Wednesday - November 11: Wellsville's Veteran's Memorial Council conducted the annual Veteran's Day Program. It was held at the high school this past Wednesday.
Master of Ceremony duties were handled by Memorial Council member Debbie Koffel. Introduction was conducted by WWII veteran & Memorial Council President Melvin Boggs. The guest speaker was Wellsville native Army Sgt. Todd Farnsworth. Remarks were made by Pastor Dirk Hall, Mayor Joe Surace, Korean War Veterans President George Piggott, Korean War veteran & VFW Post 5647 Commander Bill Wolfe and Koffel. The Posting & Retiring of the colors was handled by the Korean Veterans Color Guard.
Mel Boggs went into the service in February, 1941, for what he thought was a two year hitch. Then WWII started and he was in for the duration. Boggs is a 51 year member of Wellsville's Memorial Council. He shared some of his memories of his time in the service.
Mayor Joe Surace recognized Mrs. Vivian Bratt, wife of the late Bill Bratt. Her husband was captured in the Pacific during WWII and was a survivor of the Bataan Death March. The Mayor also introduced Charley Allison, a Korean War veteran. Surace went on to talk about Wellsville's only Medal of Honor winner. He was Marine PFC Melvin Newlin who valiantly sacrificed his life for his comrades while fighting in Viet Nam. He lost his life on the 4th of July in 1968. Newlin's sister Mary and brother Paul displayed his picture and certificate of his induction into Ohio's Military Hall of Fame.
WHS Alumni, Class of '93, Sgt. Todd Farnsworth spoke about who is a vet. Farnsworth is in the Army Reserves and has pulled two tours of duty in the Mid-East wars. In addition to holding a job at the Elkton prison he is a volunteer fireman and an assistant recruiter for the National Guard. After the program Farnsworth made himself available to the students to answer any questions about the National Guard.
Korean vet and Commander of Wellsville's VFW Bill Wolfe talked about his duties in that conflict and explained the origin of taps, the mournful tune played at all funerals of military veterans. It was first played at a funeral in 1862 during the Civil War when a father buried his son. Wolfe also reminded the students assembled of the two VFW scholarships given out each year. Randy Young has applications.
On the 11th day of the 11th month it was a very nice program. Thanks to Wellsville's Memorial Council and all that participated for once again honoring all our veterans past and present.
ole nib
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