Monday, November 10, 2008

Veterans Day 2008

Tomorrow is Veterans Day, "a day dedicated to the cause of world peace...", as declared by President Woodrow Wilson in a proclamation back in November 12, 1919. From then until 1954 it was known as Armistice Day. In 1938 Congress moved that it be celebrated on the 11th day of November that year and each year after. The end of WWI armistice was signed on the 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour. It is a day to honor all vets, living and dead, for the sacrifices made to preserve world peace. It is as appropiate today as it was back in 1919.

Pictured above is a couple of shots from St. Elizabeth Cemetery and Springhill of the job the Veterans Memorial Council and members of Boy Scout Troop 19 did placing flags on graves of veterans up there. Those two organizations should be commended for the work they did up there. There are flags all through the cemetery.

Tomorrow afternoon starting at 1:50 a program will be held at the high school to commemorate Veterans Day. Keynote speaker will be Army MSgt Terry Berry, Retired. The program is open to all. I believe the program is sponsored by the Veterans Memorial Council. Those group of people have for years now kept this day a special event in the ville.

Thanks to those folks for remembering all us vets and thanks to all those vets who answered the call of duty throughout the history of this great nation.

ole nib

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