Speaking of being gone - remember this little building that sat on the east side of Main Street between the old Fire Station and the laundry mat? It's been knocked down. Wish I had a picture of it in its' glory days.
I'm sure it didn't date back too far as some of our other historic structures but it has been there as far back as my memory goes. Now I'm fuzzy on this. I was never in that building but I think I remember it being a hamburger and coffee shop when I was a kid. Maybe some of you folks can help us out here and share some of your memories of this place. I've been told that the people who own the laundry mat used it to store their supplies in for the last few years.
By the way if you care to share pictures old or new or even story ideas about Wellsville please e-mail me at olenib@gmail.com. We'll see what we can work up and get it posted on here. We're always open to ideas.
ole nib
Nib, an old timer told me that Rocky marciano was there one time and had lunch. Don't know if that is true or not.
I drove by there a few days ago and noticed how shabby the old fire station looks. A coat of paint is long over-due. Does the Historical Society take care of it or is it some other volunteer group?
some of my best memories are growing up in Wellsville and on saturday walking with friends to Johnnys lunch, knowing everyone in there,and eating their french fries and gravy, now there is no place like that and there is nothing for the kids to do but hang out on the street
Oh, whoa is me- whoa is me- whoa is the whole area. I'm sick of hearing how there's nothing for the kids to do but hang on the street. For Christ's sake, get a paper route, ride a bike, play pick up football or baseball. When I was growing up we MADE things to do. The problems is these kids are born into single parent home or with parents who are so self absorbed that all the kids do is steal their parents cigarettes or pot and get high. The problem is the parents, not that the kids have nothing to do. Whoa is me- Whoa is me.
re: Good_Grief..The real fact is there is nothing here for the kids, single parent or not. Your bleak stereotyping is stupid and offensive. This is not about assigning blame to anyone it is simply a fact that the kids need a place where they can go and be safe and meet with other kids and have activities.
WHAT WAS THERE FOR THE KIDS YEARS AGO???? The whole point was we MADE something to do. Kids nowadays are lazy. Sitting inside playing play station or Wii is all they do. They are lazy and unimaginative.I don't really care that my comment is offensive. It's the truth and sometimes, the truth hurts. There's a nice pavillion to go sit under. Go do that.
I totally agree with good-grief. When I was growing up we had a skating rink and that was maybe twice a month. Other than that we made our own fun. Hide and seek, kick ball, walk (not drive) to the DQ. Never watched TV until the evening.
The 50's are over. It is a whole new culture now. Just because you played cowboys and Indians and found your own entertainment..that does not negate the fact that there is very little for kids to do in Wellsville. There are supervised activities in the summer at the pavillion and that is great but it is just not enough.
dear good_grief,
first off i am not a single parent i do not drink or do drugs nor am i on welfare, and my kids are all into sports, the fact is there are no skating rinks or movie theatres or arcades, and you sure cant pick up a football game in bad weather, my kids do not sit around all day playing play station or wii for the simple fact we dont have that my kids are good kids and i plan to keep them that way. there is more to life than drugs and not everyone is on them.
I had a bet on whether you would react to my post or not. I win! You can't resist. You are so predictale it is offensive to ones intelligence. We read on ORL you werent coming over here anymore. Please stick to your word. Merry Christmas Loser! HO HO HO
P.S. Everyone:
That really is my favorite memory!
Sorry Everyone:
That was "predictable". I was laughing so hard, I had tears in my eyes and couldnt see.
wiz, where did you learn to write..sitting in the out-house with a copy of Writing For Dummies?
I always tell my son what we used to do when i was growing up and his response was that was then this is now. Then he complains that there is nothing to to. Well go and create something to do, that is within the law. Before the school went up my friends and I would go down and play by the creek and in the wooded area. We would climb up the back side the hill just to go to Hammonds Park, or just walk around town. There were many things to do back then and with some imagination they can come up with something. They can do it, all they have to do is put there minds to use.
Yeah, but you know what happens when people see a group of kids running around these days. They get all scared and call the cops, or go out and yell at them, and they just think the kids are just out to cause trouble. Kids are okay now, just like they always were. And I'm pretty sure that older people complained about all of you being lazy, etc., when you were little too. It's just part of the generation gap, if that's not too old a phrase to still use.
P.S. Nice one on Wiz. He or she can't resist!
Go back to your porn site and your porn friends. No one here wants that stuff or appreciates it..low-life.
Nib, I think it's time to clean out the trash on your blog again.
You people really are sad. You can't even keep one decent topic going without reverting to childish, petty remarks.
And Elaine, whomever you are, why don't you just give up trying to be funny? The only thing you've posted on here is "yada, yada, yada."
If you can't come up with anything more profound than that (it's SOOOO Seinfeld and sooooo over), just don't write anything.
the place where the votes were counted in mayors race ,,, they destroyed the evidence lol
CONGRATULATIONS MAYOR JOE SURACE we are so happy and thrilled that you remain Mayor and just think in January diane dunce i mean dinch sorry, will be gone, even more to celebrate. wooo hooo. its a good day for wellsville. congratulation joe and good luck
All right! Congratulations Mayor Surace! I hope now that it is all over, Matt and Wiz overdose on sour grapes. You know this is killing Matt.
Congrats to mayor Surace!
Sorry Cruella Deville! Go eat some more crow, you and McClelland can discuss your failures over some sour grape wine while gettin your nails down at Hair Raiser.
Maybe Loyd I mean Lloyd shoulda had em put Surace on his signs instead.
The hammer of justice has fallen. 4 more years of PROGRESS for our little town. Even more so that we got rid of cybabies on council.
Congrats to Mayor Joe, and Chief Joe, don't let em get ya down! FOUR MORE YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad mayor Surace won and also glad it is all over. There is a lot to do and even if your man lost we have to keep progressing and trying to make Wellsville a better place for all of us.
congrats Mayor Joe Surace, here is to 4 more years or for as long as you want the mayors job you will always have my vote
Yes Mayor Surace is the best. Thank God For Joe Surace and all his people. Thank You God Thank You for Blessing Wellsville with Joe Surace the best Mayor most honest Mayor across the land.
We Love you Joe. Thank you for all the hard work. Thank you for the best PD along the river. Thank You. We know the other 1/2 town is full of shit. We all know that
We have ridden the width and breadth of this land to find the finest men to run our fair village. It is none other than Sir Joseph and his band of merry men to once again lead us to the promised land.
What I have foretold has come to pass. The white haired king SHALL rule another 8 and 40 moons. His enemies quake in their shoes but will soon reach out to him for favor.
Don't post anonymously and call for us "Lloyd People" to do anything. We backed our candidate and played fair. I do not support Surace, and I never will. I will silently laugh when they haul him out in handcuffs, probably in the near future. Until then, he is the Mayor and deserves the respect due to the Office. I would expect any Lloyd supporter to show the same respect when speaking with or dealing with the Mayor. The man on the hill is another story. I will belly-laugh when he gets what is coming!
Mayors don't solve murders! Also, the Amato case is no longer under the jurisdiction of the Wellsville Police Department.
You show me a town where mayors solve murders, and I'll give you $100.
Thank God for the people he had working inside election polling places, thank god for all they did for him. Because he didn't win on his own merit, he won due to underhanded work of a few. Thank you god for 4 people who had know idea who or what they voted for. Wellsville at the center of corruption in Columbiana County. and beat go's on.
the Amato case is no longer under the jurisdiction of the Wellsville Police Department.
thank god. so now everyone can stop bashing the PD and focus on something else.
I love it. Matt is dismissing Wellsville, as getting what we deserve, ofcourse, only after he insinuates that someone at the election board cheated so Joe could win. Kiss our Wellsville ass Matt. You are a loser and you always back the losers. Your dried up blog site should give you an idea of what everyone thinks of you. Want to shake the Mayors hand and wish him well now. Go F--- Yourself.
I think that people just got sick of the hate-mongering. Matt could have used his forum to constantly expound on Dave's good qualities, his ideas and leadership skills. I guess that is all water under the bridge now, but i do think it played a part in Dave not getting elected.
Matt should go off on his fat merry way with Mrs. Simms and be done with it.
Go clean up your mess at Bogies.
I love how Matts latest post starts out "I see where the Wellsville Mayoral election results have held up in the recount." What a joke! Like Matt was foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog for weeks and months over this race. Now all of a sudden he is trying to come off like he is a bystander noticing the outcome. I hate him and his hypocrisy. Why doesnt he act like a man and come out and apologize to the Mayors family and supporters who he kicked in the teeth and insulted daily just for fun and mean vindictivness. Matt, at least act like a man, and dont pretend you dont care about this race after everything you put everyone through.
I like how Matt Stewart denies the racist Muhammad Jones is himself. The fool can't disguise his own writing style. It would be one thing if it was funny, but he's too desperate, work on it son. He has dissolved into a complete and utter laughingstock of the blogger website.
Now it's easy to see why he was fired at the Review. I wouldn't wanna pay him 7 bucks an hour either.
Too bad he doesnt fire himself from ORL. Welcome to the world of blogging Matt. Oh, fire Mohammed too, you're both losers.
You really can go F___ yourself. Who are you to say we get what we deserve. Like we deserved the shit you pulled down on our heads everyday. Wellsville got along without you before, we are happy to do it again. Get a real job and life, Mohammed or whatever you are calling yourself on your washed up site. Find a new hobby.
sickening, go back to ORL. sounds like you're just a little sore. sucks to be a loser, i guess. get ya another candidate in 2011 and come on back.
did anyone see in todays paper where lloyd said they tried to keep it clean, yeah right, the spray paint on joe's mother's sign and the notes that was left at his house by no other than the two fireman, and the prank phones calls, this is all stuff that is real mature NOT, yeah right they tried they just did not succeed
now that the election is over let us all get over it and start getting back to normal, christmas is just around the corner let us spend it with family and close friends, enjoy life and everyone here have HAPPY HOLIDAYS
I couldn't agree more..lets keep it positive .
[Quote: Anonymous said...
sickening, go back to ORL. sounds like you're just a little sore. sucks to be a loser, i guess. get ya another candidate in 2011 and come on back.]
I am not "sore" because, (1) I don't live in Wellsville so can't vote there, anyway; (2) Could care less who your mayor is; (3) am not a supporter of either Surace or Lloyd; (4) am no fan of Matt Stewart's.
I was just commenting on the caliber of the comments being made and, since they are apparently all Surace supporters, on how poorly that reflects upon your mayor.
I read both ORL and VilleView (as well as, gasp, dare I say it? SEVERAL newspapers and watch SEVERAL news programs each day) to try and find some enlightenment on what people are thinking...if this is the way you all think, again I say, "God help that town."
Jayme - I completely agree. Didn't get a chance to get on here for a few days and got blind sided. I deleted a bunch of what is nothing more than just down right obscenity. If it continues I will definitely have to go to previewing comments which will really slow down everything before anything gets posted.
I agree with "can't wait". We Suracers got an early Christmas present, and I for one really am happy about it. Let the Lloyd people lick their wounds, go around saying how clean their campaign was and let Matts blogsite wither away. The rest of us can enjoy the Holidays, happy in the fact that Joe will be our Mayor and Wellsville can move forward. HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE1
If the mayor believes that Lloyd or any of his campaign people spray painted his signs, why did he not ask the police to have an investigation? Surely if some of you know who did it, the police could check into this. I suppose if I were running for office and my campaign manager and his wife were working the precinct at village hall, I would be playing fair too. Maybe if I had members of the democratic party call "my people" and shame them into voting for me. Better yet, let's have my police chief call people and approach them at home and intimidate them to vote for me. You can't deny any of this. I know this will prompt the serpent tongues to come out but go ahead. The mayor claims a break down in communication and promises to communicate with his administration. Hope that includes council. He is responsible for keeping the lines of communication open and let's hope he holds true to his promise. I hope this close race was any eye opener for him. Half the town was pleased with his last four years but half was not. Better do something about that department that is causing you all this trouble mayor because it will only get worse if you don't get a grip on it.
to anonymous 648 i am very sure the fire department will get what is coming to them and only because of a few firemen that did what they did and they know who they are and by the way never accuse somebody of something unless you are 100% sure leaves you open for liable suit
well getalife it is clear you are an officer or related to one. you know damn well I am not speaking about the wfd and they didn't cost the village a bunch of money investigating problems in their department. liable is nothing when you have proof.
if you ask me you sound like a fireman that lives in the vicinity lets say between 10th and 12th street..... are you a little bit bitter....oh by the way i am not a officer nor a relative
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