Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wellsville Historical Society

Tuesday - January 19: The Wellsville Historical Society got the New Year started with a regular monthly meeting held at the River Museum Tuesday evening. President Robert "Brassy" Beresford presided. Regular meetings are held the third Tuesday of the month at 7:30 P.M.

Prior to the member's regular meeting the Trustees met. Beresford announced that Jim Lawrence will serve as Chairman of the Trustees this year. Tom Davidson will be the Trustee Secretary.

Volunteer Committees were selected for two projects. The first is to inquire into the purchases of two plaques to be placed at the museum. One will be for the newly named Mary Clark Room. That room was formerly known as the Victorian Parlor and was renamed in honor of the late Mrs. Clark. The second plaque is for the original bell from the Central/McDonald School which is now on display next to the Country Store, located behind the museum. An interesting foot note we failed to mention from the November meeting is the fact that bell arrived in Wellsville in 1873 at a cost of $325. Wonder what that would be in today's dollars?

The second committee is to decide how to raffle off a home made quilt currently under construction that is being donated for a fund raiser. There will be three items for that raffle. In addition to the quilt there will be two good sized portraits that were donated to the Society some time back. It is planned to hold the raffle during the All-Class Reunion.

The museum will be open during the reunion for tours. However, being off the beaten track for reunion activities there are no special programs being planned for that time. Although plans are underway for the Summer Schedule. They will be announced once they are finalized.

Dues are due for 2010. It remains a very affordable $5/year. Jim Lawrence reported as of Tuesday there have been 37 members pay so far.

Donations to the Society this month was a copy of a 1785 map of the Seven Ranges. Wellsville, East Liverpool and west toward Salineville was part of the Seven Ranges. Parts of northern Columbiana County were not in the Seven Ranges. The copy was donated by the Historical Society Consortium which Wellsville is a member. The Consortium also donated a copy of a book entitled "Ohio Land Book" which is a history of the state.

EL Historical Society President Tim Brookes donated a copy of the Civil War Morgan's Raid route. The raid started in Tennessee and followed a twisting, back & forth route to out near West Point where General Morgan and his Raiders were captured. Beresford reported that permanent markers are being placed along that route. Civil War buffs will be able to follow his route. The markers should be in place in time for the summer travel season. Brookes recently presented a program on Morgan's Raid at Wellsville's Carnegie Library.

Member Frank DaLonzo donated original newspapers he recently acquired. One is announcing the end of WWII and another about the JFK assassination.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 16.

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