Tuesday - August 10: The Wellsivlle Area Ministerial Association (WAMA) held their regular monthly breakfast meeting this past Tuesday at Tonda's Place. Present at the meeting was Pastor Troy Warner, President; Rev. Roosevelt Thompson, Vice-President; Rev. Darlene Zanders, Secretary and Deacon Terry McCuen, Treasurer. Also in attendance was Bishop Bill Rudder, Pastor Ken Malone, Pastor Carolyn Carman, Lucille Huston, Byron Carter and Assoc. Minister Jamie Smith.
Pastor Ken Malone introduced Pastor Carolyn Carman as the new minister of Wellsville's United Methodist Parish. The parish consists of the First Methodist Church, Central Methodist Church and the Highlandtown Methodist Church. Carman replaces Rev. Bob Phillips who retired at the end of June. Malone has stepped up as the head pastor of the Wellsville parish. The two pastors rotate among the three locations for the United Wellsville Parish.
Pastor Carman tells us she was certified this past spring in the ministry and Wellsville is her first assignment. She and her husband are residents of Boardman, OH.
Prayers and well wishes were offered for various individuals with serious illnesses. Bishop Rudder included all of Wellsville in his special intentions.
Pastor Warner reported that the annual "Paint the Town" project was postponed for this year. With all the activity for the 5 Year All-Class Reunion it was difficult to get enough volunteers to take on the responsibility this year. Consequently it was decided not to solicit donations. However, there is still $297 in the WAMA treasury designated for the project that will be kept separate from other moneys. "Paint the Town" is the name for WAMA volunteers to paint homes of elderly citizens and others that are unable to do it themselves. Since the program started there have been 18 homes given fresh coats of paint.
Deacon Terry McCuen advised there will be a tag day on Saturday, August 21, to raise funds for the First Baptist food pantry. That food pantry is a joint effort of several area churches. Rev. Thompson reported there will be a two day revival in September at the First Baptist Church on Center St. Dates will be announced in the near future.
Lucille Huston, an Elder at Covenant Presbyterian, announced there will be two ministers coming toward the end of August. It is hoped that one will serve as an interim pastor.
Pastor Ken Malone announced there will be a Youth Service Sunday, November 21, at the Central Methodist Church. It is a service of the Mahoney Valley Methodist Region and Malone said there will young people from all over attending.
Bishop Rudder announced the "Back To School Bash" this Saturday, August 14, at the New Life Church at 1335 Main St. See our post below.
Under Old Business Rudder reported that plans for the Community Prayer Committee are being finalized and will be announced at next month's WAMA meeting. Rudder said he will have packages ready to pass out at that time.
For New Business there was $1,100 donated to three worthy causes. The money was mostly accumulated with proceeds raised from the WAMA sponsored circus. Pastor Warner remark that "God gave the money to WAMA to give to others in need".
The national event "See You At The Pole" was discussed. The annual event is sponsored by WAMA in Wellsville for students to gather around the school flag pole to share in prayer for their schools, teachers, friends, our government and our nation. This year it will be held toward the end of September. Additional details will be announced at next months meeting. For more information you can visit www.syatp.com. The short prayer session is held before the start of the school day and is strictly volunteer for any student wishing to participate.
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 14, 9 A.M. at Tonda's Place, located on the 4th St. Square. The meeting is open to all members of the cloth and to all parish members of any church in the area.
Pictured above welcoming Pastor Carolyn Carman to Wellsville, from the left is Rev. Darlene Zanders of Mt. Zion, Pastor Troy Warner of First Christian, Carmon, Pastor Ken Malone of Wellsville Methodist Parish and Rev. Roosevelt Thompson of First Baptist.
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