Tuesday - January 5: The Buckeye Water District Engineering Committee met at the Water Treatment Plant following the Finance meeting. The purpose of the meeting was two fold. The first part was to go over the survey results conducted by Dallis Dawson & Assocs. for potential new customers in the Frederick Heights area. The second part was to determine the best route for the installation of the Wellsville water main from the Hibbets Mill area into the village. Present at the meeting was Engineering Chairman Chuck Bibbee, committee members Gene McGaffick and Tim O'Hara. Also in attendance was Board President Mike Ryan, Board member Bob Wines, District Manager Al DeAngelis, BWD Fiscal Officer Sara Crouch, and Dallis Dawson, Jon Blair & Jack Wolfe of D,D & A.
A while back the BWD Board of Directors contracted D,D & A to do a door-to-door survey of residents of Frederick Heights and the surrounding area to determine the amount of potential customers if water lines were extended to those areas. Committee Chairman Bibbee introduced Jack Wolfe. Mr. Wolfe conducted the survey and personally went to each house.
Wolfe reported he covered everything from Route 170 to Frederick Heights, North & South Circle. He estimates that over all 99% of the residents he spoke to were excited to learn the water district is considering the area. Wolfe presented color coded maps of the areas he surveyed. Pictured above looking over the maps with his side to the camera is District Manager DeAngelis, Dallis Dawson, Wolfe, Jon Blair & Gene McGaffick.
A sample of the color coded maps is shown in the second picture. The green dots represent definite customers. The orange dots represent likely customers who first wanted more clarification on contract wording, how the lines would be installed, etc. The red dots represent residents that said no or for one reason or another or could not be contacted. The blue dots represent lots not yet developed, vacant houses, etc.
Wolfe stated that many of the people he talked to related having water quality problems such as mold and algae being present and high iron content. Some even mentioned having problems with contaminated water. Wolfe reported that there was 72 definites and approximately 92 other potentials that could be revisited with additional information. Wolfe also said that many of the ones designated as a no are away on vacation, etc. He advised many of them could be contacted later. Also the Diloreto land is not yet developed and could possibly represent around 90 additional customers.
Board President Ryan said he was excited with the survey results and would like to see it continued. Ryan explained that he and Bibbee drove all around the area and noticed the many nice driveways. They decided if the project goes in the driveways would not be torn up. Instead they would bore under the driveways to avoid damage and having to replace them. Wolfe explained that the monthly cost of water wasn't so much a concern as was the initial cost of getting it installed. It was noted that tap in fees could be made in payments taking up to three years to pay. McGaffick noted that once the project started he felt many of the possibles would sign on. Bibbee noted he felt that conservatively he estimates that 5 to 10% of the ones noted as no would also sign on.
Bibbee noted he was well pleased with the survey saying it was much more effective than methods that were used in the past. It was agreed to continue the survey. Ryan noted the project is dependent on the number of potential customers. He stated it is a big project and estimates it would be about five miles of new pipe line. It was noted a Permit-to-Install would be required and probably an environmental study would be required before proceeding. Dawson said his company would be willing to figure up ball park figures for engineering costs and costs for the whole project. Wolfe stated there are a lot of people out there depending on BWD.
The second part of the meeting moved on to the planned new water main into Wellsville. Board President Ryan stated the intent was to determine the best route to go once the new line got into the Village proper. Shown in the last picture is Ryan with his back to the camera and going clockwise are Tim O'Hara, Dallis Dawson, Chuck Bibbee and Jon Blair looking over the area of concern.
When grant money becomes available and is rewarded the next project for the water district is to replace the water main from Hibbets Mill into town. Much of the current line dates back to the late 1920s when it was originally installed. With Little Yellow Creek some of that line runs as deep as 22 -24 feet underground. Ryan explained they want to avoid the Boy & the Boot area all together. The current line crosses under the creek, the floodwall and goes through that area.
Once the new main reaches Wells Avenue it will make both a right and left turn. To the left it will extend up to somewhere between the American Legion and possibly to the Riverside Roadhouse. It was determined the best route to go to the right was to go through the middle of the Jim Kenney Marina. Blair explained it will be necessary to dig a boring pit possibly as deep as 27 feet to allow the equipment to bore under creek on one side and the Army Corp of Engineer's earthen dike on the other side. From there the new line will be tied into existing lines.
Once installed future expansion will be ready to go up Koontz Avenue and points beyond. On the other side they will be ready to supply Baard Energy and any other new projects with potable water in short order. As time and funding allows it's all geared with an eye to the future.
Friday is a Litigation Committee meeting to prepare for the Susany case set to begin next week. That meeting will be behind closed doors in Executive Session. Next Monday, January 11, there will be a Pre-Construction meeting for Part B of the Salineville Water Main project. Salineville Council voted to sign the funding memorandum at their meeting this week allowing Part B to get started.
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