Tuesday - September 7: The WHS Alumni Activities Committee held their regular monthly meeting at the Alumni Center this past Tuesday evening. Committee Chairman Kenny DeLauder presided.
Carmela Boyce gave the final report on the 5 Year All-Class Reunion advising it was quite successful. Comments were made it was the best reunion yet with the only real problem being noted was the lack of lighting in parts of the square due to burned out bulbs not being replaced. Mike Pusateri came to the rescue loaning portable lighting for use during the reunion.
Discussion followed to possibly make improvements on the lot behind the Alumni Center for use for future reunions. If it could be acquired there is more space available than the 4th Street Square and it would eliminate blocking off streets. It would make an ideal spot for other events such as special movie showings and other shows.
There was also discussion to set up a separate web site for the Alumni Activities Committee. It would be especially helpful with membership drives and future fund raising according to member Lew Shepherd.
Shirley Shanks reported the WHS Classes of 1943, 19444 & 1945 held their quarterly luncheon last week with the Committee serving them. Their next luncheon will be in December. They are pictured above.
Shanks also asked for fund raising ideas to rise money to replace the worn carpet in the DeLauder Room. She also advised the Benefit Dinner & Chinese Auction for the Steve Creaturo medical bills was successful beyond all expectations.
The monthly spaghetti dinners resume next Wednesday, September 15 from 4 P.M. to 7. The dinners are scheduled every month on the third Wednesday of the month serving a home spaghetti dinner with all the trimmings. Proceeds from the dinners go towards the upkeep and maintenance on the Alumni Center.
It was decided that the December meeting will be the annual Christmas Party. Plans are being made to have it catered at the Center.
Linda Cochran announced plans are being made for a November Lip Sync performance possibly the Saturday following Thanksgiving. More details will be forthcoming on that. The Lip Sync is also considering doing some smaller scale road shows for clubs and other groups to raise additional funds. That is just in the idea stage so far.
Best wishes for continued recovery for WHS Alumni Teresa Morgan Betz was sent out. Teresa is now at Trinity Hospital in Steubenville for therapy.
Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 4 at 7 P.M. at the Alumni Center.
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