In his book “Growing Up In Wellsville” Ron Price quoted Mock Walker. A former Village resident told us he remembered Mr. Walker saying “his dad use to own the little restaurant next to the old fire station”. We didn't know Walker but we recalled the “restaurant” next to the old fire station. It has long been closed and the building was demolished just a couple of years ago. We don't ever recall it being open.
Our good friends Bonny & Brass filled us in on a little history of the place. Bonny said it was a car hop restaurant where customers pulled in to the parking lot in the back. Then the restaurant employees would come out, take your order and bring it out to you.
Brass told us there was a house there at one time that served as a convent for the nuns when the old fire station was Wellsville's Catholic church. Later it was the office of one of the village's early dentists, Dr. Hamlin Barnes. He later moved up to the little house that still stands at the corner of 8th & Main. Before the restaurant was built it was a used car lot owned by a Mr. Coleman.
Bob Lloyd provided the picture above showing what it use to look like. We don't have a date on the picture but it was before the addition was built on the library. We tried to duplicate the angle of the first picture with one that shows what it looks like today. Thanks to all that contributed.
What a difference a couple of decades can make....
ole nib
One of our readers wrote that the drive-in was originally on the lot where Pizza Hut now sits. Walker moved it down the street. The used car lot was run by Bob Runyon.
Once moved the drive-in became a popular hang out for local law enforcement officers.
I seem to recall that there was a small laundromat in just about that location (this would have been in the mid-80's). Perhaps another use of that building?
All this nostalgia is great, but does anyone ever look forward in this town. Wellsville could be a thriving little town if the powers that be, quit being so petty and worked together. Everyone take a short drive to Midland, PA , and see what working together can do. Yes, they have the Cyber School, Lincoln Park, etc. But, Wellsville could find its nitch and become a real live Village with real live people living in the here and now. We have a new Mayor and council, and I fear if they don't take the bull by the horns Wellsville will only be read about in this book and remembered as a place that used to be nice. Think about it Chamber, Historical Soc., Tree Board, Rev. Comm., Council, Mayor. All of you, think about it.
We think you'll be pleased with the efforts of the new council and administration in the coming months. Give it time.
The laundry mat is next door to where the drive-in once stood. It's still in operation.
All those groups need to work together for a common goal and unfortunately, that has NOT been the case.
They need to put the petty arguments and self-serving attitudes aside and realize that each group has its strengths and that, together, they can be an awesome force.
Perhaps the new Mayor will make good on a campaign claim that she
would work to bring all these groups together. It won't be a minute to soon for the fate of the
The leaders of all these groups should simply agree to move forward together. They don't have to be the best of friends, but civil, respectful and polite. Everyone has something to offer in the effort to make our village a better place to live. Everyone. If mistakes were made, if harsh words were spoken and if feelings were hurt then it is time to put it all to bed and say goodnight to all of that. We can't live there forever and still say that we only have the best interest of Wellsville at heart. Lets hold out our hand to one another and build us a town!
Joe - The person who told us he remember Mock "Walker" was a former resident that now lives in Clearwater, FL. He may have people named Mock confused. Just to set the record straight Mr. Price did not say any think about the drive-in or who owned it in his book. We've read the book from cover to cover and Mock Walker was mention only on the quote about the whole world being your play ground when you grew up in Wellsville.
Thanks for sharing your memories. It's little bits of info like your comments that are not recorded anywhere and for many of us today would know nothing about it being part of our history in the village.
nib -
Thanks for the clarification on the laudromat location.
I wishs the laundry mat was located
somewhere else in another town or
village. Look at it. It is one of the many many eyesores that plague the Village. Law enforcement officers should storm it, fine the owner for multiple violations for nuisance properties and then go to the Dairy Queen and Pig Out, pardon the pun. If this Mayor and Council do not enfore the codes and ordinances to clean up this Village, you might as well flush Wellsville down the toilet. Literally. Let those that do, do, and those that don't, get out of the way. Go Mayor Haugh.
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