Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Floodwall Exercise

This Saturday morning, June 27, around 10 A.M. the members of the Wellsville Fire Dept. & the Volunteers will be practicing putting up the flood wall gate up on Lisbon Street. The gate is made up of 8X8" timbers, tarps & sand bags. It closes off the street to block rising flood waters. Hopefully it will be the only time you see it go up. Every once in a while the Fire Departments go through the exercise to train new members and refresh the skills of the veteran fire fighters.

It's something to see. The Wellsville flood control system was made possible by a Congressional act after the devastating flood of 1936 that caused millions of dollars in damage. It was completed in 1938. Growing up on Highland Ave. I've seen it used from both sides over the years.

Traffic from Wells to Lisbon Streets will be diverted for a few hours while the exercise is going on. For safety reasons you will not be allowed to pull over on Route 7 to watch the activities. Although the four lane gives you a bird's eye view parking along the berm will be strictly prohibited. It's just too dangerous and not worth the risk. You'll have to join me at ground level.

ole nib

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