Wellsville's annual Veteran's Day Observance was held this past Thursday at the high school. This year's observance was the traditional combined efforts of Wellsville's Memorial Council and students & staff of WHS.
Memorial Council VP Don Brown gave the welcome and member Debbie Koffel served as Mater of Ceremonies. The Korean Veterans Color Guard presented the colors and WHS Senior Class President Katie Hardman led the Pledge of Allegiance. Oak Ridge & Yellow Creek Presbyterian Pastor Derek Marotta offered the invocation and benediction.
Honored guests were Iraqi War Army veterans Specialist Zachary Bowling and Specialist 4 Daniel Brown. Bowling is the son of Melissa Miller & Gary Bowling. Brown is the son of Bill & Kelly Brown. Both veterans recently returned from serving their first tour in Iraq and are Wellsville area residents. Bowling is a member of the National Guard Unit based in Ravenna, OH. Brown is in the Army Reserves stationed in Wheeling, WV.
Key note speaker was USAF Tech. Sgt. Craig Williams, WHS Class of '93. Sergeant Williams has served two tours of duty in Iraq and is currently a recruiter in Steubenville. He is an 18 year veteran of the service. Williams said there are two things service members fear - death & public speaking. He went on to say that most veterans don't want to sound like they are tooting their own horn and some prefer to not speak about their war experience. Before wrapping up his notes Sgt. Williams thanked all the vets present for their sacrifices in the service of our country.
Mayor Joe Surace spoke about late WWII veteran and Wellsville resident William F. Bratt. Cpl. Bratt was 17 years old when he entered the Army. By age 18 he was a prisoner of war in the Pacific. He was a member of the infamous Bataan Death March in the Philippians and survived 33 months captivity on just a half cup of brown rice a day. He was liberated by US forces the night before he was to be executed for getting caught stealing a piece of fruit. His wife Vivian remarked that Bill never talked of his war experience much until they took a reunion tour of that 66 mile march 50 years later.
Rev. Marotta remarked that all should appreciate America's fighting forces for their commitment and willingness to serve. Marotta noted it was their sacrifices over the years that made freedom of religion possible in the USA. Korean Veterans Association President George Piggott noted that this year is the 60th Anniversary of that war. He reminded all assembled that our freedom was paid in full by an American veteran. Debbie Koffel paid tribute to another WWII veteran, the late Melvin Boggs. Boggs left us a few months ago and was one of the founding members of the Memorial Council. He remained active in the Council for nearly 50 years.
WHS choral group Ebony & Ivory sang musical selections as part of the ceremony. All participants were invited to a luncheon following the ceremony. The luncheon was at Tonda's Place on the 4th St. Square.
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