Monday – January 9: The Wellsville Board of Education (BOE) held their annual organizational meeting and followed that with their regular monthly meeting last night in the Superintendent's Office. All five Board members were present in addition to Superintendent Rich Bereschik, District Treasurer Coleen Wickham and Garfield Principal Lisa Ferguson.
Although not new to the Wellsville BOE three members were sworn in to begin their new terms in office. Shown here from the left taking their oath of office is Mike Cook, Ed Bauer and Karen Dash. All three were unopposed in last November's General Election. District Treasurer Coleen Wickham officiated the swearing-in ceremonies.
Mrs. Dash was elected BOE President & Mr. Bauer, Vice-President, for the year 2012 by their fellow members. Tom Brophey was renamed as the Board's Legislative Liaison and Mrs. Dash announced her committee selections. Mrs. Wickham was selected to attend the annual Ohio Public Records Training session. Dash announced all meetings will be held on the third Monday of the month except for February. The February meeting will be held on Monday, February 13, to avoid conflicting with the Presidents Day holiday.
In the regular Board meeting the Treasurer's Report and payment of the bills was approved. For the month of December the District took in $540,025 and expenses were $617,496 leaving a General Fund balance of $1.54 million to begin the New Year. Mike Cook got a motion passed to have the FY 2013 Tax Budget approved as prepared by Treasurer Wickham.
Authorization for Superintendent Bereschik to hire staff and accept resignations between BOE meetings was renewed. This stipulation gives the superintendent temporary authorization to act on behalf of the BOE between regular scheduled meetings.
Pending receipt of all necessary paperwork Andrew Bobalik and Elizabeth Quick were added to the substitute teacher's list. When called on Bobalik will teach Health Education and Quick will teach General Education classes.
Several coaching positions were approved. Dave Skinner, Head Football Coach, Dave (Web) Thompson, Jr., Head Baseball Coach, Randy Thrasher, Head Boys High School Track Coach, Lonnie Fields, Head Middle School Boy's Track Coach, Cissy Wilson, Head High School Girls Track Coach, Dave “Bug” Thompson, Head Middle School Girls Track Coach and Barry Keller, Head Girls High School Softball Coach, were all given contracts. Brenda Thompson will assist her husband for Girls Middle School Track. Bug Thompson will also assist as volunteer for baseball when it doesn't conflict with his Middle School duties. A three-year contract was renewed for High School Volleyball Head Coach Dan McKinstry. Bereschik noted that McKinstry is the second all time “winningest” volleyball coach in the state. Kristen Cochran was named new Assistant Softball Coach. Also approved were several assistant coaches.
For the Legislative Update Tom Brophey reported that legislation has been passed in the State House of Representatives for pilot project to screen students for dyslexia and for the County Educational Services to provided professionally trained teachers to school districts. Changes for the much dreaded HB 136 have been announced but no actual bill language was presented for review. HB 136 is the Governor's school voucher program for expanding the charter school program, that if passed will farther take money from public education systems throughout the state. Mrs. Dash noted that over 300 school districts in the state has gone on record opposing HB 136.
For the Good News Report Superintendent Bereschik announced that the old Sterling China property behind the high school finally belongs to the district. There is a confirmed wetland at the back of the property that required assurances that the district will protect if anything is ever done back there. Bereschik reported a check was issued for $19,410 to pay for that lot and building.
Garfield Principal Lisa Ferguson reported that Garfield students collected $503 in a penny drive for United Way. The latest Home School Connection at the elementary school had a 97% participation. Garfield students are eligible for a “pint size hero” awards if they sign up anyone to donate blood at Wednesday's Red Cross blood drive. The blood drive is in honor of WHS Alumni Chelsea Lingenfelter.
Before closing the meeting Mr. B announced that January was National BOE recognition month and each Board member was presented a certificate of appreciation, suitable for framing.
The meeting adjourned at 6:46 PM. Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 13, at 6:30 PM in the Superintendent's Office at 929 Center Street.
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