Ok, I got that off my mind. I always try to be tolerant of other's opinions but this latest stunt that Kanfer is foisting on us just about got my goat. I never did care much for crusaders and to be kind that's about the best description I can think of giving the Sierra Club. Most crusaders put me in mind of Hitler trying to create the Master Race. If you don't get on the band wagon they want you to feel you don't have the sense to come in out of the rain. Enough said.
Not getting far from that subject though, did you see the piece in the paper about the upcoming Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year dinner? It was in yesterday's ER along with a picture. Along with awarding the Citizen there will be folks from Baard speaking on the proposed new plant. That's timely even though it was probably planned for before Nachy got me stirred up. The mayor better get busy. I think Connie Bauer is getting her picture in the paper more than him these days! The dinner is December 4 at the high school. The price is $30 per plate.
Speaking of pictures did you catch the one of Tim McNicol doing his best to look like Inspector Clouseau with his trench coat? Tim is not only a county prosecutor. He is also an assistant law director for ELO. The picture was in the article about those folks up there closing Dan's Bar.
Before I forget I wanted to pass on to you all that the new pumping station and water treatment plant is on-line. From what I understand the village is still getting their water from the reservoir for the time being. I think the plans are to keep the old reservoir operational as a back up at least until they are sure everything is 100% operational. One board member told me he couldn't tell the difference between the two sources in a taste test. Buckeye Water District is growing into a big business and to think it all started in the ville.
Reading reports on this week's council meeting sure brought out a contrast in styles of reporting. Reading the ER one would think it was a big love fest between council and the St. Francis people. All 21 paragraphs in the ER account was devoted to that subject. Thankfully Erin Colella was there for the MJ. She's developing into a pretty nifty reporter. Her piece covered more than one subject.
The convicted animal control officer saved council from any unpleasantness. He resigned. Now council has to work out details on what to do next. We got the mayor and two councilman professing their support for the St. Francis group. There was a petition submitted with somewhere in the neighborhood of 600 signatures of village residents in support of the work these good people do for us. Village Solicitor Andy Beech was quoted as hinting there may be a way to work something out. There's suppose to be a meeting this afternoon to work out some details. We'll have more on that later.
Columbia Gas people were there asking for consideration to reduce the fee for digging holes in our streets. The ordinance in effect stipulates a fee of $250 per hole dug. I was told one councilman muttered that was almost like extortion. Considering the state only charges $20 - $25 per hole it does seem rather steep. The gas company is in the process of changing all their old cast iron and steel pipes to plastic. Because of the exorbitant cost Wellsville might be postponed. I think the committee that covers this should check out what other communities are charging and try to be more reasonable on the village fees. If one of those old metal pipes were to corrode and spring a leak it would mean residents would lose their gas supply until that leak is found and repaired. That would be extremely bad news for those folks effected especially with weather like we've been having this week.
I'm sort of like Nunzio was quoted as saying, I'm not really sure what's going on with the old Hammond house that has traditionally been the home of the cemetery care taker. As far back as I can remember being allowed to live there was a perk that came with the job. The best I can determine is that our Fiscal Officer and the Finance Committee is trying to right a wrong that has been going on since the IRS changed their ruling on taxing job perks. Is it just that or is it the fact they found this nougat so the village won't have to sink some big bucks in making the place livable? They are kicking around $20-$30,000 currently being estimated for repairs on that historic structure. Being a lover of things historic I'm hoping they can work something out to preserve that house. Is there possibly some grant money available somewhere if that was declared a historic site? We've already lost too many significant historical sites in the ville. I believe that house goes back to the early days of this community. Does the care taker live there rent free?
At any rate you can't fault the Fiscal Officer and make him out to be the bad guy. Since he has had the job he has proven to be worth his weight in gold. He got our accounting methods up to snuff keeping the state auditors happy and he does keep up with what funds are available. Although not everyone in Village Hall agrees Dale can tell you what we can afford and what we can't. He can also readily tell our officials what's available in the different budget accounts. I hope they do approve his raise. I would hate to lose him.
Speaking of money I never knew that lottery funds only replace reduced funds that the state spends on our education system. That came out in an article this week in the papers. That doesn't seem right to me. That's like borrowing from Peter to pay Paul and does nothing to relieve the burden on school budgets. I wonder what shape Beaver Local would be in if lottery proceeds were an additional amount to what school districts get?
It was also announced out of the Board of Education meeting that beginning in January all students in the Wellsville District will be able to get a free breakfast. School Treasurer Coleen Wickham was quoted as saying "We're not going to lose any money". What wasn't explained by the reporter was how this program is going to be financed. I'm glad the district is able to do this. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I'm just being nibby as to how the district can do this and not "lose any money". If I was still in high school it wouldn't have done me any good. I was one of those kids that stayed in bed until the last possible moment and many times finished dressing en route to school!
Oh for the good old days...
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