While Matt is ranting and raving & getting us all stirred up we should all take a moment to breath and appreciate what Ma Nature has to give us. While cruising through Racoon State Park today I was able to capture this chillin' photo of the splendor of a fall afternoon. Ain't it pretty? Now wasn't that relaxing....
ole nib
Great pic, Nib. Fantastic.
Really nice picture, ole nib.
Yeah, he does rant and rave. He should not be repeating gossip about some signs that could start even more bad feelings. Why would someone do that? Anyway, this is a great picture ole nib. Thanks for sharing it with everyone.
Ole nib, thanks. Matt does set everyone on edge, and its nice of you to calm us down. Beautiful picture.
Wouldnt it be nice if Greg Rayburn was still in town and he was covering the elections. We could probably actually gage what is really going on.
ole nib
thanks for the photo. living in the southwest for close to 20 years makes ya a bit forgetful of how beautiful the areas around the ville can be this time of year. thanks for the beautiful picture
It would be great if someone could start another small paper for the Ville. That is something I see happening as we start growing. I actually know some folks who are interested in doing that.
I know who you are talking about. We should encourage him, when the time is right to go for it. It was nice having that paper. I think he took it to Lisbon and different areas also. He had local advertising and stories. It wasnt hateful either.
[Quote: He had local advertising and stories. It wasnt hateful either.]
That's not a newspaper; that's called a newsletter or Public relations.
[Quote: Miss Greg said...
Wouldnt it be nice if Greg Rayburn was still in town and he was covering the elections. We could probably actually gage what is really going on.]
At first I thought you meant you could "gag" and then I realized what you meant. I think my original thought was closer to the truth of the matter in regard to that former "newspaper." Puleeze.
Do you want the truth or do you want everything whitewashed and purty???
Is Greg still around the area, maybe we could coax him back. I think he would have a lot of support now and folks to help him with the paper.
That is a beautiful picture, I wanted to ask if I might copy the picture and use it in a graphic I am working on, it is strictly for personal use.
Thank you
Greg had a nice paper. It wasnt a garbage pit like ORL. There is interest in a paper again in the ville. No, I dont need everything whitewashed and pretty, I just dont need the bloodbath on ORL.
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