On the back page of Section B in this morning's Review was a piece by Lucille Huston about Wellsville's Mayor Joe Surace taking the Chamber of Commerce on a "talking tour" of the village. As per usual when the Mayor and his trusty sidekick, Village Administrator Jim Saracco, start talking more questions come to mind. To me the "talking tour" sounded more like a political sound bite but hey, the rah-rah publicity was free. It was all positive.
Now lets move on the the questions that will probably be unanswered for the most part:
1. When they stopped at the light at Rt. 45 & Lisbon Street where were they? There's a stop sign there but the traffic light is long gone.
2. When mentioning the rerouting of the water line for Highland Ave. the good mayor said a new street is to be installed. Are we talking about the old dirt road street that came off Rt. 45 a little bit further up from the current street going up the side of the hill? I think that one was an access road to the the water tower. Where is the street going to be? The last time I was up there it was so congested I turned around and got out of there. With just about every family having two or more cars they do need a way to get off the hill without having to reverse their course. It's a good idea but the money it will cost in this cash strapped village worries me. How do you plan on paying for this?
3. The mayor also has visions of a small park with benches. Again I ask where? Is this going to be another grant application? Whatever happened to the Riverside project?
4. A day care center is another excellent idea. It would be a good use for the 9th Street pottery site. Since the Rev. Thompson is involved is this going to be a religious affiliated day care? If it comes to past who will own and maintain it? Who will be financially responsible for the cost of building it?
5. The Gazebo does need repairs. It would be wonderful if the Joint Vocational School would undertake the labor with their construction students. Who will pay for the materials? Has it been determined exactly what needs to be done and a cost study made for the repairs? Will it be put up for bid? When is this going to get done? We're getting close to the end of the school year. Maybe Mrs. Gates will right the wrong with the Whittacre House Stone memorial in conjunction with this project.
6. So it was ODOT that dumped the contaminated soil at 9th St. With all the shrugging of shoulders a few months ago I never was sure until today. Go get 'em Joe. Hopefully we won't have to waste money going to court to get ODOT to clean up the dirty soil and dispose of it properly. I never could fathom someone sneaking in truck loads of lead laced soil and dumping it there under the cover of darkness.
7. Why do we need a new building for Village Hall? Why, why,why? It may sound like I'm whining but it just doesn't make sense to me economically. Granted a new roof and fixing the brick work will be expensive but to me that would be more cost effective than taking on the cost of a newly constructed building. If the foundation is 100 year old stone walls it would be cheaper to shore them up with new block and support beams. McDonald School would be more expensive to repair and maintain. I'm told the roof on that building is very questionable too.
8. A company by the name of Bench Electric from Alliance finally got all the lights on Broadway working. It looks nice. What did that job cost us? With all the trucks and electricians that worked on them it had to cost a pretty penny. Are the Logans still taking on the cost of getting the fountains going? A few years ago it was told that in honor of their parents the Logans were sponsoring this project. The Logans use to live on Broadway.
9. What's coming in the way of additional murals for the flood wall? Gina Hampson has done a wonderful job with what is up there. Don't keep us in suspense. What new scenes are planned?
10. Finally the mayor said that the OEPA has zero tolerance for the coal dust being tracked out of Wellsville Terminals. I've already written and asked about the costs of a new road for the coal buckets. My question today is who is enforcing the OEPA's zero tolerance? Just yesterday I happened down that way and witnessed a loaded truck leaving there. If that sucker had been hosed down I'll eat my hat. There was no signs of water, wetness or dampness visible on that truck. I even circled around to catch the truck on Clark to double check. The driver stopped at the convenience store on 17th and his truck was dry as a bone. Could fines be issued for being in noncompliance with this policy?
All of this sounds wonderful and I would like to see it happen. A politician has to have dreams and visions for accomplishments but we taxpaying voters would like to know the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey use to say. It was reassuring to hear that all departments are staying within their budgets but what's going to become of the funding for the budgets if even half of these items see the light of day? We got to be realistic if we're going to stay the course.