Tuesday – October 4: Wellsville Village Council held a regular meeting last Tuesday at Village Hall. All Council members were present along with Mayor Joe Surace, Fiscal Officer Dale Davis, Village Administrator Jim Saracco, Legal Advisor Andy Beech and Zoning Administrator Rick Williams.
Don Brown representing the Veteran's Memorial Council was first to address Council in the Public Speaking portion of the agenda. Mr. Brown asked if the 4th Street Gazebo “was ever going to be finished, cleaned up with the lights and flag holders put back”. Brown stated the Memorial Council made sure an American Flag was always flying there and often replaced burned out light bulbs if the Village didn't get to it. Councilman Randy Allmon responded that the only thing holding up the completion of that rehabilitation project was the school kids that volunteered last year to paint it. It never happened. Everything has been purchased and is ready to be installed or replaced. Allmon added that the unions are going to finish the project. There was no definite time but “it should be in the next couple of weeks”.
Allmon is also the President of the Wellsville Area Chamber of Commerce that took on rehabilitating the gazebo nearly two years ago. They were being helped by the various trade unions volunteering their time and talents on the project.
Next was a Washington Street resident trying to confirm if they still had permission to cut a curb to build a three car garage. They had permission given to them eight years ago. They are now ready to build the garage but stated there is “a parking issue” with a handicapped parking space. They would like to move the space forward a little. Street Committee Chairman John McMahon stated they would have to check on that parking situation before answering that question.
Don Crane, President of the Western Reserve Trade Councils, presented a plaque stating their thanks for the continued support of organized labor, and labor unions in general, to the Chamber of Commerce's Randy Allmon all through the Baard , now Planck, project.
Riverside resident Beverly Hentzell next addressed Council about a neighbor's predicament with an alley behind their residence at 941 Riverside. Hentzell advised Council another resident is creating a safety issue by parking a car blocking the alley. Mayor Surace remarked that issue has been brought before Council before. Councilman McMahon advised Hentzell that problem is out of Council's hands. It's a civil matter. Village Legal Advisor Andy Beech noted the matter has been investigated and that strip of land is not a public alley. It is a private easement and was never laid out as a public alley. There is no record that it was ever platted. McMahon noted the Police & Fire Departments do have an agreement in place to access that property in case of an emergency.
Hentzell then addressed Council about a problem with “large dog droppings” along 5th Street on the strip of grass next to her business at 494 Main Street and the owner not cleaning up after the dog. With the sidewalk construction going on it is the only available parking close to her business. She asked if there was an ordinance on the books pertaining to this. The Mayor responded there was indeed an ordinance but “you actually have to see the dog in action before you can do anything”. If witnessed a complaint can be filed and they can be cited into court. The Mayor suggested that pictures be taken. Councilwoman Sue Haugh offered to act as an intermediary as the Property Committee Chairperson and approached the offender with a warning before taking any court action.
Village Administrator Jim Saracco announced that the sewage forced main project will soon be started all along Riverside to the Sewage Treatment Plant. There will be some inconvenience for residents along Riverside while this project is going on. Traffic flow won't be determined until the contract is awarded and plans made. Saracco noted that bid is about to go out and will be reviewed on October 17.
Zoning Administrator Rick Williams reported that the contractor putting in the new sidewalks on Main is doing the best he can to keep everyone happy but there will be some inconvenience for at least another week or so with that project. The Mayor thanked Williams for all his efforts getting the sidewalk replacement project grant, etc. Williams noted more people are joining in replacing walks adding somewhere between 200 to 400 additional feet to the original plans. It appears the sidewalks on both sides of Main from 4th to 5th Street are being replaced in addition to a few other scattered locations.
Apparently protocol was not followed, procedure was ignored and, yet again, the Personnel Committee was by-passed when the Mayor asked for a motion to re-instate part-time Officer Dave Anderson to the Police Department. The motion was made by Cataldo and seconded by Allmon with not a word from Personnel Committee Chairman Joe Soldano. Proper protocol and procedure would be having the Mayor's recommendation referred to the Personnel Committee. The action prompted Councilwoman Haugh to remark that she thought “it is very low that this is brought up in Council, in open chambers” and she “does not understand the push for this. Something is up! It's a shame”. The motion passed by a vote of 4 – 2 with Haugh and Goss voting nay.
For the Finance Committee Cataldo reported fund balances as of August 31 for the General Fund $382, Street Construction $8,100, State Highway $2,000, Cemetery $4,900 and total over all funds at $356,771. August receipts were $177,000 and expenditures were $181,000.
Cataldo also noted “I was nibbing around the Mayor's office the other day. (The secretary) was out”. He saw some envelopes addressed to local businesses and got “interested in what the letters were for”. The copy of the letter he took said on behalf of the Village of Wellsville and the Village Tree Board donations were being requested for new decorations to decorate Broadway Park. Cataldo continued he is all for decorating Wellsville but the letter he had was the wrong way to go about it. Councilwoman Haugh responded that was not what was sent out. The letter Cataldo had was more or less a rough draft of the final version. What was sent to local businesses said “on behalf of the Wellsville Christmas Beautification Committee”. That committee is an independent one attempting to raise funds for new Christmas decorations to once again decorate Broadway Park like it was years ago.
Permission was given to the Committee to Save the Immaculate Conception Church to have a walk-a-thon around Broadway Park on Saturday, October 15 from 9 to 11 AM. The fund raiser will block off traffic for that time period provided approval is given by the Chiefs of the Fire & Police Departments.
Authorization was given for the Mayor to apply for an EPA grant and loan for 2013 sewer improvements for Highland and Ridge Avenue.
Council passed a motion to set Halloween trick-or-treat from 5:30 to 7 PM on Monday, October 31.
Finally Council authorized the Village Legal Advisor to petition the courts for two pieces of property that failed to sell two different times at Sheriff Sales. When this happens ownership is given either to the local Village government or the school district. Those two parcels are located at 307 First Street and 1726 Clark Avenue. There was a third parcel Council declined to seek.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:42 PM. The next scheduled meeting is set for Tuesday, October 18 at 6 PM. That meeting will be held at Village Hall at 1200 Main St.
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