Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wellsville Quilt Show This Week-end

As it can only happen in Wellsville, what started out as one lady's idea has mushroomed into what appears to be a great event. Seamstress Jan Wasko thought it would be neat to have a quilt show in Wellsville. Jan has the O Sew Good Alterations shop on 5th Street. Quilting is a hobby of hers and she is friends of several other quilting enthusiasts. It's something she has never seen in Wellsville. Jan says many in the Wellsville area are very talented.

She thought maybe it would only involve 35 to 40 different quilts. As of early Tuesday afternoon folks had lent her at least 60 quilts and as of this morning they are still coming in. They will be displayed all through the River Museum.

The Wellsville Historical Society offered the use of the River Museum. Those good folks wanted to do something special to help show case the many quilts. They decided to have an old fashion Ice Cream Social and Weenie Roast on the front lawn of the museum. Weather permitting tents will be set up on the front lawn for that.

Some of the quilts to be displayed are antique family heirlooms, some are award winners, some are recently made and all are very pretty pieces of art. All are handmade by artisans from the Wellsville area. Also on Saturday the Wellsville Public Library will have Joan Dodds on hand from Noon to 2 PM with expert advice on care and restoration of quilts. Ms Dodds is the owner of Stitch-A-Long Quilt Shop.

This special event is open to the public with free admission. Guests are asked to sign the Visitor's Register at the museum sometime before you leave. Saturday the hours for the show are 10 AM to 5 PM. Hours for the Saturday only Ice Cream Social/Weenie Roast will be 12 Noon to 5 PM. Sunday will only feature the quilts with hours set for 1 to 4:30 PM.

You won't want to miss seeing all those quilts...

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Friday, September 23, 2011

You're Invited To A Show of Wellsville Christian Solidarity

The Committee to Save the Immaculate Conception Church cordially invites all their friends and neighbors to join in a show of solidarity and prayer. Every Saturday afternoon at 4:30 members of the Immaculate Conception Church hold a prayer service in front of the Blessed Mother shrine outside the church that they have been locked out of. They are in the process of appealing the Diocese's decision to merge the parish with the East Liverpool parish and the closing of their beloved church in the village.

On Saturday, October 1, plans are to form a human chain, holding hands, and completely surrounding the church. It's a show of Christian solidarity asking the Good Lord to intercede on behalf of the Wellsville Catholic parishioners to have their church reopened.

You are invited to join in the prayer service no matter what faith you hold close to your heart...

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Quilt Show Coming

On Saturday, October 1, and Sunday, October 2, there will be a Quilt Show at the Wellsville River Museum along with an old fashion Ice Cream Social. You'll want to tell all your friends and mark it on your calendar.

We'll have more details in a few more days...

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wellsville Board of Education's September Meeting

Monday – September 19: The Wellsville School District Board of Education held their September meeting this past Monday evening. Present at the meeting was Board President Tom Brophey and members Ed Bauer, Mike Cook, Karen Dash and Bill Miller. Also attending was District Superintendent Rich Bereschik, Treasurer Coleen Wickham, Garfield Principal Lisa Ferguson, High School Guidance Counselor Bob Rudder and OAPSE President Ed Swogger.

On the financial side Mrs. Wickham reported that for the month of August receipts were $616,714, expenditures were $671, 335 and the General Fund balance was $1.67 million. Interest earned in August was $3,030. Balance in General Set-Asides for text books and capital outlay was $719,477. Bauer noted that the cost for the new stadium seating is not yet reflected and the Capital Improvement fund is still in good shape. Mrs. Wickham noted that bill was paid in September which means it will be shown in next month's Financial Report. At the end of August the balance in the Capital Improvement fund was $659, 282. The Treasure's Report was accepted. Also a motion was passed approving appropriations for FY2011-2012 for a total amount of $12,603,835. Bereschik noted the district enrollment is down approximately 40 students this year and it will be necessary to look at finances once the official count is finalized.

For Legislative Update President Brophey reported that State legislators are just getting back from their summer recess. One piece of legislation being worked on is House Bill 136 which is in its fourth draft. That bill is called the School Choice bill “that seeks to expand education choice vouchers...” If passed traditional public school districts can expect to receive less money since dollars will be diverted and used for students to attend private schools. The Ohio School Boards Association opposes this bill.

For Buildings and Grounds Mr. Bereschik reported additional landscaping around the new seats at the stadium is in the process, getting ready for the big game with Southern Local. The new sign for the high school has arrived and work is underway to install it.

For the Good News Report Lisa Ferguson reported that the Garfield Open House was a huge success with 431 participants. The preschool is up and running at full capacity. There is a waiting list for additional students. Garfield received an “Excellent” rating on the state report card. Ferguson offered thanks to students, staff and families for that and to the PTO for providing an ice cream sundae party to celebrate. In closing Mrs. Ferguson said she was “touched” to see members of the National Honor Society volunteering their help at the Ups of Downs Awareness Walk this past Saturday.

For the high school it was reported that there are nine students enrolled in the Senior to Sophomore Program at Kent State. With that program it is possible to graduate from high school and immediately go into their sophomore year in college. Kristie Crews & Matt Jordan started a recycling program this month. Bereschik thanked everyone that put together 9-11 programs in the three buildings. Kudos was also given to the Ebony & Ivory singers and Miles McGinnis & Brent Drysdale for their parts in the Wellsville ceremony.

Closing out the Good News Report Board President Brophey and Karen Dash recognized District employee Ed Swogger for his quick thinking and heads up action last spring in the Daw Middle School cafeteria. Recognizing that a student was choking with something stuck in her throat Swogger quickly applied the Heimlich Maneuver to dislodge the obstacle. Shown above with Brophey & Dash Swogger (center) was presented with a plaque thanking him for his life saving action.

In other action the Board approved contracts with CCESC for this school year for a school psychologist and a computer technologist. The retirement of Mrs. Vicki McCuen was accepted with regrets and best wishes. That will be effective October 10. Payment in lieu of transportation was approved for several students attending other schools at rates to be determined by the state. A similar agreement was also approved to provide transportation via CARTS for two students attending the American Spirit Academy. An agreement with the CCBDD was accepted for contract special needs services.

An addendum to the High School Handbook was approved allowing seniors who have met the necessary requirements to participate in a flex credit work program. Bereschik explained there are some seniors that may only need two credits to graduate and this allows them to participate in a work program. Students in this program must have at least a C average, accumulated a minimum of 20 credits and have at least a 94% attendance record.

In personnel moves Michael Romey, Courtney Dalrymple, Dawn Klein were added to the substitute teachers list. Nikki D'Atri was added to the substitute teacher's aide list. Teachers Marilyn Carr, Tracey Kosek and Jeanne Waggoner were approved to be mentors to new teachers. Gabe Burns Baker resigned at Head Softball Coach. Steve Lasure was renamed Head Varsity Wrestling Coach and James Malone as Assistant Wrestling. Tim Long & Rick Severs will be volunteer assistants. Charles Fisher was named Daw Wrestling Coach with Tom Hackney as a volunteer assistant. Art teacher Dawn McCambridge was approved to be the Art Club advisor.

The meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM. The next regular meeting will be Monday, October 17 in the Superintendent's Office. That is located at 929 Center St.

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2nd Annual Ups of Downs Awareness Walk Is Huge Success

Saturday – September 17: The 2nd Annual Ups of Downs Awareness Walk held this past Saturday was once again a huge success. It was held at Tomlinson Run Park near New Manchester, WV. The walk was maybe just a small part of the day's activities but it was very significant. The walk is symbolic of the support and love pouring from the hearts of all who attended the event.

The Ups of Downs is a support group for families and those members with Downs Syndrome. It was founded a few years ago by Wellsville resident Nikki D'Atri, Doug Verzella and others in the tri-state area. The funds raised support activities sponsored by the group such as Halloween parties, Christmas parties, Easter egg hunts, etc. They are a self sufficient, all volunteer, non-profit group.

Each year they work hard finding sponsors. In just one year's time they doubled the number of sponsors. With the generous help from those sponsors the members of Ups of Downs put on a heck of a party. For just the cost of the registration fee they entertain you, feed you and provide attractions for the young ones. For those attending it's a way to show love and support for all those who are part of the Ups for Downs. For those that are part of the Ups of Downs group it's their way of saying thank you.

The Ups of Downs group meet regularly the third Thursday of each month. For more information call 330-383-1822.

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BWD Holds September Board of Trustees Meeting

Thursday – September 15: The Buckeye Water District Board of Trustees held their regular monthly meeting last Thursday at Wellsville Village Hall. Present at the meeting was Board President Mike Ryan and all eight Trustees. Also attending was District Manager Al DeAngelis, Legal Advisor Fred Emmerling, Fiscal Officer Tony D'Angelo and Office Manager Greg Stanley.

For the Treasurer's Report the District had $307,988 in receipts and $116,936 in expenses for the month of August. Trustee Bob Wines reported that income is running behind projections for the year but the Finance Committee is optimistic for year end results. The Treasurer's Report was accepted as submitted.

The Board then retired into a 21 minute Executive Session with Legal Advisor Emmerling for pending litigation. There was no immediate comment of actions taken upon their return.

For the Operations Report it was noted that the District sold a total of 948,667 gallons of water for the month of August.

For the Service Committee Trustee Roy Dray reported there are two issues dealing with the Village of Salineville. The first is their non-payment of their water bill for their Sewage Treatment Plant. That bill averages $9,000 per month and they are currently $27,000 or three months in arrears. That amount will soon total $36,000 if no payment is made in the near future.

It was noted a while back that Salineville must have been under the impression that they were not responsible for the cost of water to run their Sewage Treatment Plant when Buckeye took over furnishing water to the Village. Another problem may be in the process they are using to treat their sewage. The Committee has authorized District Manager DeAngelis and Legal Advisor Emmerling to draft a letter to Salineville making two suggestions that by using either one would reduce the amount of water needed at the treatment plant.

Salineville became a Buckeye Water customer once the District assumed furnishing the Village with an EPA approved source of water. Although a water usage meter has been installed on the Salineville Sewage Treatment Plant it is a public utility and their water can not be shut off for non-payment. It may boil down to legal action if Salineville authorities continue ignoring their bills.

The second problem with Salineville is their failure to live up to a contractual agreement in regards to their sewage customers. Sewage bills are based on the amount of water used by an individual customer. Buckeye Water furnishes Salineville monthly water meter readings so they can bill their sewage customers. If an individual customer fails to pay their sewage bill they eventually get their water shut off – no water means no flushing toilets.

Per an agreement signed by Village officials if Buckeye water has to repair or replace a curbside shut off on a customer's water line Salineville will share the costs for parts and labor. It's the same agreement that the Water District has with the Village of Wellsville. Salineville is nearly $9,000 in arrears for paying their share of repairs to shut off non-paying sewage customers. District Manager DeAngelis noted that Wellsville pays their bill without argument. With an unanimous count the Board voted to cease furnishing Salineville with water meter readings until that bill is paid.

Tim O'Hara for the Personnel Committee recommended that a part-time clerk position be created for the Administration Office. The Committee motioned that the new position be for three 8-hour days a week. It was noted that it was particularly needed for vacation coverage, etc. The motion passed to add the position and bid for applicants.

For the Engineering Committee Roy Dray reported the Committee recommends that Buckeye Water does not pursue becoming a Water & Sewage District. At the August Board meeting an individual recommended that the District look into getting in the sewage business too, during the Public Speaking portion on the agenda. That recommendation was accepted with no nays being voiced.

For the District Manager's Report, DeAngelis noted that the Distribution Crew fixed six water line breaks in Salineville within two days after tremors were felt from the earthquake in Virginia. Also a 2” water line on Salineville's Sycamore Street was replaced recently. There was a history of excessive leaks within a month's time.

American Electric Power has advised the District's monthly bill will be increased by $77.36.

Trustee Gene McGaffick inquired on the status of the new CDBG required road to the Salineville water tank. DeAngelis reported that it will cost approximately $18,000 for engineering to be done to complete that part of the Salineville Waterline Project. CDBG advised they will not cover the engineering costs at this time and Buckeye Water doesn't have funds to cover in this year's budget. At this time it's a wait & see if money comes available. Another issue is who actually owns the land around the tank where the road will go. There is conflicting reports on ownership. Ownership will be determined as part of the engineering.

DeAngelis noted that replacing the road is not a pressing problem. If necessary District employees can walk up there. Greg Stanley advised the existing road is only 200 to 300 feet in length with spots washed out. An old culvert Salineville had there has washed out. New storm sewers and drains will be required. Board President Mike Ryan referred it back to the Engineering Committee when McGaffick suggested Buckeye Water build the road themselves.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:42 AM. The next scheduled Board meeting is Thursday, October 20, at 9 AM. The meeting will be held at Wellsville Village Hall, 1200 Main Street.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Wellsville Catholics Keep Up Hopes to Reopen Immaculate Conception

Members of the Committee to Save Immaculate Conception and other parishioners remain optimistic with their chances to get the Wellsville church reopened. In spite of efforts by the Youngstown Diocese otherwise the Wellsville Catholics continue to keep the faith and are devoting huge amounts of time, money and effort toward saving their house of worship. They have held fund raisers and raffles for the legal fees to do just that. More is in the planning stages.

As many of you know the Diocese officials decided that the Wellsville parish was no longer needed and locked the doors of the 84 year old church in the face of the very people that supported the parish. It was the church building that many of their ancestors sacrificed so much to build and maintain over the years. It is the same church that descendents of those before them always upgraded and kept in good repair. It is a proud symbol of the Catholic beliefs held so strongly in their hearts. It was the home of a parish that was solvent until the Diocese had a change in officials. Those new officials used some questionable accounting rules and announced that the Wellsville parish was operating in the red. Knowledgeable individuals familiar with the finances of the Wellsville parish questioned what happened with the money and asked that a forensic audit be conducted on the Immaculate Conception books. They were refused by the Bishop.

The Wellsville Catholics were told that there are not enough priests to serve all the parishes. That was not argued. All they asked is that they have one Mass offered either on Saturday or Sunday each week and have the church available for weddings, baptisms and funerals. They were told that the priest couldn't travel from three to five miles away to attend their needs. Yet we're told there is one priest in the northern part of Columbiana County that does just that for four different communities on a regular basis.

We were told that some members of the Immaculate Conception parish contacted officials in another nearby diocese and were told that Friars were available to serve the needs of the Wellsville Catholics on an interim basis. When those officials from that nearby diocese offered their help they were told by Youngstown Diocese officials to mind their own business.

Recently a lay person that has faithfully taught Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) classes for young Catholics for the past 28 years were told his services were no longer needed. CCD offers religious education to children that attend public schools. The Director of Religious Education that told us that said it “was something discussed and agreed upon” when we called him to verify. He denied it was a spiteful move even though the long time teacher was told it was because of his actions with the Wellsville Committee.

The actions to merge three parishes into one is wrought with deception, arrogance and old world mentality. It is why the Wellsville Catholics worked so hard to raise money and retain Canon Law lawyers in Rome to appeal the closing. That appeal is in the process and it may be some time to resolve. In the mean time a request has been made to keep heat in the church to prevent damage to the organ and the building itself. The utilities have been disconnected and the Committee has asked permission to pay the bills themselves to maintain the integrity of the building and its contents.

The Committee meets every Thursday evening at Wellsville's SOI Lodge located at 327 Main St. The hall opens at 5:30 PM for the Social Hour. The SOI kitchen will be open. The meeting starts promptly at 6:30 PM. A prayer service is held each Saturday afternoon at 4:30 PM in front of the Blessed Mother statue at the church. Pictured above are scenes from a recent parish cover dish dinner for the Wellsville Catholics and friends.

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Wellsville Planning Special Lady Tiger Basketball Homecoming

To celebrate 55 years of girls basketball at Wellsville High School a special Lady Tiger basketball homecoming is being planned. It's to take place Wednesday evening, December 21, when this year's team hosts down river rival Toronto. Head Coach Ed Swogger says all former Lady Tiger basketball players and coaches are invited and encouraged to attend and be part of the special evening.

The Reserve game starts at 6 PM. Some of the evening's events will take place between the end of the of the Reserve game and the start of the Varsity game. Other events are planned at half-time of the Varsity game and there will be an open reception for everyone following the games.

The high light of the special evening will be a tribute to honor the State Runner-up Lady Tiger Varsity Team of 1987 pictured above. The 1987 team was coached by Randy Young and went 27&1 before falling to Lima Bath in the State Semi-final by a score of 55-58. That 1987 team upset a West Holmes team that had 108 straight wins before being eliminated by the ladies representing the Orange & Black. It was especially sweet since West Holmes had eliminated the Lady Tigers from tournament play the year before.

If your were a member of that 1987 team please contact Coach Swogger to RSVP. You can e-mail him at or by calling 330-532-3471. Please forward any contact information on members of the 1987 team to Swogger too.

The picture was borrowed from the 1987 Tiger Tales yearbook and as that edition noted: “thanks for the memories”. Although this event is being called a homecoming it is not replacing the traditional, annual Winter Homecoming. That will be held at a later date in the coming basketball season.

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Wellsville Library To Hold Scrapbooking Event

Brought back by popular demand...the good folks at Wellsvillle's Public Library is planning a Fall Scrapbooking event. It will be this coming Saturday at the library on Main Street from noon to 4 PM.

Registration is required. Call 330-532-1526 today.

They'll even have an early trick or treat for all those that attend!

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Plans Underway for 3rd Annual Dash for Mat's Bash

Plans are well under way for the 3rd Annual Dash for Mat's Bash. It's the fun 1.5 mile run/walk/race held each year in Wellsville to benefit the Mathugh Johnston Scholarship Fund. It is dedicated to all those that passed from cancer or cancer related illnesses. Scholarships are awarded to graduating seniors each year at Wellsville High School's Class Day. The past two years two scholarships were awarded to two different scholar-athletes each year.

Pictured above, Mathugh Johnston was an “All American” 15 year old boy that succumbed to leukemia four years ago. He loved sports and football was his favorite.

The Dash is a fun event for both adults and children. There's a Kid's Dash for children 9 years old and younger. There's a Halloween costume contest, prizes and candy bags. There's even going to be a Fire Department Brigade relay with runners from competing Fire Stations. Prizes will be awarded to the top five male & female winners in both the adult and children races. At the end of the race there will be drawings for all sorts of prizes with the top prize being a flat screen HDTV.

The race will be held on Saturday, October 15 at 5:30 PM. Registration will be from 3 to 5:15 PM at the Wellsville Fire Station. Pre-race entertainment will begin at 4 PM.

Registration forms will be available at different locations around town, including the lobby at Village Hall, beginning this coming week-end. There is a deadline of October 6 for registrations to be made to be guaranteed a shirt. The forms are also available on the Face Book page for Dash for Mat's Bash. Registration is $10 for adults, $5 for children 9 and under and $40 for each Fireman Relay team. Checks can be made out to The Mathugh Johnston Memorial Corp. and mailed to 1703 Commerce St., Wellsville, Ohio 43968.

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Wellsville Remembers 9-11

This past Sunday Wellsville observed the 10th Anniversary of 9-11. On that tragic day in 2001 Wellsville lost one of their own in the Twin Towers in New York City. The late afternoon ceremony was dedicated to the memory of Cathy Salter. Cathy was the daughter of Henry & Eleanor Salter.

The observance was held at the Boy With the Boot/Salter Memorial on Wells Avenue. It was jointly sponsored by the Wellsville Area Chamber of Commerce and Village officials. Mayor Joe Surace served as Master of Ceremonies. Brief remarks were made by State Senator Jason Wilson, Judge Melissa Byers-Emmerling and County Commissioner Penny Traina. Salter's High School chum, Charles Franklin, represented the Salter family and described to those present the always pleasant Cathy.

United Airlines pilot, Captain John Dye, added a special touch to the anniversary ceremony. Dye is a Lisbon area resident and flies Boeing 767s for United out of Chicago. According to newspaper accounts he was heading to the Pittsburgh airport on his way to work the day the terrorist hi-jacked the 767s. Capt. Dye told us he was there to honor the pilots and flight crews that perished in those attacks.

Wellsville Nazarene Pastor Dirk Hall offered the prayers. The sound system was provided by Bob Sell of Sell's Auction. Wellsville High School Show Choir Ebony & Ivory sang a couple of musical selections under the direction of Miss Emily Barlow. Band members Miles McGinnis & Brent Drysdale wrapped up the ceremonies by playing Taps. American Legion Post 70 members and Auxiliary hosted a reception following the ceremony. Wreaths were donated by Mrs. Dorothy Shepherd from Carriage House II.

It was a very touching ceremony and the Good Lord must have been looking on. The weather was a hall of fame warm, bright sunny afternoon in the beginning. Before the end of the ceremony dark clouds rolled in with lightning flashes. Not far behind came the rain, as if the Heavens were crying remembering the events of that day 10 years ago. Believe what you want. We don't think it was a quirk of nature...

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ups of Downs Support Group's 2nd Annual Awareness Walk Set For Saturday

The 2nd Annual Downs Syndrome Awareness Walk is set to be held this coming Saturday, September 17 at Tomlinson Run Park. The park is located off Route 8 near New Manchester, WV. All activities will be in or around Shelter #1 at the park. Registration begins at noon and the walk begins at 2 PM. The event is to benefit the Up of Downs Syndrome group.

The group was formed two years ago in support of families with members with Downs Syndrome. There will be plenty of food and fun for everyone, young and not so young. There will also be a 50/50 raffle, $250 worth of merchandise from Beresford's Meats, a gas grill and many other donated Chinese Auction items chanced off.

For more information or directions to the park call Lisa Derrington at 330-383-1822.

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tigers Drop One to Lisbon

Friday – September 9: The Wellsville Tigers dropped to 1&2 on the year last night after suffering a loss to the Lisbon Blue Devils. The final was 28-18. The loss last night at Nicholson Stadium didn't come from lack of determination. The Tigers battled right to the end of the 4th Quarter but with injuries and illness they were missing quite a few key players. We were told that there were a few players too sick to make it to school yesterday.

It was a tough loss on a beautiful night for football. The Tigers return to action at Lowellville next Friday, September 16. Kick-off is scheduled for 7 PM.

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Village Yard Sale Benefits Wellsville Christmas Decoration Committee

The Wellsville Revitalization Committee recently donated the proceeds from the Village Yard Sale to the newly formed Christmas Decoration Committee. The proceeds from the yard sale came from fees for table space rentals and permits paid by the sale participants. The 8th Annual sale was held last week-end.

The newly formed Christmas Decoration Committee is an independent joint venture that is spearheaded by Chairwoman Susan Haugh along with Councilwoman Rosie Goss. Following along the lines of the old Wellsville Beautification Committee. Its purpose is to raise funds to help the cash strapped Village to fix up or replace Christmas decorations. Members of the Revitalization Committee voted to donate the proceeds from this year's yard sale to help the new committee.

Along with the Revitalization Committee Haugh and Goss have enlisted members of the Tree Board to assist them. For more information on the Christmas Decoration Committee contact either Haugh at 330-532-5762 or Goss at 330-362-0444.

Pictured above is Revitalization Committee member Ruth Ensinger (L) and Beverly Hentzell (R) presenting two checks to Haugh. The second check was from a Columbus resident that is a native of Wellsville. Total of both donations was $533.

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Lady Tigers Drop From Ranks of Undefeated In Volleyball

It happened this past Wednesday evening in the Potter Fieldhouse. It was the battle of the undefeateds. Both the Wellsville Lady Tigers and the East Liverpool Lady Potters were 3&0 in the early season. It wasn't that the East Liverpool girls were that much better. The ladies in Orange & Black just had one of those days.

Oh well... Maybe it's better to get it out of your system with a non-league team. The Lady Tigers came back the next night (Thursday)with a very convincing 3-0 win over Jackson Milton to get things back on the right track.

The Ladies travel to Lisbon tomorrow morning, Saturday, for a tri-match between the Lisbon Lady Devils and Youngstonw Christian. The action starts at 10 AM.

Pictures above are from the East Liverpool match. Don't forget. You can left click on the collage to enlarge for a better look at the pictures.

Good Luck Tigers....

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Quilt Raffle To Benefit Liberty Theater Renovation

Raffle tickets are available for this beautiful quilt being sold by the Potter Players Community Theatre's Liberty Theater Renovation group. The queen size quilt is handmade by Lucille Huston & Joan Dodds and donated to the group. All proceeds will benefit the restoration efforts of the historic theater located at 517 Main Street in Wellsville.

Chances are being sold for $5 each or three for $10. The quilt is on display in the window at Center Pharmacy, 447 Main, in the village. Tickets are available at the pharmacy, Robert's Funeral Home at 631 Main or any Potter Player member . For more information call Erin Roberts-Orr at 330-692-2037.

Drawing will be held October 1.

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Registration Rquired For Wellsville Library Story Hours

The Wellsville Carnegie Public Library is set to begin the Fall Story Hours beginning Tuesday, September 20. Story hours for two different age groups will be held each Tuesday through November 22. Story time for pre-schoolers will be each Tuesday at 11:30 AM. Children in kindergarten through Grade 3 is set for 3:30 PM.

The program is free but registration is required. Parents or guardians can register their children by calling the library at 330-53-1526.

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wellsville Council Meets

Tuesday – September 6: Wellsville Village Council held a regular meeting last night at Village Hall. Present at the meeting was Mayor Joe Surace and Council members Sue Haugh, Rosie Goss, Joe Soldano, Randy Allmon, John McMahon and Tony Cataldo. Also attending was Fiscal Officer Dale Davis, Village Legal Advisor Andy Beech, Village Administrator Jim Saracco and Sewage Treatment Plant Operator Greg Stewart.

In the Public Speaking portion of the agenda 11th Street resident Dave Butcher addressed Council about the paucity of cruisers available for members of the Police Dept. Butcher stated he thought each officer should have their own cruiser. Surace said they would “take that under advisement”.

Main Street resident Terry Welch next addressed Council about a marble bench that was removed from her husband's grave site at Springhill Cemetery without her knowledge. In the process of removing it a corner was broken off the bench. Councilwoman Haugh advised she asked the cemetery caretaker to advise the owner that it had been removed and where it was located. The caretaker refused to notify the owner and Haugh remarked she was unaware that it was broken. Fiscal Officer Davis advised a claim has been filed and it was referred to the Claims, Rules & Ordinance Committee for disposition. Cemetery rules prohibit placing benches on individual plots. Mrs. Welsh remarked she was never advised of such restrictions by either cemetery officials or funeral home personnel. Another member of Council stated that there were no rules posted at the cemetery and that the box was empty where copies are normally available for visitors. Mrs. Welsh concluded her remarks stating something like this needs to be addressed for others in the future.

Although Village Administrator Saracco had no report, Councilman Allmon inquired about the availability of light bulbs for the lights in Broadway Park. Saracco replied there are five lights burned out and bulbs were available to replace them. However, the Fire Chief is reluctant to use the ladder truck since he has to beg someone to volunteer their time to cover the station or pay wages for someone to do it. Saracco added there is a privately owned bucket truck available to Street Department workers but he has to discuss compensation for using it with the Fiscal Officer.

In the Mayor's Report Surace advised “they” are going to get real serious warning residents about grass not being kept cut and ticketing people parking with two wheels on sidewalks.

Finance Committee Chairman Cataldo reported that as of the end of July the General Fund had $9,400, the Street Department had $7,400, Cemetery Fund had $4,000 and total of all funds was $360,971. At the start of the year total of all funds were $506,971. Cataldo also announced that he was calling a Finance Committee meeting for Friday, September 9 at 2 PM.

Water, Sewer & Refuse Committee Chairman Allmon made a motion to authorize the Village Administrator to advertise for bids for the Pump Station #1 & Forced Main Replacement project. It was seconded by Cataldo. Councilwoman Haugh noted she had very serious concerns putting this project out for bid since it is still unknown exactly were the pipe line is going to go once it gets to a certain point. She questioned how the Committee can ask for anyone to bid on this when the plans are still incomplete. Easements are pending settlement for this project which will determine a vast portion of the costs of the total project. Council voted 5 to 1 to put the incomplete plans for the project out for bid. Haugh cast the lone negative vote.

In the Property, Equipment & Cemetery Committee report Haugh inquired if the air conditioner for the K-9 cruiser got repaired. Saracco responded he had orders to get another cruiser repaired first. The Mayor added he heard the mechanic had started working on the K-9 limo but ran out of time to complete the repairs before the end of the day.

Additionally Haugh stated she is increasingly concerned about the electrical line for the flood wall pump that that was accidentally cut by an outside contractor last spring. Haugh related the village was very fortunate that the heavy rains from Hurricane Irene didn't make a direct hit on Wellsville. Since that pump is the last working flood wall pump uptown the village would have had serious problems if it would have been in a direct path of that storm. An East Liverpool electrical contracting company quoted a price of $10,500 to replace the whole line. That included installation of the whole line in conduit by them. If they encase the line in cement the price would be approximately $3,000 to $4,000 more. The East Liverpool company is very reputable and Haugh stated that she didn't think AEP would have any undue concerns about their quality of work. Haugh stated it needs fixed and she felt the price was reasonable. Saracco said the last he heard was that WFD Chief Smith was to have a meeting with the company that did the damage. He has not heard anything since then. The Army Corp of Engineers said the whole line has to be replaced to maintain electrical integrity to operate the mammoth pump. It can not be spliced. The damage was done when the contractor was repairing a break in a sewage line.

For Claims, Rules & Ordinances Councilwoman Goss announced she and the Village Administrator will be going around town listing unkempt properties that the Village will be taking action on with warning letters, citations, etc.

For Legislation, Council passed Resolution 11-10 under suspension of rules to accept the amounts and authorizing the necessary levies be certified to the County Auditor. This is a standard action done yearly. Council also passed an ordinance unanimously to amend the contract with United Water to operated the Sewage Treatment Plant. Fiscal Officer Davis explained that there is a clause in the contract permitting United Water to amend the contract if the Village made any substantial changes such as the new digesters at the treatment plant. Once fully operational the new digesters will cost approximately $5,000 a month for electricity versus the $2,000 average it cost previously. With United Water reducing their monthly fee by $2,000 the Village will take over the electric bill for the plant. Cataldo remarked he didn't know where the money was going to come from to pay the bill. Cataldo has been advocating a sewage rate increase for months now.

Under Old Business Haugh made a motion to go into Executive Session which lasted 37 minutes about purchase of property and legalities regarding it. When they returned Haugh requested the Mayor schedule a Special Council Meeting for Friday, September 9 at 1 PM if the engineers for the forced main project can attend. Cataldo expressed that he thought the meeting should just be a Property Committee meeting but Haugh stated she thought it would be better to call a full Council meeting. When asked after the meeting Haugh explained by having a Special Meeting it would give all Council members an opportunity to vote on the property issue if need be.

Allmon announced the jointly sponsored 9/11commeration ceremonies planned by the Chamber of Commerce and Village officials under New Business. That is to take place this coming Sunday. See our post below.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:07 PM. The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, October 3 at 6 PM at Village Hall. There will be a Special Meeting Friday if the GG&J engineer can make it. There will be a Finance Committee meeting at 2 PM Friday too.

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Wellsville To Commemorate 9/11 Sunday

Wellsville will commemorate the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 with two special ceremonies this coming Sunday. First Christian Pastor Mark Blakely and the First Christian Sanctuary Choir will be having a Service of Remembrance at the church in the first event. The church is located at 831 Main St. Services will begin at 8:30 AM. The public is invited to join in remembering and honoring the heroes of that day and celebrate our country.

Later on in the day beginning at 5 PM there will be a second ceremony jointly sponsored by the Wellsville Area Chamber of Commerce and Village officials. That event will take place at the Cathy Salter Memorial/Boy With The Boot location at First Street & Wells Avenue.

Brief remarks will be given by State Senator Jason Wilson, CC Commissioner Penny Traina, Municipal Court Judge Melissa Byers-Emmerling and Charles Franklin. Mayor Joe Surace will serve as the Master of Ceremony. The public is invited and dinner will be served to all those wishing to attend, at American Legion Post 70 (229 Wells Ave.) following the commemoration. Members of the Wellsville High School Band and the WHS Ebony & Ivory Choir will provide musical selections.

Wellsville daughter Cathy Salter perished in the Twin Towers in New York City on that tragic day. Salter was an alumni of WHS Class of 1982. The commemoration will be dedicated to her memory. Pictured here is a memorial to Salter at Wellsville High School from her classmates.

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Monday, September 5, 2011

WHS Volleyball Lady Tigers Go to 3&0 on Young Season

The Wellsville Lady Tigers are wasting no time establishing the fact that they are a team to be reckoned with this year. They opened the season on August 30 at Western Reserve and came home with a 3-0 win.

Last Thursday they opened at home in the Tiger's Den hosting the Lady Indians of Southern Local. In a sweltering hot gym they racked up another 3-0 victory. Pictures in the collage are from that match. The Ladies gave Coach Dan McKinstry career win number 580 and that moves him into the Number 3 spot for all time wins in the State of Ohio. McKinstry coached at East Palestine before moving to Wellsville a few years ago.

This past Saturday the Ladies won number 581 for McKinstry beating another backyard rival. The took three straight sets from the Beaver Local girls in the Beaver's Den.

Congratulations Ladies. Don't get big headed. Next Wednesday you go up against a very good team at the Potter's Fieldhouse. The match against East Liverpool starts at 5:30 PM.

The Lady Tigers return home Thursday at 5:30 when they host Jackson Milton. Next Saturday they travel to Lisbon for a tri-match against Lisbon and Youngstown Christian. That match starts at 10 AM.

Good Luck..

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Friday, September 2, 2011

WHS Opened 2011 Football Season With Win #1

The Wellsville Tigers opened the 2011 Football season hosting the Toronto Red Knights last Saturday evening. It was the WTOV Channel 9 Game of the Week.

This year the Tigers built up a 14 point lead in the first half. Tacked on a 2 point safety in the second and were taking a knee on the last series of the game to kill the clock. There's some room for improvement but we liked what we saw. It was good solid football.

Tonight they travel out Route 170 to take on the East Palestine Bulldogs. If you can't make the trip the game will be broadcast on the WHS Sports Station found on Sparky's Alumni web site.

Good luck guys. Bring home a win. Remember...It's the Year of the Tiger!!!

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Wellsville High School Athletic Hall of Fame Accepting Nominations for Class of 2012 Inductions

Nominations are now being accepted for the next class of Wellsville High School Athletic Hall of Fame inductees. Those selected will become the WHS HOF Class of 2012 with ceremonies to be scheduled some time next year.

To be eligible for consideration a candidate must have graduated at least five years ago, had been a student at least two years at WHS and have at least one varsity letter in sports at WHS. Coaches and athletic administrators must have served in that capacity for a minimum of three years and retired or left the school system at least five years ago. There is also a special category for individuals that have been a friend and supporter of WHS athletics over the years.

The deadline for nominations is September 27, 2011. Nomination forms can be picked up at the Wellsville Schools, the Wellsville Public Library, Center Pharmacy or found on the school web site at There is even a form included in the annual school newsletter.

Completed forms should be mailed to WHS Hall of Fame, 500 Park Ave., Wellsville, OH 43968.

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