Tuesday - February 16: Wellsville Village Council met last evening in their regular bi-monthly meeting. Present at the meeting was Mayor Joe Surace, Council Members Susan Haugh, John McMahon, Rosie Goss, and Randy Allmon. Also in attendance was Fiscal Officer Dale Davis, Village Solicitor Andy Beech, Village Administrator Jim Saracco and WFD Chief Bill Smith.
Representing the Wellsville Area Ministerial Assoc. Rev. Bill Betteridge, Pastor of the Riverside Presbyterian Church, was there to offer the opening prayer. Rev. Betteridge noted that it has been a difficult week, one extra hard on all with the weather that caused some big problems. He asked that the Lord bless all the efforts of the workers and officials in all they do.
In Public Speaking, Mr. Blaine Fields of Main St. thanked Councilwoman Sue Haugh for the newly installed Community Calendar on the Haugh Designs Web Site called "Wellsville,Ohio". As a public service Haugh & husband Jeff created the web page that is chuck full of local information. The calendar is a very comprehensive list of events for the ville. You can view it at www.wellsvilleohio.net. Click on the small calendar in the right hand column to go to the full page version. You'll be pleasantly surprised. Blaine remarked that Mrs. Fields really appreciates it.
Mrs. Candy Bangor of Riverside, representing Wellsville's Revitalization Committee, reminded all of the Town Hall Meeting the committee is hosting Thursday evening at Village Hall. See our post "Town Hall Meeting" for more info. Mrs. Bangor remarked that the committee is "going to press forward with the Main Street project that was pretty much put on hold". She invited everyone and expressed hope that it will be a packed house.
Bonnie Ballentine from Curves on Wells Ave. next addressed Council in regards to an on-going parking problem adjacent to her business. Ms. Ballantine stated she approached Council about a year & a half ago regarding parking along Mill Street that blocked available parking spaces at the side of the building. At that time she got Council's approval to remove the curb that was there which would make it no- parking the same as a drive way. Council even approved the placement of a no-parking sign which was put in and has since been removed. The problem persists and many times block customers in. She stated that she has been told by WPD that they can't do anything about the illegal parking without a sign. Ballantine stated she has even been a victim of overt hostility over this situation.
Mayor Surace remarked he thought it was agreed it would be no-parking during business hours for Curves. Councilman Soldano added it was approved by Council and when a motion is passed it's the law. Soldano said the first no-parking sign was removed because it was too far away from the area in question and the Mayor said he thought new signs were ordered. Surace directed the Village Administrator to look into it and Saracco responded he will visit Curves today. If the signs are not on hand he will order signs with business hours posted on it. That would make it a tow away zone according to the Mayor. Ms. Ballantine summed it up stating her lease is coming up soon for renewal and if the problem can't be corrected it would play a big part on her decision to stay in Wellsville.
WFD Chief Smith addressed Council about increasing the number of paid, call-out fire fighters from 25 to 30. Presently the Village Fire Dept consists of only two employees which is Smith and one full time fireman. Any extra help needed is drawn from the list of personnel from the volunteers on the paid call-out list. They handle the dispatching duties covering the vacant spots, days off and sick calls in the work schedule plus any additional required duties. Many of those volunteers work regular, full time jobs. Expanding the call-out list would help in finding someone to work the shifts not covered. That item was turned over to the Claims, Rules & Ordinance Committee.
Smith also reported he will be meeting this Friday with officials from CC EMA & the Army Corp of Engineers in regards to the potential water situation. With all the snow on the ground if the area has a sudden melt with a quick warming the Village will be in "deep water" Smith remarked.
Smith went on asking everyone to write or call our U.S. Congressman & Senators about the "dire need" of repairs for the Village flood control system. It was originally hoped to get some stimulus funds to repair the aging system. Nothing has come about. Smith remarked the system was built in the late 1930s with a 50 year life expectancy and very little has been done since then to maintain its integrity. Surace added that Congressman Wilson has a satellite office in Village Hall which could forward any remarks or letters to him. Smith added if the flood control system would fail with a sudden snow melt no one would have to worry about dilapidated structures.
Village Administrator Jim Saracco reported he got a call from Wellsville's School District Rich Bereschik today, on his first day back from vacation. Mr. Bereschik asked that he commend the Street Department personnel and everyone else involved with the "wonderful job they did with the snow removal". Their help removing snow around the Village school buildings is greatly appreciated.
For the Mayor's Report, Surace stated that a "fantastic job" was done by all on the keeping the main arteries in town passable and snow removal. He reported that the Permissive fund is "pretty much shot" trying to get as much done as possible. With no money left in that fund any additional snow removal will be done by Village personnel.
Councilwoman Rosie Goss remarked that she is very proud of the efforts and the job done with the snow in town. Stating she works in WV she travels daily through several towns adding "one city has horrible roads, horrible". Although she declined to name that city she said she nearly wrecked a few times trying to drive through that city. Goss added that towns in WV have also been doing a nice job keeping the main streets open.
For Committee Reports, John McMahon inquired if burned out street lights are still reported by Village employees. The Mayor responded it was and that the police will get a pole number to call in with the reported outage.
Joe Soldano commended everyone for the snow removal remarking it plays havoc with the budget but it has to be done. Going back to the 1970s Soldano said he can't remember so many people pitching in. He noted that a lot of people with snow plow equipped 4-wheelers voluntarily clearing neighbors walks and parking spaces. He said their efforts are especially helpful to seniors and others unable to get out to clear the snow.
Water, Sewer & Refuse Committee Chairman Randy Allmon motioned to pay Pusateri Excavating $14,622 for work done on the storm sewer replacement and installing a catch basin at 20th & Clark. Surace remarked the old sewer was collapsing and it was declared an emergency. The street was caving in. The motion passed. Except for street surface repairs that job is completed.
Allmon also made a motion to pay engineering firm G,G&J an additional $300 for aerial photos needed for 18th Street Heights. Allmon stated the bill for the additional photos came in after Council's last meeting where members voted to pay $1,835 to G,G&J aerial views of Wellsville. Allmon again stated the pictures were needed for future grant applications.
The Mayor remarked that since the last meeting he has called nearly all Village contractors and vendors telling them "no more invoices". The unauthorized spending has to stop and from now on the Village is only paying out extra money for equipment repairs and emergencies. Rosie Goss asked if she heard correctly that the County Engineer's Office can provide aerial views for $5 each. Sue Haugh responded saying she received an e-mail informing her that is correct. However, she did not know if they were the same type. Haugh did not say who sent the e-mail. Allmon's motion was passed.
We called the County Engineer's Map Office this morning to confirm the availability of such pictures. They do have aerial views available that were taken in 2006 by the State. It costs $8 per copy. The person we talked to also commented they are not sure if they are the same type required for grant applications. However, they did say they had many compliments on the clarity of what they have. Last meeting it was agreed to invite Bill Boyle from G,G&J to come down for a meeting to discuss unauthorized spending of Village funds. After the meeting Allmon advised us he has done nothing about that yet.
For Personnel, Joe Soldano reminded everyone that got the generic insurance applications for their Village employment insurance surveys to get them into Dale Davis as soon as possible. The Village insurance agent is going to shop around for the best rates for a new policy. The current coverage expires April 1. Soldano also reported there have been no talks for a couple of weeks now for the new union contract.
For Property, Equipment & Cemetery, Chairwoman Sue Haugh reported the February 8 meeting with WFD Chief, herself & Tony Cataldo about Wellsville's Dilapidated Structure Program. See our post dated February 10. Haugh stated that "basically the Chief is asking for Council's support and commitment to continue beyond the ones covered under the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP). All the leg work on six structures has been done and funding from the stimulus funded NSP will pay for the demolition. Smith stated that by ordinance he is in charge of getting rid of any such structures but the costs involved is not part of the Fire Dept. budget. Smith reported there are three more buildings he hopes to get included in the NSP that will have to go to court. Two of those three are what Smith considers the most critical to have taken down. Soldano asked the Fiscal Officer if funds are available this year for the continuation of the program. Davis responded he doesn't have those figures at his finger tips and stated he would have a problem granting a carte blanche approval to go ahead right now. Davis went on to say that most of the owners are not paying taxes on those buildings and suggested maybe targeting one or two a year. Even at that he can't guarantee money will be there.
Andy Beech stated he believes Smith is trying to be a good steward of Village funds and that is why he is approaching Council before moving forward. Beech explained it would be a waste of money to start procedures on additional targets and stop. That would probably mean having to start all over with court costs, advertising, title searches and such. Beech estimates preliminary work could easily average $1,500 per structure before contracting someone to do the work. Davis inquired if it would be possible to "piggy back" on the County's program and Smith will check that. Soldano suggested a meeting be set up with Finance, the Fiscal Officer and Smith to do number crunching to see what might be possible. Former Councilwoman Diane Dinch asked if there is still a Demolition Fund in the Budget. One was established years ago when the old Super Foods burnt. The Mayor responded they "were going to try to start one with $25,000". They'll have to see where that stands.
Under New Business, John McMahon asked if hot patch is currently available stating there in one whopper of a pot hole in front of the high rise. Saracco stated he is unsure but believes it's too cold for the plant to operate just yet. It will be checked into.
Soldano remarked that rumors were flying this week with a possilbe water shut off due to a break on Commerce St. He said the Fire Dept. was inundated with calls about that and it really should be handled by Buckeye Water District. Soldano asked if there was any way to get together with BWD to establish a local contact or after hours number for people to call. Saracco said he would contact the Water District today. In the shut off last summer there was only a recording that wasn't up-dated much.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:50 P.M. Next Council meeting is scheduled for March 2 at Village Hall at 6 P.M.
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