Thursday - October 28: The Wellsville Area Chamber of Commerce held their October luncheon at DaLonzo's this past Thursday. Chamber President Randy Allmon presided. Paul Blevins offered benediction.
Allmon thanked everyone for their efforts for the Citizen of the Year dinner saying it was "a huge, huge success". The news that Baard is coming, announced at the dinner was great news according to Allmon. Now we need to start getting ready he continued. We need to get investors by promoting ourselves in such places as Youngstown, Cleveland and Pittsburgh. We need to get our brouchures out and get a Steering Committee together to get ready for a large influx of people. He said there is plenty of housing available. Mayor Joe Surace advised there will be at least three businesses coming, in support of the Baard project. Allmon said with over 2,000 people expected for two or three years while the plant is being built is overwhelming. Wellsville has get their heads together, get the housing ready and be prepared.
Allmon welcomed new member, Wellsville's Perkins Detailing, owned by Bill Perkins. He also announced the Chamber is planning their first trade show. It is planned for March 15, 2011. Called "A Taste by the River" it will be held at the Alumni Center. Businesses will be able to set up displays to advertise what they do. More details will be forthcoming.
The Holiday Installation Dinner will be held Thursday, December 9th at 6 P.M., at the Riverside Roadhouse. Allmon asked that he be called at 330-843-3475 if you plan to attend. The only cost will be whatever you order off the menu.
There is no luncheon planned for November due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
Parade Chairwoman Vickie McCombs announced plans are in progress for the annual Christmas Parade to held Saturday, December 11. The parade is set to begin at 6 P.M. with lining up starting at 5 P.M. down the street from the old Sky Bank using the numbers painted on the street for the All Class Reunion parade. Holly Development has donated the use of the Old Sky Bank as headquarters the night of the parade. No units will be permitted to line up in the lot around Village Hall. Since the Parade Committee has invited Santa Clause it is asked that no substitute Santas be included in any other units.
Entry forms are available at Center Pharmacy at 447 Main St. The invitation is open to anyone wishing to enter units or bands. Forms can be dropped off at Center Pharmacy or returned to McCombs in the attached envelop. Donations are being accepted to help pay for participating bands, trophies and candy for the children. McCombs can be reached at 330-532-4149 with any questions or suggestions.
J C's Wellsville Barber Shop was named Business of the Month. See our post dated 10/28/10.
New Wellsville Animal Control officer Heidi Pecorelli, pictured above with Chamber Speaker Chairman Paul Blevins, was the guest speaker. Pecorelli and husband Gary are the parents of one daughter and guardians of her niece. She is hopeful of someday operating her own kennel and grooming service. She was appointed Animal Control Officer by Wellsville Village Council in September. Pecorelli can be reached at any time at 330-383-0225.
Mary Beth Morse announced the Potter Players Community Theatre will be putting on a play December 3 through 5 entitled "Scrooged Up'. It's a comedy and Morse said it's "very, very, very funny".
Dolly Brophey thanked everyone for their votes for her for Woman of the Year saying it was special with her nephew Nicholas being named Man of the Year. Making it extra special was that 25 years ago her brother Chuck & Marge Dysert were so honored.
Allmon wrapped up the meeting saying Congressman Wilson was hoping to stop by to say hello but was unable to make it. Allmon said Mr. Baardson told him the help the Congressman, along with State Representative Linda Bolen & CC Commissioner Penny Traina, gave Baard was tremendous. Without that help they may not have been able to announce the plans to proceed with the new plant. Wilson's help was above and beyond to make it happen.
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