The Wellsville Area Chamber of Commerce held their first of their regular monthly luncheons for the new year on Thursday, January 26. The luncheon was held at the Twisted Stone on Main St. Invocation was offered by Wellsville First Christian Pastor Mark Blakely.
Chamber President Randy Allmon reminded all that the deadline to register for the 2nd Annual Trade Show is March 16. The trade show will be held at Sell's Auction on Friday, March 30 from 5 to 7 PM. Interested vendors can contact Trade Show Chair Erin Orr by either calling 330-692-2037 or e-mailing her at
Allmon also announced the upcoming, two day 3rd Annual Columbiana County Economic Summit set for May 7 & 8 at the East Liverpool Motor Lodge. This year's summit is called Teaming4Success-2012. The theme is “Doing Business in the Oil & Gas Industry”. Experts estimate that drilling for oil & natural gas in the Marcellus and Utica shale in the region will generate around 100,000 new jobs in the next five years. The summit is free but it will cost $50 per day to take advantage of the Continental breakfast and lunches. For more information and for registering you can visit US Congressman Bill Johnson's web site at or Vendors or corporate sponsors wishing to take part should contact Allmon at 330-843-3475.
Allmon reported that during the last year the Wellsville Chamber has been averaging two new members per month. Presently there are four new potential members awaiting approval by the Chamber's Board of Directors.
Guest speaker, Mayor Susan Haugh, was introduced by Paul Blevins. They are pictured above. Mayor Haugh noted that last year's Trade Show was a wonderful event and extremely enjoyable with lots of information provided about area businesses.
Haugh related that the recent 4” plus snowfall proved challenging in her young administration. There are only three Street Department employees. Two of them were unavailable when called to plow and spread salt. The third had to make his way in from Hanoverton. Noting Wellsville's firemen are also Village employees and allowed to operate Village equipment she called on them to handle snow removal duties. They came to the rescue and did a very professional job.
Echoing her statement made at the January 3 Council meeting when she invited everyone “to work with us or step out of the way, cause we're moving forward” the Mayor told those attending the luncheon that Wellsville is not all sunshine and rainbows. We got a lot of work to do before we will begin to see a silver lining. She said she is honest and sometimes very blunt. Emphasizing her willingness to work with the Chamber she stated better lines of communication is needed between the Chamber and Village officials. The Mayor invited anyone wanting to discuss ideas or have suggestions to visit her in her office at Village Hall. Charter member Mrs. Marge Dysert added there is a need for harmony.
Chamber member Nikki D'Atri announced she is a paraprofessional mentoring 4th Grade students at risk for reading failure. It is a Title I program called Project MORE, a Federally funded program working with students having trouble reading at their grade level. Testing scores for those in the program have improved by 20%. D'Atri said there is a need for more volunteers to work with another six to eight students. It only takes an half hour at a time. The program goes five days a week but anyone wanting to help with whatever time they can give will be appreciated. For more information on volunteering call 330-532-1372 – extension 1307.
The next luncheon is set for Thursday, February 23 at a location to be announced.
ole nib
Dear Anonymous Commenter of 2/3: Yes the Mayor said a lot more than what we condensed her words to be. We strived to highlight the positive in her speech. We feel confident that being "devisive" was not the point she was trying to get across. Your comment on the other hand was just the opposite.
Instead of trying to open old wounds why not get on the train and work toward that harmony Mrs. Dysert spoke of? It would be so much easier to accomplish positive things for our Village if everyone worked together. Tacky comments and personal differences should be put aside.
We believe our new Mayor sees the glass as half full and is devoting much time and energy to get to that "silver lining" she spoke of at the luncheon.
All aboard...
Thats the difference between a blog and a news media: you can pick and choose what to print if you don't like what's said.
Very good for our new Mayor in striving for a better Wellsville. I agree that all local committees need to work together. I like what I am hearing
Devisive probably not. Devisive is what is past. The future is hopeful. If the residents and administration think about what they are willing to do (or not do) to accomplish a goal harmony will come. In other words jump on the train instead of throwing people under it.
Difference between a blog & news media? The news media also picks & chooses...what do you think one of the biggest part of an editor's job is????
I agree nib. And what does an editor do? He EDITS!
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