The BWD Board of Trustees held their regular monthly meeting this past Thursday, July 21, at Wellsville Village Hall. Present at the meeting was Board President Mike Ryan and Trustees Jack Call, Cal Carney, Roy Dray, Gene McGaffick, Tim O'Hara, Bob Wines and Rick Williams. Also attending was District Manager Al DeAngelis, Legal Adviser Fred Emmerling, District Treasurer Tony D'Angelo and Office Manager Greg Stanley.
After approval of minutes of previous meetings the Board went into a 15 minute Executive Session for pending litigation. No comments were made or action taken about what was covered upon returning.
The Board approved the Treasurer's Report. District Treasurer Bob Wines reported things “are tight but going good”. He announced a Special Trustee's meeting will be held July 26 to adopt the 2012 budget.
In the Operations Report District Manager DeAngelis reported that easements for the new road to the Salineville water tank is being clarified since some of it is now on private property, on land that the Village of Salineville recently sold. Since that is part of Phase II of the new Salineville Waterline Project, President Ryan directed that engineering firm Dallis Dawson research it.
Personnel Committee Chairman O'Hara reported that there is a part-time, temporary employee working with the District Treasurer doing an “externship”.
Engineering Committee Member Gene McGaffick reported that preparation is being done at the Water Treatment Plant by Chesapeake for tank storage. The storage area is along the entrance road outside the fence and is pictured above.
Having been no other reports the meeting was adjourned at 9:31 AM.
At this past Tuesday's (July 26) Special Trustee's meeting Mike Ryan, Cal Carney, Roy Dray, Gene McGaffick and Bob Wines were present. Also attending was District Manager Al DeAngelis and District Treasurer Tony D'Angelo.
The Board members reviewed and approved the proposed 2012 budget. D'Angelo said the new budget is pretty much the same as it was in 2011. Both budgets amounted to $3.6 million total in rounded off figures. Even though the amount for insurance and fuel was bumped up adjustments in other funds kept the total amount nearly the same.
Board members commended D'Angelo for his easy to read – easy to understand format in detailing all the figures and accounts in the new budget. Although no wage increases have been approved the Treasurer included an informational column showing what a 3% wage increase would cost.
The next regular scheduled meeting will be Thursday, August 18 at 9 AM. That meeting will be held at Wellsville Village Hall at 1200 Main St.
ole nib
1 comment:
Nib can you find out why the stink is still here in town?? Why isn't it fixed yet.
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