Wellsville Village Council met last night. The meeting was postponed one day due to the Primary Election. Village Hall is a polling place for the 2nd Precinct. Present at last night's meeting was Mayor Susan Haugh, Fiscal Officer Dale Davis, Village Administrator Thom Edgell, Village Zoning Administrator Rick Williams, Fire Chief Bill Smith and Council members Don Brown, John Morrow, Tonda Ross, Diane Dinch and Tony Cataldo. Councilwoman Rosie Goss was working and was excused.
In the Public Speaking portion of the agenda Wellsville's Revitalization Committee spokeswoman Connie Carmichael announced that the first ever Cash Mob in the Village will take place this coming Saturday evening from 6 to 9 PM at the newly open Village Grill. See our post below. Councilwoman Diane Dinch remarked that the chef is Melissa Miller of Casa de Emanuel fame and “the food is excellent”. Carmichael agreed adding the Village Grill has a great menu.
Riverside resident Lonnie Hentzell addressed Council on the parking habits of some in town. Hentzell noted that parking spaces are scarce and some make it more scarce with their parking habits. Hentzell inquired if the Village would consider painting white lines to designate parking spaces. Streets Committee Chairwoman Tonda Ross responded that Village Administrator Edgell is already working on that plus painting cross walks all around town. Hentzell even volunteered to organize a fund raising effort to help defray the cost of paint.
In Part 2, Hentzell noted the danger of people parking facing the wrong direction with the flow of traffic. Hentzell observed that drivers doing this can not see anything until they pull out which presents a hazardous situation. He's seen it happen on Main Street and nearly got hit himself on Riverside. Since there is an ordinance on the books prohibiting this he asked if it could be more enforced. Mayor Haugh responded that she has a tentative meeting scheduled with WPD Chief Scarabino and his officers and this is one of the items to be covered. For the meantime Haugh issued a warning that parking facing the wrong direction is not permitted and added that parking on sidewalks is not allowed. Those are two of the things she will be asking officers to issue tickets to violators.
Village Administrator Edgell reported that handicapped parking and no parking signs seem to be an issue in the Village. Handicapped parking spaces are available to anyone to use with state issue handicapped placards or license plates. They are not designated private parking spaces for individuals. Edgell asked that people be considerate and not abuse designated handicapped parking spaces. Edgell added the Village can not afford to buy and install no parking signs for every driveway in town. If there is a problem with someone blocking a driveway Edgell suggests residents contact the Police Department.
Pot hole patching is still going on and Commerce Street is pretty much done from one end to the other. Patching is done by priority with main streets first, less travelled streets second and alleys third. Edgell asked that residents be patient if their alley is not done right away. Painting of cross walks has begun with the first one started by the First Christian Church where a child was struck by a car not long ago. The church donated the funds to buy a couple of signs for that particular one which will be installed shortly. Ohio Revised Code requires that drivers yield the right-away to anyone in a cross walk. Edgell also noted that AEP quickly responded to fixing street lights in the Village when reported. It is believed all have been repaired. Although the police report any ones that are out, Edgell asks that he be called with any that are missed.
Also Edgell noted the new decorative pole light seen above was donated to the Village along with two others. It was recently installed and Street Department employee Jim Bauer was commended for getting it painted to improve its appearance. The Mayor added the light was donated by Wellsville resident Bill Bowers. Edgell said after the meeting he hopes to have one of the other two installed at the marquee at 17th & Main and the third one somewhere around the floodwall murals.
Edgell finalized his report stating it's been a few years since the Village has participated in the County's chip & seal program. He has been advised by the County Engineers Office that the cost to participate this year will be $18,000 per mile. It has to be determined yet if the Village will participate this year.
Zoning Administrator Rick Williams requested that Council consider setting aside $25,000 for matching funds for home owners for new sidewalks. Williams said he believed home owners “will go for it” noting it could be similar to a 50/50 matching grant. Tony Cataldo suggested designating certain parts of town each year if the Village goes ahead with such a program.
In the Mayor's Report, Haugh went on record thanking Bowers for donating the pole lights. She also stated that Williams' suggestion of a matching fund deal for new sidewalks was a good idea. Further discussion will be had on a new sidewalk program.
Finance Committee Chairwoman Diane Dinch reported they are continuing meetings in regard to the employee health insurance. Dinch advised the insurance agent may be presenting yet another proposal and a meeting will be scheduled Thursday, March 15 around 4:30 or 5 PM depending on Committee member's work schedules that day.
Tonda Ross expressed her thanks to Buckeye Water and Marcus Dalrymple for fixing all the holes in the Village streets. Ross added all that is left is to lay the asphalt which she believes will be done as soon as possible. Ross is hoping that a loan can be taken to participate in the chip & seal program. Edgell advised there is a deadline with a meeting March 27 at the County Engineers Office to determine how much is needed.
Councilman John Morrow reported that the Claims, Rules & Ordinance Committee discussed adding a Magistrate Court cost fee to establish a fund for police cruisers at a Monday meeting. They are also researching a “stray cat ordinance”.
To close the meeting the Village Administrator issued a reminder that March 15 has been set as a deadline to remove decorations from graves in Springhill Cemetery. The meeting adjourned at 6:19 PM. Next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 20 at 6 PM.
ole nib
the new street lights in front of the hall looks good. I like what I'm seeing with the changes since the new administration has taken over.
The parking situation has been a problem for YEARS in Wellsville. Parking in the wrong direction, on the sidewalk ect. needs to be addressed by the police and corrected by tickets being issued to the offenders.
We agree...The lights look much better than the orange traffic cones. Now if they can do something 'bout the 5-gallon plastic butt can!!!
Like many communities with streets built for the horse & buggy days parking is a problem. The Mayor said it will be addressed but it's going to be an uphill battle. With many having two or three cars per household space is at a premium. Good Luck...
Parking is not just a problem over there. Its a major problem here in England. Parking the wrong way is legal here. But, parking on the sidewalks is not. But, done all over. The sidewalks here are commonly about 1/2 the width of those in the States. So, when a car is parked half on/ half off the walking area becomes a single person way. God help those with baby buggie, wheelchairs. or handicap vehicles.
The new administration is off to a good start. One issue I hope they address is the run-down trailers on 19th and Nevada St. This property has been an eyesore for far too long.The original property owner has been deceased for 26 years and the heirs have failed in the upkeep of this lot. With the warm weather approaching, the groundhogs will again begin to appear. I'm sure no one in the village administration or other citizens of Wellsville would like an eyesore like this in their neighborhood. I hope this administration will take action against the owner, and make them accountable for the deplorable condition of this property.
I would LOVE to see a sidewalk program implemented. I would really like to have a new sidewalk but am unable to take on the whole cost myself. 50% would be great.
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