on an old disc when we originally copied it some time ago.

ole nib


Greg said...

Was the entrance moved when Daw was built? Shame, it made such a statement.

Marc said...

That's a Great picture. I wonder how many houses were taken when the Gym was built, and Daw. It'd be nice to find a picture of that complete block at that time.

************* said...

We believe that entrance was closed off after Daw was built. We always it was a shame but...


************* said...

Marc - somewhere out there has to be a picture of that.


Anonymous said...

Back in the day, classes would have their class picture taken on the steps, too bad it is gone.

Phil L. said...

Nice picture. Yes, it seems a shame that the grand entrance disappeared as the building changed.

My memory is fuzzy: Does anyone recall what's currently inside the building where the original entrance was? I suspect that space was turned into classroom space, but can't recall...

Anonymous said...

Phil L.
The last I heard it was office space.

Aaron said...

The old entrance is the nurse's office now.