Inducted last night and pictured above are Nunzio Lombardozzi, Brassy Beresford, Marge Dysert, in the white sweater and green slacks, Johnny Checkler and Jim Thrasher.
Jim Thrasher and his late wife Phyllis were honored as a couple. In that picture Jim is flanked by his children Pam and Greg.
The Checkler brothers included Jimmy, Nance, Nick and Albert along with Johnny. Johnny is the only one still with us.
The last picture is the men behind the scenes who put in a lot of hours working to make the reunion possible. Pictured from the left is Hootch II (Eric), Mike and Hootch Shephard Sr. There are others on the committee that also gave of their time. To all of them I say thanks.
It was a very nice ceremony and even Mother Nature bestowed her blessings on the event by getting the rain away from us making it possible to move outside. The reunion continues this evening and Saturday. The brochure that was handed out is a keep sake. You can find more information about the Legends, the committee and the scheduled activities on the web site at The event is sponsored by the Wellsville Elks Lodge 1040.
Again I say thank you to all involved. It's things like this that make you feel good being a resident of the ville.
ole nib
Nice photographs Nib , but now hasn't your anonymity been compromised. In all my conversations with folks in the Ville , nobody seems to know the identity of Ole' Nib , and many have guessed who they thought may be "behind the pen ."
Unless you didn't take those photographs , the cat may soon be out of the bag ! That's not a bad thing , I think many people would love to shake your hand and tell you what a good job you have done, but there will always be a few that will not.
Blogging anonyomous does give one the oppurtunity to say exactly what they think without fear of retribution so I can certainly understand your desire to remain anonyomous.
So the question is , just who is Ole Nib ? Will it soon becaome public knowledge or will you be able to remain simply ,"Nib."
Bravo Hootch Bravo on a job well done. I think this years event was the best ever. I was glued to the big screen for all the power point presentations. They were great. Keep up the good work
Love ya mean it
I can't think of any more deserving people than the ones chosen. They have all done more than their share for the village of Wellsville. Isn't Phyllis' daughter the picture of her mom?
Tucker - Who is to say the fellow behind the camera is the same fellow "behind the pen", hmmm? There are very few that actually can say for sure and over the nearly year and half that I have been doing this only one person approached me to bluntly ask if I was Ole Nib. Even she didn't get a firm answer. I didn't lie to her but answered her question with another question. As in anything in life there are some that are sure, some that think maybe and some that would say No way.
I try to be fair in what I write. Try to be accurate with stated facts but if I write something that is left of center than I should be called on it. For now I think I will simply remain...
ole nib
Nice - I couldn't agree with you more. I thought the same of Pam Thrasher. Said to the missus, "My Gawd, she looks like Phyllis".
ole nib
I'm pretty sure who you are too Nib. I think alot of ppl do also.
Good point Nib....actually I know your name ; I once sent you a photograph to publish on your blog if you desired , and you sent me a thank you email. Back then , in the first few months of your blog , your email address contained your name , just as mine does now. Since then you have changed it to simply "ole nib."
I actually get a kick out of all the speculation as to your true identity , and have never divulged it , nor will I , until the year 2525. I can appreciate your desire to remain anonymous. That's why I am simply "tucker."
But if your memory serves you well , now you now know my name. I don't believe we have ever met and I wouldn't know you if I met you face to face , so there is still a certain amount of anonymity.
Of course you could have been using someone else's computer when you responded.
Pssst everyone : He is really G Gordon Liddy who has secretly moved to Wellsville .
And to whoever took the picture of Johnny Checkler it is a great photograph.
It is more fun not to know who Nib is. Let it go.
It is more fun not knowing ! Iv'e even been asked if I was Ole Nib. A couple people were convinced it was me blogging.
Hey Ole Nib, I'm glad you made it up to the Reunion last weekend. I think we picked the wrong weekend weather wise, but other than that things went pretty well. I was disappointed that we had audio problems for the Legends video Thursday night. That was a lost opportunity for the Legends and their families to see a little bit of their life story on the big screen in front of the public. I was about to melt down in the midst of trying to solve the problem, but luckily my brother Lew was there to calm me. That was a hard lesson learned, and it won't happen again. I will now always have a back-up system to fall back on.
Anyway, I wanted to ask your permission to use the picture of Johnny Checkler in the Checkler Brothers video. For weeks I tried to get a good shot of John but he has been too frail to smile. The shot you got is the one I was looking for. We are about to post all the videos from the weekend on the "" web site. So let me know. I think we're starting to show people what The Riverside Reunion is all about. And I hope more people will get involved and help us improve it. Thanks Nib, hootch2
Tucker - I would have loved to witnessed the occasions when someone asked if you were 'nib. It would have been hard to keep a straight face.
Turning things around a bit I would like to satisfy my curiosity on who "Tucker" and "The Wiz" really are, especially the Wiz.
ole nib
The Wiz , man that has got to be one of the Ville's best kept secrets. I don't have any idea. He's been posting ever since I started reading The Pinworm.
hootch2 - I would be honored if you used some of our photos. In fact if you want I could burn all the pictures taken that night onto a disc for your consideration. The fellow that took the pictures got 71 of 'em. Let me know. You're free to use any of them.
The guy that took the picture of Johnny said he begged Johnny to smile and that was the best he could get.
My apologies to brother Lew for failing to mention him. I wasn't sure who he was until I saw his picture in the papers. I think I got a bit of his profile in the picture.
Everyone involved did a helluva job on putting this year's "reunion" together in spite of the weather and snafus. You have nothing to be ashamed of. I wasn't able to get there Saturday night but Ma Nature gave you one night of beautiful weather and folks tell me there it was SRO for our local band Route 45. Told the missus that would happen, weather permitting.
If I may I would like to suggest better lighting on the podium for the Legends presentations. Some of the photos are kind of dark. It's something to consider for next year.
Now one question I have been curious about - what are the plans for 2010 with the All-Class Reunion?
You and your committee can stand proud. I personally think this years efforts were the best yet.
ole nib
Nib, thanks for letting me use Johnny's photo. It will be the final one on the video. On a sad note, it looks as though Johnny has officially retired. At least that's the word I got the day after the ceremony. So if that's the case, we at least were able to give him a send off of sorts. As for the lighting during the ceremony. It was supposed to be held on the stage itself. But it poured all day so we waited until 5 o'clock and made the decision to hold it indoors. Which is why The Generations Band performed inside. By 7:30 it had cleared and we made a quick reversal and thought the porch would suffice. We definitely needed more light and more audio. More lessons learned. As far as 2010 goes. I have always been of the mind that if The Riverside Reunion were successful, we would work with the Alumni Committee and fill any holes in their schedule that week. It was my intent from the start to bridge the gap between 5 year all school reunions. And also to enhance the BIG Reunion when it rolls around. I think the Tribute video we've done the past 2 years bears out my assessment that we lose too many people in that 5 year span. 131 last year, 109 this year. I need to contact someone from the Alumni Committee soon. If anyone knows who I should talk to, let me know. Thanks, hootch2
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