In a letter to all the Immaculate Conception parishioners dated July 19, 2011, Holy Trinity Parish Administrator Peter Haladej, said that tomorrow's Mass will be the last one in Wellsville. Haladej is pictured above.
Haladej was sent here couple of years ago to merge the Catholic parishes of St. Ann's, St. Al's and Immaculate Conception into one. A few years ago they were told that there was suppose to be two worship sites with one central church. The East End and Wellsville church would only be used as worship sites for one or two Masses a week. Then, somehow, it was changed to one church and one worship site. That presumably would leave Immaculate Conception as the one worship site. The merged parish would known as Holy Trinity.
The Wellsville parishioners later learned that there will only be one church located in East Liverpool with no worship sites. For consideration of the older members and handicapped parishioners of Immaculate Conception, with the lack of parking at St. Al's, an appeal was make to the Diocese of Youngstown to reconsider. During Saturday's Mass on May 28, Bishop George Murry announced that as soon as the parking problems at St. Al's were resolved Immaculate Conception would be closed. He expected that to be by the end of summer.
Following that announcement an appeal was sent to the Congregation of Clergy in Vatican City via the Apostolic Nuncio in Washington. After a Decree of Merger was issued on July 2, a second appeal was submitted from the group that calls themselves the Committee to Save Immaculate Conception Church. Both appeals are still pending. It may be a lengthy time before any decision on the appeals are handed down.
The Celebration of Mass on Saturday, July 23, at Wellsville's Immaculate Conception Church will be a historic one. It may be the last in a church that was dedicated 84 years ago in 1927, ending a 177 years of Catholic services in the Village. But then it may be a beginning of a new era for Wellsville's Catholic faithful. Saturday's Mass is scheduled to begin at 4;30 PM.
There will be a short prayer service following Mass to be held in front of the Blessed Mother statue on the Main Street side of the church.
ole nib
Glad you ran a picture of our dear Father Peter, I forgot what he looked like. I thing for sure he won't be saying our last Mass tomorrow.
This is sad. 177 years in Wellsville. Dosen't the bishop and priest have any feelings at all for the dedicated Catholic parishioners? All their lives the parishioners have been dedicated to their catholic faith and believing in the priest and bishop. The bishop/priest see $$$$ in their pockets and not passion for the parishioners.Without parishioners there would be no money, no church. We the parishioners were taught at a young age the golden rule. It's sad that the bishop and priest don't live by it.
That picture was taken two years ago when the Wellsville parishioners were still naive as to just how cold hearted this kid could be. It was at a combined St.Al/ICC Parish picnic that was held on the front lawn of the historic Wellsville rectory.
We understand that the Bishop doesn't want Peter coming to Wellsville for fear of his safety. Seems he's been subject to some harsh words the last couple of times he has been here. Imagine that...
Bodyguards from St. Al's! Please what did they think we were going to do to Father Peter.
Most people from ICC will not be going to St. Al's. It is a little hard to attend a church when those people call us nutcakes, liars and imbeciles.
Same reason I won't let my son be an altar boy. I fear for his safety
I thought of starting a Roman-Rite church here in the 'ville. I am interested in finding some parishoners with money. Anyone interested? We can start immediately.
i am a member of the former saint al's church. My heart goes out to the people in the wonderful town of Wellsville. I think father peter could have worked harder on saving the church but then again he cant when he is on vacation in Flordia. I think he should be sorry for what he is doing to the people of wellsville and the people of Saint Al's what church is next? I really never cared for him as a priest, he is not friendly in anyway but of course if you got the $$$$$ you are very popular with him. Why dont they send him back to the country he came from.
We're not sure we would be that slanderous in our description of what he looks libe. However, if you didn't know, you would never guess he calls himself a priest.
I think some of you should be ashamed of yourselves. Some of these comments, quotes, and actions do not say much for you living up to your Catholic beliefs.
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