Tuesday - Sept. 21: Wellsville Village Council met in regular session a week ago Tuesday at Village Hall. Present at the meeting was Mayor Joe Surace, Council Members Susan Haugh, John McMahon, Joe Soldano, Randy Allmon & Tony Cataldo. Also in attendance was Village Administrator Jim Saracco, Fiscal Officer Dale Davis, Village Legal Advisor Andy Beech, Zoning Administrator Rick Williams & WFD Chief Bill Smith.
In the Public Speaking portion of the agenda, Mrs. Sue Lynn addressed council about the two trees in front of her residence on Main St. Lynn asked Council "what are we going to do about them?" She stated that they have been trying since July to get approval to take the trees down at their own expense. The Tree Board members looked at the trees and advised her she would need a bond and to call when she had it. Checking into that she said the bond would cost at least $100, possibly more and it was something she could not afford. Lynn added the trees are dead. There are pieces falling every day and tree pieces falling on their cars. The sidewalks are torn up and people are tripping on them. The roots are causing water to come in to the basement. The trees are hollow and if not taken down before winter they will come down with the snow.
Tony Cataldo advised he made changes in the ordinance and passed it on for the Mayor & Administrator to review, stating he asked that the Law Advisor get to review it. One change was to give the Village Administrator the authority to approve trimming or cutting down trees. Dale Davis stated he hand delivered the revised ordinance to the Advisor's office.
Andy Beech said he had "feelings" about it and expressed concerns and thoughts to the Village Administrator. Beech added it is obviously going to come back to Council for final approval.
Joe Soldano added although he is no longer on the Tree Board there is an appeal process in the current ordinance that most people don't know about. In response to his question, Mrs. Lynn answered she was never advised of it by the Tree Board. Any decision made by the Tree Board can be appealed to Council. Council has final say. Soldano added no one should have to go through this.
Saracco told Council about a 10th St. rental property where tree limbs have grown up against the windows. He added the resident told him when she opens a window the branches come into the house. The owner wants to have the limbs trimmed but is experiencing the same delaying problems with the Tree Board.
Everyone agreed with the Mayor when he said they need to make it possible where a quick decision can be made on requests concerning trees instead of having to go through a lengthy, time consuming process. Mrs. Lynn was invited to file an appeal that evening with a promise of a Special Council meeting being called before the end of the week. The meeting was scheduled for 1 P.M. Thursday, Sept. 23.
Permission was given to Angelo Luckino of Aten Ave., to block off 12th St. from Commerce to Anderson, on Tuesday, October 12, from 8 A.M. to 3 P.M. for a KIKO Auction.
Mrs. Bobbi Holt of Riverside was assured by the Mayor that the grant received to run a water line to the pound would be used. The grant has to be used by October. Mrs. Holt stated that the dog pound needs running water and if not used by the deadline it will have to be returned. Mrs. Holt is associated with the St. Francis Animal Welfare group. Surace stated there was already a plan in place to install the line using the grant money.
For Administrative Reports, WFD Chief Smith reminded the Mayor that they will be traveling to Pittsburgh for a meeting in mid-October with the Corp of Engineers & FEMA representatives to see what is needed and how big of trouble we're in with the flood control system. Results will be brought back to Council.
Village Administrator Jim Saracco reported by October 1 they will be shutting down Hammonds Park. The water will be shut off and the Port-a-Johns will be removed. As of meeting night there was only one fountain in Broadway Park still working. The other fountains were not refilled and the pumps were disconnected as the water went down in them. All fountains will be turned off by the end of the month and the pumps put in storage for the winter. Work on the Sewage Treatment Plant digester conversion is going "really good" and he has been advised they are looking at a March completion date.
In the Mayor's Report, Surace got unanimous approval from Council to appoint Mrs. Heidi Jo Pecorelli as the new Animal Control Officer. We'll have more on Mrs. Pecorelli later. She replaces Mrs. Leslie Dean who recently resigned.
For Committee Reports, for Finance, Tony Cataldo clarified some things previously covered. The transfer of the Broadway Park fund to the General Fund, that was approved, will be used for the Village share of the grant for the 18th St. playground equipment. It will not be used for benches along Riverside. That will be looked at next year.
For the sewage contract for Russell Heights Cataldo stated "we just got bad news. The engineer we were going to hire resigned, lets say, from the company". Without offering an alternative Cataldo stated 'we're either going to have to find someone to do that". Negotiations that follow an EPA guideline formula are due by October 17 according to the Councilman. Cataldo was referring to GGJ Engineer Bill Boyle, pictured above. Cataldo refused to elaborate farther what he meant when he stated "resigned, lets say" after the meeting.
On Issue 1 Cataldo said they have learned the Wellsville was going about it wrong applying for those funds. For the last couple of years the Village has not received and Issue 1 funds since they were only applying for Wellsville projects. To have a better chance Wellsville has to work with another municipality or township. You get more points for the project that way. Boyle was going to do that for $1,000. Applications have to be in by November and now another engineer has to be found. Surace advised he and the Administrator have a meeting scheduled Thursday with the owner of GGJ.
Cataldo announced there will be a Finance Committee meeting Thursday, Sept. 23, at 2 P.M.
Council approved a resolution accepting the amounts 7 rates determined by the Budget Commission authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor. Fiscal Officer Davis advised this is done annually.
Meeting adjourned at 6:34 P.M. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 5 at 6 P.M. at Village Hall.
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