Yesterday we got a call from a member of Wellsville's Revitalization Committee (RC). The caller stated they have been informed that the Board of Directors for the Potter Players Community Theatre (PPCT) has decided to decline the committee's offer to pitch in with help with the old Liberty Theater. (Please see comments below) The PPCT is not turning down help from any source. They just do not want to give up the deed to the old theater.
The Liberty Theater, believed to have been built in 1924, has sat mostly vacant and unused since sometime in the 1980s. The previous owners tried to donate the building to the Wellsville School District but the School Board said no thanks. Then in 1998 it was turned over to the Liberty Theater Association (LTA). Out of his own pocket, Wellsville Funeral Director Bill Roberts paid to get the LTA listed as a nonprofit organization. Workers pretty much gutted out the main theater that was ruined after years of neglect. They got equipment from the old American Theater in East Liverpool. They even went and fetched an old pipe organ from somewhere in mid- Pennsylvania. After obtaining some grant funding a new roof was put on along with a new concrete floor in the main theater. Work was begun on replacing the electrical system in the building but Roberts was quoted in the newspapers as saying "roadblocks started to come up and he was exhausted".
In 2005, maybe 2006, the LTA group learned that the PPCT members were very interested in the building. Again, as quoted in the newspapers, they "had a grant writer, electricians and contractors in place". The building was given to them. Roberts was quoted as saying "it was the proper thing to do".
Then a little over a year ago members of Wellsville's Revitalization Committee contacted the PPCT with an offer to join forces to refurbish the old theater. We accompanied both groups on a Monday evening, August 31, 2009, when they toured the building. At the time we noted that the brick building was dry and appeared structurally sound. Members of the PPCT present indicated that with the economy funds pretty much dried up. They said the first thing that was needed was to find an architect willing to donate time to draw up plans for the renovation. That way they would have a better understanding on exactly what was needed and get cost estimates. At that time all work had stopped and the building was used mostly for storage.
This past October 13 a public meeting was hosted by Wellsville Mayor Joe Surace at Village Hall regarding the Liberty Theater, at the request of the RC. With rehearsals going on, only one member of the PPCT group was able to attend. East Liverpool Architect Scott Shepherd was in attendance and offered to donate his services. He was quoted in a news article as saying "My dad (the late Jim Shepherd) wanted to see that theater put back into place" and he would like to see those wishes fulfilled. Shepherd said the Liberty "is one jewel in Wellsville that needs shined up".
The RC had hopes to complete the renovations and open the theater up for multiple uses such as receptions, banquets and other events in addition to theatrical performances. They have joined forces with Heritage Ohio for their Main Street USA program. With fund raisers, and their connection with Heritage Ohio, they believe money could be found to complete the renovation. The PPCT would have use of the building at any time and the old Liberty Theater would be a drawing point to get people into the Village.
However, Bill Roberts advised there is an attachment to the deed stipulating that the building can only be used as a cultural center for educational purposes, fine arts and age appropriated performing arts. Roberts said some may laugh at a cultural center in Wellsville but whoever would have thought a sleepy mill town such as Midland, PA, would now be home of one the country's finest educational arts center for performing and cultural arts? That attachment to the deed was part of the mission statement for the dormant LTA and is legally binding. Part of the deed states if the PPCT ever decides to let the building go, ownership would go back to the LTA.
In confirming the news yesterday, Roberts verified that he and daughter Erin have been invited to join the PPCT Board of Directors. They have both decided to join forces with the PPCT with planned attempts to rejuvenate the renovation efforts. Roberts indicated that although the nonprofit status for the LTG has expired it would be no problem to get it renewed. Bill added their decision wasn't for them and it wasn't for the PPCT. It's for Wellsville. The Roberts Family history of community service leaves no doubt in that statement.
PPCT Board President Kim Winkleman also confirmed the decision yesterday. She noted that when the group first got the Liberty Theater there was a lot of excitement about the project. However, the excitement and consequent backing, tapered off and dwindled which was contributed to the economy. When money gets tight entertainment dollars are one of the first things to get cut back. Many members have dug into their own pockets just to keep the PPCT going.
Winkleman added there are high hopes especially in getting renewed interest in renovating the Liberty Theater. Having the Roberts join in will probably be a big plus toward those goals. With the holidays fast approaching it was decided they would hold off until shortly after the new year to really get things started. In the mean time there are plans for some work days to clean up the front end of the building and to do some painting before winter sets in. Winkleman added they are always looking for new members to join. It doesn't matter whether it's just for pushing a broom or giving ideas. Anyone interested can contact the PPCT by calling 330-532-5540.
We certainly hope the Liberty Theater will be renovated and re-opened and believe it will be accomplished in time. As Scott Shepherd indicated it's a Wellsville gem that needs to be polished. It would be a shining light in Wellsville that everyone can take pride in.
The efforts of the Revitalization Committee are to be commended. Their work with the Main Street USA program will be an excellent contribution to the Village. The resolve of the PPCT members is also noteworthy and their renovation efforts for the theater would be an exciting compliment for everyone involved.
Together both groups are working passionately for the good of the Village. Wellsville is forturnate to have them.
ole nib
Thanks for the article, Nib...I would like just say that "go it alone" is a bit slanted as the Liberty Theatre Association asked us to retain the building, and both the LTA and Wellsville Chamber have pledged to help us, which is fantastic. Also, I don't know what member of the Revitalization Committee told you we didn't want their help...that is completely untrue. Please ask who that person spoke to so we can get to the bottom of this. We have said and continue to say we welcome any and all help from all groups and individuals, and that would most certainly include the RC.
I'm sorry I couldn't speak to you after the Chamber meeting last Thursday; I had to be at a patient's home outside New Manchester in 20 minutes. Kim is our acting President and I'm glad you were able to make contact with her.
Thanks again...we so appreciate your support. I hope to have the set up for the Christmas show in a couple weeks; please give me a call and come check them out!
Mary Morse
Board Member, PPCT
Mary - Thanks for clarifying that. Guess our wording was misleading to some. We were trying to get across the point that the PPCT does not want to turn over the deed to anyone. You were the second person we heard from today on just that aspect.
The other person phoned and said the PPCT will accept help from anyone, from anywhere, and RC members are welcome. They stressed the fact that both are "community" groups of all volunteers and emphasized that the RC has admirable goals too. We certainly hope everyone can get together for what's best for our community. We admire both groups and wish the best for all.
We also got a call stating that the LTA is dormant rather than defunct. Their state license, permit or whatever it's called is due for renewal next year.
Lastly, we were told that the Roberts have been asked to help but have not yet been officially asked to join the Board.
Thanks, Nib....ok...we can't turn the deed over to anyone except back to the LTA...that is in the contract we signed when the LTA gave us the building. (At some point someone had made the comment "contracts are made to be broken"...that may be so, but not by us. We honor what we agree to.) So we had asked the LTA, in regards to the project, we need help...what would be best for the community and the project? They whole-heartedly asked us to retain the building and pledged to assist.
Erin Orr and Bill Roberts were voted onto PPCT Board. They will be spear-heading the Liberty Project under PPCT auspices, helping to coordinate all interested groups/individuals in the area.
I know there is a lot of confusion and maybe hurt feelings out there right now...and that includes ourselves who have done TONS of work in the building and researching funding, etc. I do believe that the renewed interest is a great thing and that people who have similar goals and dreams can always work together for good! We are in the process of speaking to people and I predict those talks will lead to some other...we plan to have a well-advertised community meeting to inform/discuss in the future (no, I can't say exactly when...we are meeting with people at their convenience and of course this time of year is so busy for everyone...) We will certainly make sure everyone who is interested will know about it well in advance!
Peace, Nib! This is a great forum!
Mary Morse
RC would really appreciate being
contacted by your group as we helped generate all this renewed interest. We will be happy to schedule anytime that is convenient
for your group. We are very interested as you know, and have lots to offer in the way of help. I am surprisede we haven't heard directly from anyone yet. Looking forward to meeeting.
Revitalization Committee
We are so excited to be working with all of the groups in Wellsville and any other interested parties in restoring the Liberty Theater! We think this can be a huge improvement to our little town and it will take each and every one of us to work together to get this project complete. This is something that is near and dear to our family, and we are very honored and thoroughly excited to be playing a part in getting this project up and running. We are very happy for the renewed interest of the town in making the Theater better than ever! As soon as we decide when the meeting will be held and gather all of the details, we will make sure that everyone in the village is aware. We hope to have an awesome turn-out and look forward to working with lots of enthusiastic people! If you have anything to bring to the table, please come out and lend a hand! We can use all of the help that we can get and NO ONE will be turned away! Hopefully we'll see you at the meeting!
Erin Orr
"RC" please call the theatre # 532-5540 with a specific name/# and I will pass your request on to Kim, our president and she will be happy to give you a call!
Candy Bangor
Thanks for responding. Looking
forward to the call, and would love
to speak to Kim about the Theatre
seminars that would be very helpful
to everyone for the project.
My name is Kim Winkleman. I am the acting president for Potter Players Community Theatre.I would like to meet with the RC as soon as feasibly possible for both groups to have time. As Mary has stated we are planning a community wide open invitation" meeting of the minds" so to speak, we know as single group, we would be foolish to "go it alone". Thank you rc for "the renewed interest" you have generated. We hope to make full use of it. Any questions or if you would like to help call the theatre phone at 330-532-5540. Kim Winkleman
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