Members of the community have been joining together to actively show their support for the Committee to Save Immaculate Conception in their efforts to keep Wellsville open for at least a worship center for the new merged parishes.
At last Monday's meeting at the SOI Wellsville United Methodist Pastor Ken Malone, pictured here, addressed the Committee to Save Immaculate Conception. With a caring voice Malone welcomed the Wellsville's Catholics the use of any of United Methodist facilities should they be needed. Malone indicated his congregation was saddened with the news of the possible closing of the Immaculate Conception facilities and promised they would cooperate in any way they could in working out any details.
On another front, Committee Co-Chair Beverly Hentzell reported they received a letter from Riverside Presbyterian Pastor William Betteridge saying that he had personally written letters to the Catholic authorities in Washington DC and Youngstown asking that the decision to merge the Wellsville parish be reversed.
Earlier in the campaign to oppose the merger it was announced that Wellsville Councilwoman Rosie Goss had written letters to the Bishop on two separate occasions on behalf of the parishioners. Someone reported that Councilwoman Sue Haugh also sent her best wishes and pledged her support to the parishioners. Councilman Joe Soldano has personally been to a couple of meetings in support of his hometown parish along with Mayor Joe Surace.
The Committee to Save Immaculate Conception meets weekly for updates and to discuss strategy in the efforts to keep the church in Wellsville open. The meetings are held at the SOI Lodge 657, 327 Main St.. The next meeting is set for Tuesday, July 5 at 7 PM. The meetings are open to the public.
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