Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Thanks Your Honor

In an article by Casey Barto published in both The Review & the Morning Journal today it's reported that Billy Yost was bound over to the grand jury and that bail has been denied. Judge Mark Frost declared that with Billy's history he "poses a serious physical risk to the community" and declared that no bond conditions will be considered. I couldn't agree more. I'm sure there are many in the ville that think so too.

For helping to keep our streets a bit more risk free I say thank you Mark Frost.


Anonymous said...

I heard Billy Yost Jr. was found shooting up drugs earlier in the day. Does anyone know anything about this?

Anonymous said...

Billy was "supposedly" seen trying to "shoot up" in Joe's Bar along with drinking alcohol in bar[s] and probably taking "anything" and "everything"[pills] that he could! That was Billy!
Judge Frost did the right thing by NOT posting bail because Billy has been dangerous for years!!!
I just wonder how "high" he was at the time he murdered his father? He seemed to remember how many times[10] he beat his dad in the back of the head with a pipe wrench and "claimed" he checked his father for a pulse?
His "mind' must have been "clear" enough to remember these things.....I would say...DON'T try the "I was stoned out of mind defense shit and didn't know what I was doing at the time". Then to walk to the police station and turn himself in?
Cold blooded murder here,no matter how you look at it!
But,that's just my opinion!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Judge Frost? What a joke! Like he had a choice in this one. Check out county municipal case 05 cra 252. The wonderful Judge Frost let out a Sexual Predator who molested my two little granddaughters on a mere 10,000 bond. He didn't even order this bastard to stay away from kids. Two hours after he was arrested he was living right next door to the victims. Luckily, the pervert just died in prison.

Anonymous said...

Which Joe's Bar?